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A jam submission

Journey to RunesView game page

Submitted by reeceh1995 — 5 hours, 26 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay: The game is fun to play and engaging.#132.5472.625
Environment: Art, level and enemy design, placement and pacing of challenges.#132.7892.875
Determination: You clearly challenged yourself. Not an easy game to make.#142.7892.875
Theme: The game creatively uses the Jam’s Theme.#142.9713.063
Game Feel: Feels good to perform actions. Controls responsive and satisfying.#152.1222.188
Originality: Your game presents very fully original concept.#152.7892.875
Emotion / Mood: The game has an emotional impact.#161.6981.750
Personality/Narrative: Characters, dialogue, plot, and other story elements.#161.5761.625

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Sources Cited
Citations: I used code snippets from -

i used code from here to fix rotations when pressing character directions.

I used code from here to cancel an invoke feature trying to disrupt the double jump feature.

Assets i used:

Your Name (Required for CSC 355 Students only)
Reece Herrington

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Maybe its something to do with it being through itch but it was extremely laggy for me to the point where it was basically unplayable, i just had to guess when to jump and move. also not being able to move the camera in some way or zoom out a little bit made it hard to jump around some of the obstacles 


At times the game was uncomfortable to control with the stiff camera angle. The lack of animation of the player was also a little odd. The 3D platforming design was cool though, and I liked the check points.


I think that the game would benefit a lot from camera controls. Additionally, the player's movement capabilities feel slightly mismatched with the level design. For example, sprint jumping can easily pass over many platforms at once in horizontal platforming sections, but the height of the jump is just barely enough to clear the height of the next platform when platforming up things. Additionally, there are a few clipping and rotation issues.


Fun game! I loved jumping. However, I think the player should use a more human looking asset rather than a dummy. Also, the camera perspective should shift when you turn, it is hard to move sideways otherwise. Animations would make the game more immersive. It is fun to play though, I like the idea of a 3D platform!


environment and gameplay was fun and engaging. Having camera follow the mouse I think would enhance the gameplay further and adding character animations and adding some background music would really flesh out the game


The environment was good. The player didn't have any movement in it's body. There was no message to show the game was over; I found some bugs that the player was moving and rotating even if I didn't touch the keyboard. Adding music and sound could make it more fun. There were some gaps that the player was supposed to fall but didn't.


I understand the idea this game was going for, just a basic temple run type game. Some simple improvements could definitely be made to help the player like zooming the camera out so you can see the next platform, or informing the player that double jump exists. Like others have noted, there is a section of the game towards the end where your character will just tip over and fall off, I was only able to get past it after multiple attempts by finding that specific spot and jumping over it. I wish there was something at the end as well to help finish it off. Good attempt though!


Hello! I enjoyed the game although there are many improvements, capital among them is the camera, which was very annoying to work with. 


The checkpoint system is great and I feel is a must. I ended up not completing the game because I got frustrated because my player would seem to tip over and rotate. As mentioned the camera angle seems off as well. All could be fixed with more time.


Neat little game! The checkpoint system was cool, helped me get to the top a lot faster. Only thing that annoyed me was the camera angle, kinda make it hard when you can't really see where your suppose to be going. Otherwise good job!


There is no cooldown for the jump, and no limit to it either, so the challenge aspect was gone, other than that it was a nifty experience. 


A good attempt! The checkpoint system is a very nice touch, but felt more necessary than it should have been due to the camera angle. It was perfect for the beginning and very end segments, but felt too close to the player during the middle. This made it more difficult to judge jumps and avoid the falling rocks.

Overall decent, just needs a minor tweek and you'll have something pretty solid.


I always appreciate a good checkpoint system.


I can infinitely jump! That's no good for a challenge.

Camera feels way too close to the player during the sections you are running perpendicular to the camera view, It would be better if the camera systems rotation was dynamic to the player or allowed to be controlled with the mouse. I couldn't see what was coming in front of me! There is also some clipping issues with platforms and walls - I can either walk completely through them or my model fights with them. 

Sometimes when running up the ramp my player would just fall over leaving me stuck and unable to restart from the checkpoint and having to start over completely.

When still on an edge the character would start to fall over. Ramps seem to cause this too

Also when reaching the final purple structure, I can walk through into it and pushes me under the level getting me stuck! (I thought there would be a win condition here but there was not) I again tried the level over again to jump onto the purple structure but the entire thing has a collider box preventing me from going near it.