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A member registered Dec 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the constructive criticism, really appreciate it. This is the kind of comment I’ve been longing for!

Also the secret area is just a reward for people who explore, but coins shouldn’t spawn there more than once!

Thanks for the review, ❤️

Hahaha, this game is amazing and so fun!

Everything, from the art-style, to the voice-acting, to the punching bag when you parry, to the self-image of the punching bag. So extremely fun and well polished! The only thing I'd like to suggest for a potential improvement/ motivator for the player is that, if the boxer misses and loses Drive, then perhaps hitting the punching bag again could increase it slightly?

This game was really hard, but also very fun! Loved the music and the art, and the game felt really polished! I ended up beating almost the entire game with the zombie and three bats, aside from the last level that forced me to purchase a fifth slot.

Ahh no I was so close, the snake got stuck in itself, 😂

The game is really fun, sound, music and graphics are good, gameplay feels smooth and polished, and I really like the fact you integrated the tutorial into the gameplay rather than having a wall of text.

Really liked this concept, it was super-fun! Unfortunately the game kept freezing after a few rounds and I had to refresh the browser. 

I didn't read the tutorial, it was too much text. I think it would be more approachable if you made the tutorial a part of the gameplay.

I could definitely see myself playing this in the future though. Great idea!

At first I thought I was helping the boss, lol. I think the game would benefit by making the instructions part of the game, making the players intro to the game more interactive and fun. Long instructions in the beginning are hard to grasp if you don't know anything about the game. Also I think the game could benefit from some music.

Aside from that, I really liked the idea. Definitely has potential! Great job on finishing and submitting a game! <3

(1 edit)

The art is really cute! I feel like the camera being zoomed in without any indicator on where the orbs spawned made the game immensely more difficult. Also in the instructions, I think rather than having two separate images of the orb in its different states, it would be less confusing to either have one of the images, or an animated image. For a few attempts I thought I was looking for two different things.

I also think the mechanic with the bullets shooting backwards was really cool! But I still don't understand the purpose of the orbs, x)

Game was fun though, great job, <3

The music was fitting and the art is really cute!  Controls were also smooth and didn't feel weird. The game is really well polished in general! Awesome submission!

This game was fun! A  creative take on Papers Please! Definitely enjoyed playing it. The music was good, and the graphics were also really good! Well polished!

Game was really fun to play!

One thing that bothered me was that I couldn't pick up items the hero was standing on. Also, the later upgrades prevent you from having more than one potion. It would be nice if you could store items next to the crafting-table or similar, maybe? Although, if this is a limitation for balancing, then that's okay, but then I would kinda like to know what recipes I'm able to make.

This idea definitely has potential! However, I couldn't really figure out how to finish the level. I gave each guard their respective item, but the elevator didn't unlock. Also maybe I gave the wrong guards the wrong things; I couldn't figure out who the bathroom guard was, nor who the classroom guard was.

Something that could definitely be improved upon is, if you've bribed a guard, they shouldn't still send you back to the start.

However, I really do like the concept!

This game is really good!
Really love the music, and the snakes are super-cute!

Wanted to see if the snakes would find the "quickest" way to the player, and they jumped over the box and ate me, lmao.

It would be really nice if the settings also had audio-settings.

Not sure if the game is too hard/ unbalanced or if it's just me who's bad, but I couldn't reach the tower ever and all my spawns got one-shot and I kept running out of money.

The aesthetics and retro look are great though! Game definitely has potential.

Level 3: Whether you can win this level or not is completely random, depending on the survivors position on your 3rd turn.

Level 4: The HUD covers part of the level. I also couldn't beat this level because the collision with the box messed up after a few moves. Tried a different direction and it worked, but by that time I'd already lost enough steps.

The graphics are fairly simple. Since the player, the survivor and the things that kill you are simply solid objects, I think the games aesthetics could benefit from the background, boxes and buttons also utilising the same aesthetics (basically solid colours rather than textures). The music is a bit too intense I think for this type of game.

Aside from that, I felt like the players moves in the first levels were just random, and having to wait for the player to finish its moves felt a bit useless in the context of the game. It didn't give me (as a player) anything. But only having reached the fourth level, I don't know if future levels have a use for the player doing its moves. Regardless, if the player does move for a reason, I think that should be introduced earlier on.

All in all, the game has potential, but needs polishing! Great job, <3

(1 edit)

I actually managed to beat it the second time. It's super random if you're lucky enough for the survivor to be within reach or not. Unless you mean level 4, where I couldn't beat it because of a collision bug with the box.

This was fun! As others have previously mentioned, it would be nice if you didn't have to spam the left mouse button to shoot. I'm also curious why the main character has a TV on their head.

For the size issue of the web-player, I simply zoomed out my browser window (ctrl/ cmd + minus-sign) until it fit.

This game felt like some interactive music-video, but it was really fun, and I loved the song, 😂

Love how simple this idea is while still being fun. Presentation looks polished.

