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Echoed DepthsView game page

Venture deep into the mines, seeking wealth, glory and maybe something else..
Submitted by AcinoGameDev, Seyloj (@Seyloj) — 1 day, 20 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#533.7623.762

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Echoed depths is a mining game where you mine infinitely deep into the earth. The game also has an underlying story that only those who dive deep enough into the game itself may uncover...

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
All assets except for the UI elements and music was made by myself.

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love the simplistic artstyle, everything (even the used assets) fits together really well. the gameplay is essentially perfect. you wont get that far without much oxygen or strength, so you're pretty much forced to use the upgrade shop. it's implemented really well. 5 stars on gameplay for me :)


Wow! Although the graphics are very simple, but the idea and mechanics are good. Atmospheric, I liked it


Simple artstyle fits in to your game, funny and addictive enough to be a flash game lovely work!


Really fun game! You nailed it! (Note that it randomly can spawn a bomb where I start - bug or feature hhh)


Really fun and addictive, and I like the upgrades, the chains that the bombs make are really cool and the sounds are really satisfying.

But there are some problems, like sometimes the player just starts floating, when you move to a empty space, which removes some fun, it definitely makes the game easier, but less fun in my opinion.

Then you handled the pixel size in the map really well, but the UI has the pixels scaled so incorrectly, some pixels in the UI are really small and some too big, so that should be fixed, as that just look bad, so you probably knew that already, but Im still saying it: PLEASE HAVE SAME PIXEL SIZE FOR ALL PIXELS, so never scale pixel art, draw new art, always, scaling it always will look bad, even in UI.

Also post processing, please add that, bloom and vignette, and tadaaa, the game magically looks 3x better, do that.

Also there's way too little feedback for taking damage, add some camera shake, particles and maybe a red flash of the screen, it's hard to realize that you took damage, and that's really bad. 

Then the ghost and spike thingy, the ghost should have death particles / damage player particles and the spike should get destroyed when you touch it and have particles too, because now you just end up standing on the spikes which looks really weird.

Then for the gameplay, the game is way too grindy, at the end you end up just spamming down to get money and not really caring, deeper down you go, there should be better coins, so it's less grindy and you don't end up just pretty much spamming. And the 50k coins achiement, WHY? I ended up just autoclicking down arrow key to get that for like 4 minutes to get that, like how should you get that without an autoclicker, im not gonna spend a hour just playing this to get that.

Also I don't know if there's some cool lore that I missed as that "how does this with the theme" box kinda suggests that,  because I didn't get 1000 meters down, only 900 and then I quit, so if there's something cool I missed, sorry.


Thanks for the feedback :) The underlying lore does not have to do with how deep you go to reveal itself. it can be revealed in various other ways


Quite addictive game, I must say. I really like the retro-style in graphics as well as in audio. One thing I especially want to point out is the fact, that your graphics all have the same pixel size. That is a thing that most people do not take care of but it makes a huge difference in credibility. Well done on that!

I think, adding some more dangers might give your game a little extra juice. Thinking about something like snakes or moles that move one block when the player is moving one block. Then, you must carefully think where to move to not hit the enemy.

Also, getting only one oxygen per upgrade feels a little slow. Maybe increase the number the more oxygen you already have?

All in all: Good job, liked it a lot


Cute little game here nice gameplay loop with the upgrades and trying to get deeper and deeper. also nice take on the theme very similar take which i did. Well done on the submission 


Pretty fun and simple


Very nice, I like the simple art style, also addictive. Great Job!


Really liked this game, very simple in mechanic yet very fun :)

At first I thought that the oxygen went down automatically though but I soon found out that it is based on each hit.


That was a fun short game, what do you mean I spent 30 minutes playing it? Anyways, it's really fun, a good interpretation to the theme, and it was hard to stop playing. I only ended up getting down to 414 tiles deep, so I didn't find what was at the bottom, but maybe next time I will!

Really good and really addictive and it made me jump too 11/10


Fun game, Had a blast tryna get as deep as possible. Great job.


Love the game! I don't think that moving before/during falling is intentional, but it adds a lot of complexity and makes the mechanics feel deeper. For example i love mining under bombs and then moving away lol, it makes digging with bombs so much easier! (though it does make safe bombs not worth buying). I got up to the depth 270-ish, where there was a huge fall. Also the secrets feel like they lead to more, but I couldn't find anything other than the ghost miner that appeared after a few times of falling into different cracks on the sides


the o2 blocks don't give that much oxygen compared to the times you have to hit them. So I couldn't really get much deeper at one point


The O2 rocks give 20% of your max oxygen, so upgrading your oxygen capacity is important :)


Haha. I never realised that I can press the $ button for upgrades :D Guess it's time to go back and try again 


Good job