I like a lot the visuals, it feels so magical the ambient with the music and everything, so well made, I like also the mechanics, feel natural to play like this, all designs are so well made. I rate graphics, fun, control and music on top but all is cool really, also, if you have some time, please rate my game too, thanks!!!
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True Souls's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
Boss has multiple spin attacks, one of which is the boss's primary weakness. Final attack in player combo is a powerful spin attack.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Art only. Music was purchased.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
Synthwave and Dark Ambience packs from ineedmusic.co
Love the souls franchise and the game definitely made me feel something similar :D Managed to beat the boss after a few tries and learning the attacks. Like others said, I didn't like how 'clunky?' the character was to control, attacks took a long time to perform and you couldn't change direction mid combo (though locking on helped). I really liked the Sekiro inspired parry system. And the visuals remind me of Hollow Knight which is pretty epic :P Honestly a great game if you can make the character play a little more responsively to make the combat feel fair.
I agree with JollymanOG commentary. You have something here, need more polish but I hope you can find the way. Keep up the good work!
Thank you! Everyone’s feedback has been incredibly helpful, and the game already feels much better in the new build. Playtesting is so important, I realize I should have done a little bit before submitting (whoops). I’ll be posting an updated version once the results are in, so be sure to check back then!
Keep the feedback coming (good or bad)! It’s the best way to help me make this game great.
This game is REALLY cool, however, the boss is difficult in all the wrong ways.
The player feels clunky, one attack feels like it takes several seconds while the boss can perform an attack in 5 frames, additionally, it is annoying that the only unlockable attack is the one the boss can spam infinitely if the player is far away, or spam just an obscene number at any time, especially while the player is waiting for the attack to finally hit.
This might just be a me thing, but the dash should also be a different key, as "f" is right next to "d" on the keyboard, so to dash, one has to let go of one of their 4 vital movement keys and really needs to focus if they want to dash right.
I apologize if this seems somewhat negative, I fought the boss an obscene amount of times before I finally beat it so I still feel a bit of rage.
The positive notes:
- The boss looks REALLY cool
- The arena looks REALLY cool
- If the player wasn't so clunky, the boss's move set would be really fun to fight (I would recommend a faster attack that does less damage, that way the player has to get in danger more often to get a hit in, then can dodge the unlockable attacks)
- It captures the rage of Dark Souls quite well
- I am REALLY glad there is a lock on option
Overall, an AWESOME boss fight, it has a few issues, but it's still really engaging and quite a challenge. Good job!
Thanks for the feedback, Jolly, I really appreciate it!
I’ve sped up the player’s first attack with lower damage, and you’re right, it feels way better now. I also added animation canceling near the beginning and end of attacks, which should make things feel less stiff and allow for easier dodging or blocking.
You were totally right about the ‘F’ key too, pretty obvious in hindsight after people started pointing it out, lol.
I also get tired of him spamming that attack, so I’m working on adding a dash/teleport attack to help close the distance when the player is further away.
Thanks again for playing and taking the time to share your feedback! :D
Absolutely brutal game, controls are not the most responsive but the idea is there!
this feels very dark souls, the controls are a little slow and clunky in my opinion, but its just not built for me. the art is really good, its very responsive aside from the speed, and the boss patterns are cool!
art is crazy good. unfortunately i got like 2fps in browser. thx for sharing !! <3
Fastest Time: 35.68
The style is cool and the animations are neat! Game moves and controls good and the lockon is pretty helpful.
Gameplaywise, I think the main character is really too heavy or the boss is attacking a bit too fast. I'd say its more the heavy part, there's so much commitment to an attack with no way out meanwhile the boss can go from one attack to the next in triple the time.
But the attacks are fun and there's good potential, maybe if the character could dash out of an attack or something. Also I'd heavily suggest putting dash on spacebar instead for keyboard!
The sound effects are amazing and the boss attacks and functionalities are made well too especially the parry. But damn the game is hard there is no time to process a lot. Also the player movement and input is a little delayed/laggy which makes it hard sometimes but the potential is too good
I really like the vibe of the game, but boy this is so hard :) I died a million times and felt like I am not doing much progress. I feel like my attack is making me way too slow and couldn't block anything. I wish I could move a bit more swiftly around. Great stuff though, well done!
Would love it if you play and review my submission, thanks!
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