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Thank you so very much! The general consensus is that the UI needs work, so I'm making plans for revision. Thrilled that you enjoyed what's here. 

Thank you so very much. The general consensus seems to be that the UI needs a bit of work and that the game needs to be easier to read. Notes are being made, plans for the next version written. Thrilled that you enjoyed what is here now.

Thanks for the incredible praise. 

Thank you so much! It's going on my Pocket right now! 

I haven't lost this much at this particular style of card game since I first played Final Fantasy VIII. 

Any chance I can get an Analogue Pocket download so I can obsessively play this on an upcoming road trip? Also, this rules. 

Nice and crunchy little arcade shooter. This is the second game that I've played that reminded me of playing the Game and Watch collections on Gameboy, specifically in how movement is to fixed locations. The voice sample on the title screen gave me old school Resi vibes too. Very cool.

Hooked me from the first level. Stellar level design, nice and varied, challenging in all the ways I expect from a gameboy game except for the fact that I had infinite tries. Great music and visual design. Fantastic little game that could easily have been sold on the shelves in '91 with another two levels. 

About to go click to follow your account for when more of this gets made. I have fawned over the visuals in this game on the discord a few times already, so I'll move onto the game itself - it's promising. Extremely promising. Obviously there isn't a lot to judge here as this is a concept demo made over the span of days, but it suggests a great deal of depth. Controls feel great, the animations on the cat are wonderful - especially as a ghost. I can't wait to see the whole thing! 

Thrilled to see that someone sees some of the DNA behind this idea. Also, I laughed so hard that my wife thought something was wrong with me when I read the last line of your comment. Thanks for playing! 

The highest kind of praise. Thank you! 

Genuinely upset that it ended so soon. Nice escalation in difficulty too. 

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The purest arcade style gold. It's everything that makes me dump quarters into a House of the Dead machine shrunk down to a single screen of fun. Posting my score because I'm not sure if it's a high one, but it was several minutes of cathartic glee. 

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Being bad and rating this one before I've finished it simply because I love it and am going to have to make time to finish it proper. This is hitting just right since I've recently been playing old bump combat RPGs including the first and third Hydlide. Extremely cool game. 
(Yes, I know I should have played Ys instead, but I haven't gotten copies of those yet.)

There were a few instances where I couldn’t tell if I had finished Hoovering up some ashes. It was mostly an issue with the long dark ghost. 

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Thanks for the input as well as the compliments! I've updated the game page with a couple of extra details to make this clearer in the short term, and I'll work out a fix when I update the game after the jam. Additionally, I've tossed a couple of light tips into the game page for anyone else who plays. Definitely needed to know where I'm not meeting the player enough! 

Oy God, that creature in the living room...evokes the Francisco Goya painting Saturn Devouring His Son. Unfinished or not, this is a fun little concept. I do think that maybe the music sounds a little too hi-fi for GameBoy, or maybe I've just listened to too much of my own bleeps-and-bloops over the last week to know any better. Regardless, keep at it!

I cackled with glee so many times. The gritty death metal sound effects of picking up fuel canisters or repair wrenches, the sheer ridiculousness of the giant pumpkin soaring into view. Fantastic, visually and conceptually. Driving this hunk of a Studebaker (complete with it's tank like body that should have crumbled to dust as many times as I hit the fences in the middle of the map) feels suitably weighty, and the inclusion of tank controls for the car is just right. Very cool game, I'd love to play more of it. 

Fun concept. It reminds me more of a Game and Watch game, which I first experienced through Game Boy collections, so it fits fine enough. This is clearly more in concept stage, but it's got a fun loop to it. I do think that the controls take some getting used to, but through the lens of a Game and Watch type game, that's also okay. Those had odd controls that took a bit of getting used to as well. Still, a fine bit of old school arcade fun that ramps up nicely as it progresses.

I topped out with a score of 72.

Okay, admittedly, I was excited about this one from seeing screen caps in the discord over the last week, but the end result left me with mixed feelings. As much as I adore the visual design, it definitely makes the game hard to read. I love it but I don't love what it does to the gameplay. The vacuum function, fine in concept, feels a little off. I don't dislike this though, and I think that with time and polish, it could be great. Also, this may just be me, but I couldn't get the shop screen to work. Maybe it was because I didn't have enough ash. Still, just a note. Music is great.

Amusing, surprisingly intense. Fantastic music and a tight gameplay loop. I love it. 

Having spent a lot of time on the GB Jam discord, this one was one of the games I was most excited to play. It did not disappoint. Magnificent visual design and a great core mechanic in this one. It is quite tough though, at least for me. Very cool. 

I died more times than I'd like to admit. Controls feel great though, despite my ineptitude. Very fun. 

Charming. The sprite work is rich and classic. The music and sound effects that are in play are quite good, though I would have liked more (time obviously being a restraining factor, I can't really hold this against the game). It's a game about something quite frightening - not being able to afford health care. 

Keep it up. I'd love to see more like this in the future!