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A member registered Oct 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Love the visuals and the control feels very responsive

Love the concept, but the pacing is rough

Wow did I struggle with world->screen coordinate translation. It was a learning experience though. Thanks for looking!

Some good style here

You achieved a really satisfyingly somber tone in some parts of the song

Love the crazy ending

Good game track vibes

Really strong melody work!

I loved the reflective walls and how the clouds traced along them

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I liked that tutorial screen pan. The primary mechanic is great, and you handled it (introduce - test - elaborate) really well.

I managed to get myself stuck under a moving platform haha

I liked playing 2P alone tbh - apparently I'm right handed because that one kept winning

This is making me nostalgic for something I can't put my finger on...

Those are some slick maps

Love the smashbot

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I reflected shots back at the wall so may times rofl - I think this actually probably increased the fun factor tbh

Seeing a promise type error in the console; game not loading for me. Any advice?

Really tight controls! I've had trouble with some of these KB-move, Mouse-fire entries but this one is solid in terms of playability. I love the shadows of birds fleeing the bosses, that's a really great touch.

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FYI for anyone who can't get it to run: I had to make an exception on content blocking in FF for it to work.
With that said, not sure what it is besides a lovely animation! If there's something I've missed please let me know so I can rate it on what it is!

As has been said, but cannot be overstated, this game has a lot of charm and character. Very well developed world even for its size with lots of wonderful dialogue developing the cast. The voice acting does so much work to bring it to life - really good choice to prioritize that.

Loved it. The fleshing out of the main character's thoughts and their descriptive surroundings was really satisfying. Also seems we took similar thematic approaches to this jam...

Sorry for the confusion everyone - you can edit the controls in the options menu and view the defaults there. Default controls are:
Move L/R -> Arrow L/R
Pick up -> Arrow Up
Drop -> Arrow Down
Place -> Spacebar
That last one is really the key to being able to complete the game

Very cool style. Last one was tricky.

Congratulations. This is very good.

Using 1-5 keys you can select and then, if you press the same key again, fire or a different key to swap with the piece in that spot. After two moves it switches to the next player, but unfortunately it stalls there. You might need to click in the box again in order to get it to capture the input.

(2 edits)

Submitted late and it was still broken!

I wanted to incorporate deceit into my game to get at the theme of "not everything being what it seems," so I devised a simple matching game where you want to move opposite colors next to each other and execute the match, assuming the displayed colors of your opponent's pieces are the pieces' actual colors. This is how it became a competitive game. Destroying all of an opponent's pieces in this way, or destroying enough that you can strike an empty space five times is a victory. Each player gets two moves/fires per turn.

This was my first time incorporating 3D graphics into a game so this was a lot of fun! They're a lot typing but a lot easier for prototyping than sprite-based games it seems...

Your whole concept is very endearing and the soundtrack is high quality and suitable to games. I loved "Resolve" - jazzy little piece that, if I hadn't already gotten the Earthbound vibe, would have sold it for me. Great job!

I liked the first half a lot more than the second... Something about the melodic line that comes in half way through, it worked very nicely for the build, and it had an ethereality to it, but I think maybe the first part gave me more of a slow, meditative game and the latter injected more anxiety. I really liked it! 

Feels really busy/close for ambient music. It could benefit from more space - between notes, in the mix, something along those lines would help capitalize on the piano's ambience.

Huge props for including 67P. That's setting a good five-star bar for theme correlation.

Really liked the quiet meditative melodies on this soundtrack and the gently energizing final track

Sick. Absolutely excellent tracing of your game's emotional arc. Out of the Fog was definitely my favorite but Stormy Sea had such an amazing buildup.

Not sure how well this would work as a HUB theme, maybe if the HUB area had a lot of stuff going on on it's own, but otherwise it feels a bit driven for that. Either way I really think you captured the sort of 80's future metropolis vibe. Really liked the tight arrangement.

I like that your tracks are developed enough that you were able to add some of the awesome ornamentation, especially on the guitar work. There's some cool dark layers, like the dramatic piano piece and the segments with the electric guitar

The desert track - I loved it so much. Awesome melody and slick percussion work.

Ah this is wonderful. It's meditative, reflective; a very good track for a calm journey through recollective landscapes.

I liked how you had a platform-sort of theme driving your creation. And of course it was my favorite platform you had to choose :D Very simple, which is a good thing for a game soundtrack in a lot of cases. It seemed a bit tense for a "peaceful" environmental exploration though. Might have been the tempo...

I think you nailed what you were going for. It's got a perfect march sound cuing the player that the quest has begun! The melodic interplay is very tightly arranged. Great work!

Cool rhythms in this set create the necessary sense of urgency for the game you described! The first song has a very cerebral feel and the second had a great bass line.