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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sorry to hear you couldn't get through the maze, I figured folks might struggle with it so I'd saved a picture of the layout in case this happened. If you feel like giving it another go, feel free to use this map so you can experience the full story!

This definitely would make a great opening to a horror platformer type of game, if such a genre exists. It has a good foundation for some a little haunted, a little creepy, potentially playing with your perception. It's a great start!

The jumping was a little clunky at times, I wasn't a fan of just how fast you seem to fall when you let go of the button, and the camera seemed to be a bit delayed behind my movements/respawning, but overall not bad, just unpolished.

You did a really good job with the ambience of the environments, it's really funny we both used assets by Cainos too.

Overall controls well, I don't have anything different to point out from the others in terms of issues, I'd say it just needs some adjustments and you've got a pretty dang cool game here.

Attacking felt great, and movement was smooth, but I wasn't a fan of the fact I had to jump on/around the rocks but the enemies could seemingly phase right through it. 

A little simplistic but not bad!

Wunderbar! The sound effects were perfect, the music gave a great ambiance, the controls were generally pretty smooth, LOVED the way you did the bag pickup mechanic (simple, but effective!), the projectiles were a good speed and felt good to use, the enemy health bars were a very nice touch, and I appreciated the fact you added a check to make sure we collected all the artifacts.

I only have two nitpicks to make here:
1. the hitbox for the lava was a bit awkward I found, if I started my jump too close I would catch the "edge" of it despite looking like I'm going over it just fine.
and 2. when you die, the game doesn't actually stop, you can keep running around and doing things with the "you died" message on screen.

Overall a clean and greatly fun experience, Awesome job!!

A good attempt! The checkpoint system is a very nice touch, but felt more necessary than it should have been due to the camera angle. It was perfect for the beginning and very end segments, but felt too close to the player during the middle. This made it more difficult to judge jumps and avoid the falling rocks.

Overall decent, just needs a minor tweek and you'll have something pretty solid.

Awesome level design, very reminiscent of the early levels of a metroidvania style of game! Controls were tight, challenges scaled well, and the ambiance was great. 

My only suggestion for immediate improvement from a quality of life standpoint would be a checkpoint system of some type, other than that you've got a game that almost feels like an old style flash game, good job!

Pretty neat! It reminds me a lot of those old "Choose your own adventure" books with a real life historical twist.
It definitely has room for visual improvement, it'd be fun if the background changed to represent the last choice you made or something of that nature. 

Not every game has to be played in the same active way, I'm an avid fan of the visual novel genre myself, and with visual makeover I could see this being a neat way to introduce grade school students to some aspects of history.

Cool concept! Handles pretty good overall, the double jumps seemed to get a little "stuck" on occasion, either in the literal "Stuck on the geometry" way or in the "I jumped but then couldn't jump again for some reason" way.
The dash felt great to use, perfect boost of speed, not too much or too little. Only complaint there is that the cooldown felt a little long when needing to use it in quick succession to reach some platforms.

The lava did feel a little fast at some points, but most of the time I was generally moving too quick for it to be much of a problem until I overshot a jump and immediate fell in, hahah. 

Other than that, just some minor visual glitching that might just be an issue on my end. Very cool game!

Love the art used for the cover and game over screens. The camera angle felt a bit too close to the player, which by itself isn't so bad, but the controls weren't very responsive for me which made it a bit frustrating to navigate the maze.

Most of the time I didn't really feel like the minotaur was much of a threat, but I think that if there was some music, or ambient sounds that played every once in a while (like minecraft when you're in the caves), it would have brought an extra level of tension.

Overall, I liked the classic mythology vibe and I could see this being a fun, slightly spooky game with some more polish on it!

A very fun proof of concept, loved the Star Wars style text scroll. Overall has great visual style, the animations are great and transition really smoothly, but I wish there was some more visual tie-in to the theme. There is some mechanical jank, unfortunately, the character seems to struggle just a bit with getting on/off ladders and the hitboxes for combat were a bit inconsistent, but I can see the start of a very fun game series here based on your lore, and until then it's a very fun space to run around in!

Give it some more time, a little debugging, and some polish and this will become a great game!

I have to agree with Meapers on this one, the game feels both unfinished and off-theme. The way the sprites rotate is very strange, I'm not sure why they're doing that, but it doesn't seem intentional. The controls are a bit awkward as they aren't explained in game nor in the description, so you have to just hit keys until something happens. Additionally, when you die the game continues to run without any sort of game-over text or option to restart, it's not a huge issue but it was a bit annoying.

I understand that time issues can come up and things get left unfinished, so don't take my criticisms too hard, it was a decent attempt and making anything at least somewhat functional can be tricky. Keep trying and you'll have a pretty neat little game someday!

Incredibly charming and funny! ABSOLUTELY worth having the sound on for the adorable sound effects on the gecko alone, but also for the lovely Ann, XD. There were a few places the collision was bugged and allowed me to clip through on accident, and it seemed like sometimes the interactions didn't work/trigger (unless I was trying to interact with people/things that didn't have interactions? Hard to say).
Love the vibes overall though! With a little bit of bug fixing and time, this would be a very cute adventure game.

Definitely a bit of a learning curve, the difficulty does jump a bit too much on the third section, but I appreciated the checkpoints in keeping things moving even when I was failing.

I wasn't sure based on my own experience how much control you actually had over the momentum in your swing, since I was overshooting the last jump often, but overall a fun and original mechanic nonetheless!

