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Game's Take on the Theme
You, as Metal Top Solid, will face huge enemies
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
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It lacks of sound effects, but the idea is great. You really added the ability to customize your beiblade? Damn bro, that's cool
I really like the take on the theme but I wish you could do a bit more with your spinning other than it being only your health bar.
I tremendously enjoyed the customization option. You spoke to the beyblade kid in my heart that I'd almost forgotten about. Your top design, terrain design and boss design were all super impressive to look at.
Honestly, this game is really good. I kept dying over and over, but I couldn’t stop trying. Every time I failed, I just wanted to go back and do better. The gameplay is addictive, the mechanics feel smooth, and it’s just an all-around fun experience. Even with the challenge, it never felt unfair—it just made me want to improve. I love it! Definitely worth playing.
Amazing visuals and concept! I liked it a lot. I never expected a Beyblade game wow!
This is a really polished game! The first boss being a mech driven by a top made me laugh a lot. You've got great music, good juice, the intro narrative is really fun, boss designs are all different and cool, and I really like the customization!
One piece of feedback I have is that there is only one shooting sound and it gets really repetitive. When you have an action that repeats incredibly often, I'd aim to have two or three sound effects for it. But even if you only have one a great trick is adjusting the pitch by a random amount when it is played. I like to start with a range range of 0.95 - 1.05 the sound effects pitch and adjust from there. Just that small variance even on a single sound effect makes it so the effect doesn't get repetitive to the players ear.
Awesome job!
Cool take on the theme, this was a pretty fun playthrough, nice job team!! The "beyblade", boss, and environment models are simple but charming and have a cohesive/consistent style throughout that make for a nice overall aesthetic. I thought the boss designs were pretty neat looking and it was a nice touch to have the beyblade controlling them as mechs in the boss intro cutscenes. The boss attack patterns have a great amount of diversity and I really enjoyed figuring out how to best handle each attack pattern. The boss attack mechanics are well-designed. Making the spin meter equal your health bar was an interesting idea and I loved how the player spin animaiton speed changed to reflect it. I really didn't like that shooting decreased my spin/health meter, as it made me stop doing the fun thing of fighting the boss in order to run around the map and fight a spin station that wasn't destroyed just to sit there and recharge (which wasn't nearly as fun). Maybe landing accurate shots on the boss should slightly increase your spin amount, while missing shots decreases it, so that you are rewarded for landing shots and cant just spam shoot the whole time. Overall, this was a pretty fun experience with a unique take on the spin theme and some pretty epic boss fights. Great entry y'all!!!
I liked the visuals and interface, had a nice ps1/ps2 feel to it, nostalgic for me. Customising the colours was a nice touch, too. Bosses took maybe a bit too long to defeat, but they had a good variety of attacks which helped.
It's fun, and the idea is interesting :)
Hi Mate!
Very good idea, nice graphics, cool 3D vibe and vfx!
I rated it. ;)
If you have time, please take a look at my project and rate it too.
I would really appreciate it!
Have a nice day / evening!
Hey what a neat game you got there with unique spin mechanics! I customized my beyblade! my life kept draining and i dont know why? Congrats on submission, and good luck!
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- If others read this, RATE/REVIEW my game to get me to try yours as well! Thanks!
The whole time I was singing "That's Beyblade". I kept crashing into the boss on purpose hoping to take it out.
If you had a way to increase your spin speed via rapid button pressing or quick time events that were triggered by running over Mario Kart speed-up floor booster or even speed orbs that you collected on the course that would have been amazing to keep and tempo of the game!
If for some reason the top had particle effects that triggered when at top speed and a 3d model of a dragon appeared overhead, I would have lost my shit.
Overall I enjoy your game. music was great and the top concept was perfect for this game jam. My only wish is could go faster and smack the boss with my top speed.
much aesthetic, very demure
The game is great, easy to figure out how to play it, and I loved the intro as well. The option to edit the player is a nice touch.
Bosses are a little bullet spongey and the opening text is a bit hard to read. The models are really cool and the music and sounds really compliment each other. It's a very solid game
Bosses are a little bullet spongey and the opening text is a bit hard to read. The models are really cool and the music and sounds really compliment each other. It's a very solid game
I Like the idea, and it was really well executed
Especially the boss fight, its really fun to play, the art is really good as well
I also like the option to edit the character
unique idea with the speed being your health. Once in a rhythm the movement and attacking felt pretty solid.
Awesome game! loved how health and ammo are attached to the speed stat, and having to maintain that through the fight! Really loved it!
Solid game.
This brings back the nostalgic feel of PS1.
Please rate my game. My first ever game jam submission.
Same here! Love to get feedback for my game Aswell if you're willing!