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A jam submission

Space ChargeView game page

Lots of bullets
Submitted by Emanuel-Marian Nitu โ€” 3 hours, 44 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
EASY TO GET INTO#694.0834.083

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Do you have any bullet or projectile in your game?


You added some projectile or bullet in your game

How does your game implement the theme? (If your game doesn't use the theme ignore this field)
you need to hold down the 'Z' button for a total of 10 seconds to charge your energy in order to unleash a barrage of bullets, but while you charge you can't move leaving you vulnerable.

What was the size of your team?

Credit all team-members that worked on this project (you can link

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Nice entry! The feeling of releasing the charged shots is really good, the visuals are great and the moving feels right. I think that it's a bit repetitive and maybe a boss with more patterns or something like that could make the game feel more refreshing. I think that the charging sound is a bit too loud and also maybe making the charge a bit shorter?

 Overall a solid entry :)


cool take on the theme!


A good looking game with an interesting mechanic. I didn't really like the music - it didn't really fit the gameplay, also after a while (after around 10 waves) the game becomes very repetitive (maybe you could add more enemies?), but overall it is a good game. And unleashing the barrage of bullets is so satisfying!


Pretty interesting take on the theme. The game feels very polished. Especially releasing the barrage feels very good. I also really like the colors you used! I think I died on level 12. The gameplay will probably get repetetive fairly quickly, but for a game jam project this is pretty good!


It's a cool idea and the game looks very nice.  It was really satisfying every time to release the barrage of bullets. The title screen / tutorial was great too and the game was easy to get into.

However, even with some enemy variety being introduced I never felt like the gameplay while charging really picked up. I think I'd have either liked to see more complex bullet patterns but also allowing the player to move during the charging, or just something else to do during the game like collecting power-ups.


Very cool game, with a nice palette of colors, variety of enemies, and good sound (although it becomes a bit repetitive after a while). Got up to level 13. Nice project!


Quite cool! I like this! The music can become annoying after a while but it's not bad at all. The idea is simple but original and effective. I don't have much complain, maybe the big firing sound continue for a bit longer that it needs to, it's also a little too aggressive, but beside that it's a great little game :)


Nice simple fun ! I like the fact that your title screen doubles as a mini tutorial where you can move around and test out the ship's movement and charge mechanic so that you can understand well how everything works before jumping in.

The charge mechanic itself is a pretty good take on the theme, and its cool that you don't have to get stuck untill full charge and can just go for small increments dodge repeat untill firing everything

i found also neat that you had some enemies give back some shield sometimes

i didn't find much issues with this one so i don't know what more i could add

well done :)


This was very fun to play. I could get more than 650 as high score but this is awesome.


This was very interesting to play! It's a good spin on the 10 second mechanic, and the movement of the player and the enemy does feel polished. Nice Job!

Pretty polished, and fairly satisfying when being able to actually use the charge shot. More enemy types (or at least if enemies were able to aim directly at you) would spice things up a bit.


Nice game. I like the concept even when it feel like it take more that 10 seconds to charge.


Insteresting concept for the game, but man, 10seconds is taking SOOOO LONG lol GL xd!


I like the aesthetic of the game.  The cadence between charging your gun and shooting is really nice.  It was refreshing to play against the lazer boss too.  Good work!


I really enjoyed this concept! But was it just me, or is the 10 second charge actually not 10 seconds? It felt way longer than that. Other than pretty repetitive music, the game feels very solid :)


Thank you very much!!! 

What can I say, time works different in space :))) 


It was very fun!



I really liked the concept, it's hard to come up with something fresh in a genre so old ;d

I've got a few suggestions on how to improve the game:

  • the gameplay doesn't evolve at all, which is a shame. Something to spice it up would really go a long way, maybe some timed powerups that disappear after a few seconds that speed up the charge time? it would push players to move around more and risk a bit, making the gameplay more interesting,
  • the music is very repeptitive, but sfx is very good,

Other than that, a very cool game, simple, but made with care and completed on time, which is amazing in itself ^^

Submitted (1 edit)

that was really a creative concept! I could see it being expanded to have lots of possibilities

 I like the artwork and the little shield that goes up when you get hit

Visually, the star field background got a little distracting because they are close to the same thickness, brightness, and speed of the actual bullets. 

Nice work!