Overall a very impressive game! Aside from some minor platform stickage and the camera transitions being a smidge weird if you fall, the game play incredibly well, looks beautiful, and the spotlight effect when going "inside" is amazing. Wonderfully done!

I'll be entirely honest, I had no idea what I was doing. There weren't really any instructions or introduction, for the first half I could only guess based on previous experience that it was either a quick-time event or a rhythm game of some type and in the second half all i could seem to do was fall? Overall it seems like there could be something interesting being developed, but it feels really unfinished and nigh incomprehensible for lack of directions.

Interesting game. It feels a bit unfinished and I noticed some bugs with the projectiles being able to destroy the player character as well as the walls and floor, but it has potential as a concept.

I thought this was a pretty neat game, the controls were smooth and watching the battle was pretty fun. Interesting way of blending the themes together!

Very old-school shooter-esque, the music suddenly playing after the rest being silent caught me completely off guard hahah. It handled very nicely, the controls were smooth and responsive. I wish there was a way to tell where they enemies spawned in though, as anything spawning behind me could, and did, often get a hit or two on me before I even knew they existed.

I like the concept, I bet if you had the time to flesh it out and develop it, it would be an amazingly unique game! 

While the execution is obviously rough, the concept is very interesting and I hope you can flesh it out more in the future.

Loved the feel of the controls for the most part, the double jumping was a bit finicky, but the game overall was fun!

Neat concept, I bet if you had more time to realize it, it would've been amazing.

Pretty amusing game. Felt good to control and the boost spots playing a clip of the lyrics was very appropriate, I wish there was a little more challenge with something like obstacles, but overall was a good game.

Fast paced and very chaotic, so really fun! Loved the band and the "bosses" included every few levels. Had a weird issue with the camera continuously pulling downwards, making it harder to aim, but I don't know if this was intentional or just a bug or even just my hardware.

Totally fun! At one point, the ai driver accidentally knocked me outside of the track and i got to explore the area, which made me understand why people like looking for stuff out of bounds in games haha.

My only complaint would be that the camera feels a bit too close to the car which makes it hard to see what I'm doing, especially when going around the curves.

Loved this! It reminds me so much of the old flash games you'd find on kongregate, some of the bugs included haha. There is of course some jankiness with the hitboxes of obstacles and occasionally i would get stuck in the jumping animation, but the overall game feel was wonderfully nostalgic for me.

Overall and in spite of feeling a bit unfinished, it was fun. In a way, the infinitely spawning enemies feed into a good use of the theme, even if it wasn't intentional.

A fascinating type of gameplay, I've never really seen anything like it before! Unfortunately it reminds me a lot of those type of rage games like "getting over it" which require a great deal of trial and error to understand the controls and how to make progress, which is to say it's an incredibly difficult game. Loved the use of the themes, just wish I could enjoy the gameplay without getting frustrated at it.

Loved the atmosphere and gameplay, the controls felt a little bit sluggish but were overall good to use. Very much appreciated the inclusion of the different difficulty levels, but the settings button on the title seemed to be nonfunctional for me.

If you scroll down on the game's page, just below the area with the "run game" button, there's a bit of backstory for the game as well as the controls. Sorry that you didn't see it before playing ^^;

Loved it mechanically, the idea of the hill runner with the falling obstacles was super fun. I noticed a bug, that being that most of the objects were being spawned off to the side of the hill, rather than on it. The ones that did land on the hill and rolled were a nice challenge though! For optimization sake if you ever come back to this again, you may want to destroy the obstacles once they're below a certain y value, such as the bottom of the hill, since I noticed they were collecting down below me while I was playing. I had fun with this regardless of the bug, and i think the concept has great potential as a game.

The movement feels nice, but the game feels like it's incomplete since there's not much I can see to do. Instructions or a clearer goal of the game would help.

Fun game! The controls handle well and the coins/obstacles' placements were a fair level of difficulty. If you wanted to in the future, adding in coins with different visuals for different point values may be interesting, as it would add an extra layer of risk vs reward.

Love the feeling of the aesthetics and the use of the theme's lyrics! The attack and enemies were a bit buggy and I wish there was something more when you reached the end, but the lighting was amazing and I can really see the potential in this game that could be brought out more if you had more time to polish it.

I love  the assets you found for this, so cute! I ran into some problems with the controls, namely with turning. Only being able to turn while you're walking, not running or stationary, felt Bad, so adding something  to allow those other options would be an improvement I think. The other major problem I had with the controls was that the speed of the fox felt a bit too slow, like the running speed should've been the default walking speed or something of that ilk.

Really cool game! I'm not really a fan of deck builders, so I'm not the best judge of it on a mechanical standpoint, but it was pretty responsive and the difficulty selection was a welcome addition to someone who doesn't really play deck builders. I wish that some of the enemy actions were a little more clear in what they were doing, especially in the final boss when it's just saying name of previous enemies. Like I said before, I don't play a lot of deck builders so I don't know what I should be expecting or where I should be looking for the effects, so it was just a touch confusing to me as a beginner. The cards on my side were well described in their effects, so part of me just wishes there was something like that for the enemy as well.

Love the idea of a 3D escape room, was well implemented. The space between the important "sections" of the map felt a little bit big and disorienting at times, but that is very similar to a real desert I suppose, hahah. The camera was also a bit finicky, due to the mouse/camera combo not really being able to do a full 360 on my computer, but nothing detrimental to the gameplay experience. Overall, was a cool concept with good execution!

(1 edit)

Very creative! The puzzles were interesting to solve with a good level of challenge. Loved the diegetic music from the record player and the art was beautiful. I wished there was a little more tying into the theme(s), but overall a good game.