It really boggles my head around though. When there's a lot of empty space around the pipe and I see birds coming from the left, I press the up arrow a lot to have them go above the pipe, and then I lose because some birds to the right hit the roof. Basically because the direction is reversed from the original game, I think I'm playing as the birds and not as the pipe, and it's all so very confusing, 🤣

I really did enjoy this game though!

Game was fun to play, presentation was cute.

The controls were a bit whacky - probably a skill issue on my end though. It was responsive. A bit frustrating that I needed to have enough acceleration to push vehicles away, but that's probably just because I don't want to risk squashing insects, 😂

Game was fun though, music was fitting, art was cute. Good job!

This game was super-fun! The art style was super-cool and I kept zooming in wanting to look at it, and the music fit so extremely well with the setting.

I would like to see options to play without a mouse that has a scroll-wheel (perhaps WASD to pan the view).

Also, after a certain point, I asked myself "What's the goal?". It's really chill to just lay eggs and spawn tons of anglerfish, but is there more to it? I encountered the submarine and a mine, but I couldn't interact with them in any way. I was confused by the description that indicated you could eat those as well.

But yeah, I really enjoyed this game. Could probably get lost in it (not just literally because it's mostly black), the aesthetics are simply amazing.

The game was fun to play. Lacked a few more traps, and perhaps different kinds of goblins, like hob-goblins and the likes. Also, as stated in a previous comment, hotkeys for placing would be nice. Also for when wanting to place multiples, it'd be nice to not have to go into the shop each time. Also, rather than a shop, I wonder if it'd be more immersive if there were simply buttons at the bottom of the screen rather than having to open up a dialog.

The characters bobbing around was kinda hilarious. The game was however a wee. bit too dark (referring to the lighting here). Also I'm not sure if the goblins cowering in the corner until they get killed/ escaping the dungeon are a part of the game or a bug. However if it's part of the game, perhaps some speech-bubble of the goblin saying "screw this, I'm out" or similar to show that it's intended would make more sense to the player.

Also, music and some faint growls as well as just some sound effect for battles would add more immersion I think. And showing health-bars for goblins, damage indicators during battle and timers for the spike-traps I believe would also make it feel a bit less random.

Fun game! Played it on my laptop, and placing enemies strategically and fast enough for them to be challenging for the AI was really hard. I don't think a single one managed to hit the AI even once, up to wave 11.

Also for the upgrades, I got one to improve my abilities for when spawning: the "decrease radius" one. Not sure if there are others, but perhaps something to improve upon is to add more for when you're spawning monsters, and also if you already have others, to balance the rate at which they appear and not just show upgrades randomly. Also at one point early on I had 3 self-sabotage upgrades that were "Take double damage".

But these are just balancing stuff, which I know isn't a priority during a Jam. All in all, I definitely think this idea has potential. It enjoyed playing it, it was super-fun!

The UI could use some polish, but it's clear what stuff are and it works and I didn't encounter any issues playing it.

The art and music were really nice! Aside from that the game is really simple, and as others have already mentioned, it's impossible to lose.

Some things that could've made it more challenging/ strategic would be to give the boss different abilities to use, and options. Not just who to attack.

Perhaps also if part of the game was to direct your minions in the dungeon before the boss-fight to wear out the hero's party before they reach you. The better you place them, the more worn out your party becomes.

I believe these could add more depth to the game.

(2 edits)

Love the aesthetics! The idea is great.

Some things that struck me while playing it:

- It would be nice if the speed gradually increased as the car accelerated, so that making the car drive longer distances and then have a ramp would make the car jump longer.

- On the second level, I managed to set the bouncy thing as my first block and have that be enough for the car to reach the goal, but couldn't reproduce that. However when trying I realised I could move blocks up/ down as well (didn't read the tutorial too thoroughly). This on the other hand made me think that it would also be nice if fall-speed increased the bounce of the bouncy-thing.

- Also after dying the wait for the car to respawn is okay the first few times, but after a while it gets tedious.

- I'm not entirely sure how the score system works, even after reading the tutorial. That might be my still lacking a few hours of sleep though.

(2 edits)

Great idea! The puzzle aspect of it was fun, but once I'd reached 0 points I could simply stand on the orbs and wait for the loot to appear and pick it up to just nullify it.

As others have pointed out, the execution could be improved upon. Something I struggled with a couple of times in the beginning was when I reached for the door and went a bit too much to the right and fell out of the screen bounds.

Also I personally felt the text explaining the lore was a bit too long. I feel if you made it more interactive/ part of the game, it could really improve upon the setting.

Also one thing I kept thinking while playing was "what level am I on" after the text showing the level disappeared. Perhaps leave that in?

Also one last thing: I think it'd improve the experience if the door didn't only trigger "OnEnter", but also if you're already standing in it when it unlocks.

All in all it was fun to play!