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Unexpected Panic!View game page

Expect the Unexpected
Submitted by IanLindsey — 4 hours, 26 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 87 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

What do you like about your game?
The funny script & characters and turning the whole unexpected theme on it's head

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Damn :D 

That's one of the best games I've seen so far! Short but effective.

The voicing is something, I've real struggled a lot with. But you got this perfect! 



Great game visual, this is some professional level production. The only minor issue is hitting detection of the security room fight is not working well, can not deal demage unless I press the box in robot's face then click the button, even after doing that it's not certain do deal demage. I specially love the reflection of enviroment for the materials.


Thanks - glad you enjoyed it. 
I’ll look into the collision, try bringing the boxes closer to you using the mouse wheel and then throwing them - that tends to work best.
The damage will only register if they hit the bot above a certain amount of velocity. 


This is funny and well made. I enjoyed the game all the way through. The only bug I found was that the ending didn't show properly on my Ultrawide. But other than that, very good job.


A funny short and enjoyable experience! How all the unexpected can be expected in this game is just fantastic! It made me chuckle multiple times! In just a short period is great!  I loved the sound you gave to the bots and the satire on it.  As I said a really enjoyable piece with a well-rounded design, Really original. And Sealed! Congrats!!




Very funny and very unexpected. Somebody needs to stop the spread of aberration desease :D.


I know! I think we're going to have to start wearing different coloured masks or something...


Damn bro. I really enjoyed and got to the blue screen error HAHA. I really liked your game, graphics, sound, humor etc. The only critic is, the mouse movement was too fast. Other than that awesome work man. Best of luck


Loved it, it oozes game jam goodness. The robot accents seemed to swap between southern, brooklyn, and boston lol 

Developer (1 edit)

haha - yeah, that's me being English trying to put on my generic American accent for ya - I can only apologise!

Glad you enjoyed the game though...


This was very fun to play and fits the theme very well. Amazing!


I was in stitches the whole time. "What? You never played a game before?" in the beginning was hilarious!

Developer (1 edit)

Glad it made you laugh - that was whole purpose really!

Just spent the last 10 minutes eating baby crabs in your game - great stuff :)


This game is on another level. The graphics and the animations are really cool! Good job!


i can't believe this... 3 minutes in and im get called out for taking my time... they're absolutely right though xd.

hooooly this game is so polished and well crafted, insane how much was accomplished in 9 days! this was such a genuinely fun experience all around with everything being so packed with charm and character! this game gives me a lot of "Dr Langaskov, The Tiger,  and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist" vibes and the humor is on par! all the characters are so lovable and personable while some are also endearingly snide xd. i would just sit there waiting for the next piece dialogue cuz it so good (hence the callout). and hearing the "not so subtle" nods regarding how a certain game design decision was handled or how things relate to the theme always brought a smile on my face.

the environment is incredible as well! it looks like a lot of thought was put into how things are arranged to look natural! it looks production ready and feels comparable to existing games like Davey Wreden's other games or Superliminal! the chromatic aberration integration was super cool as well, i like how both the shader looks and how chromatic aberration was used later on in the game.

this was such a pleasure to play, im floored! great work!


I genuinely enjoyed this game so much, it was an aberration how much I enjoyed it (in a good way) Good job, the fact this was made in 9 days is truly impressive. 


Impressive one person can deliver this amount of polish for jam! Also had a blast playing it.

One small issue, throwing boxes when close to the bots causes them to miss always. Took me a while to figure that out.


Thanks... and thanks again for the heads up about the boxes being close. The hit is registered by how fast the box hits the target, so I guess if it's too close, it won't have reached enough velocity to register the damage...didn't spot that- but I could special case it and just do a distance check when it's fired :)


Man I was so excited to play this game :( To think that Chris died in vain...

Jokes aside, this really is a fantastic entry. It has a cohesive and charming visual design, fantastic audio design which even includes boss music, and an out-of-the box approach to the jam theme. The voice acting is just the cherry on top.

Each 'level' had tips that would help to direct players if they didn't know what to do while also being funny enough to entertain players who didn't need them, which is an excellent design choice.

Very impressive, great work!


Amazing game! I saw you are a pretty experienced developer, so it makes total sense for you to build something as high quality as this. Great job, it was really fun to play and well-polished. I really liked the dialogues and interactions with the Abberation Bots =))


Haha, this was great fun! I enjoyed there being different things to do to clear the game, and the variety of sneezes on offer was 👌

I struggled a little bit with the boss battle until I realised I was standing too close when throwing the blocks, but all in all had a really good time playing this :) So impressed you managed to get all of this done within the time! 


Very nice!
I thought the visuals were very well done.
The humor was a bit on the nose but definitely got a few chuckles out of me

good work!


haha - yeah, that was the plan - the theme is so in your face that the theme itself is Unwelcome… bit of a gamble, I know.

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it 👍


lol, well played


Hahahaha, silly fun game! It's very rare to see voice acting in game jam games, pretty cool! Graphics are also pretty well made, the minigames were cool too, and the extremely shoved-on-your-face theme made for cool comedy. I have to say I was expecting something to go "as expected" because the expectation was that something weird would happen, hahahah! Maybe that was the plan, actually? You got me sir, hahaha. Main critiques would be that the end of the fuse game things got a little too much meanwhile the "boss fight" was pretty well executed. That first guy was super annoying but I'm sure that was the plan, as he was completely ignorable. It's a cool game, reminds me a bit of these old adventure games, or even those modern games that are filled with mini games too. Good job!


Thanks for playing - glad you enjoyed it 👍

Absolutely the aberration theme was definitely shoved in your face, with every type of aberration I could think of, but as you recognised - that was the idea! The plan was that it’s sooo in your face the theme itself became an Unwelcome aberration too.

Yeah, that first guy is annoying, I think I over pitched him and added too much dialog in there - I was just riffing away when making it and got a bit carried away! 😂 


I absolutely loved this one. Its a silly little game that mixes a bunch of different types of aberrations, such as stuff suddenly changing places and even a way to fit in chromatic aberrations. In the end it gives to a wonderful experience with awesome everything, although sometimes it may become a bit repetitive, or even the themes of aberration seem to be very on the nose, with the characters literally saying "Oh look, im doing an aberration, LOOK at me, look, look". I guess that was kind of the point, but i personally found it a bit annoying. Another part that had me feel weird were the animations of the models with arms and hands. Even though most of the environment is cool, I cant help but feel that the character animations are very... human like. I have a feeling you did motion capture to create the animations, which is not necessarily a bad thing if you did use it, its just not necessarily a animation style i love. Overall, even though it wasn't a perfect experience, i still enjoyed it, and the boss against the security bot has to be my favorite boss fight in a game, PERIOD.


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Yeah the idea was to be very in your face with the whole Aberration theme, that was the plan - so much so, that the theme itself is ‘Unwanted’ as an ironic twist. I hope some  people got it 👍 That’s the thing with doing a comedy/parody game, it’s going to be a bit hit and miss I think…

Good point on the characters 👍 Yeah, I did mo-cap them using a system I made using a VR headset. I wanted them to be really characterful, but you’re right, I could’ve definitely made the movements more robot like - not sure how a robot looks when sneezing, but that would’ve been funny!

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