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The Withering CrownView game page

The future of the kingdom is in your hands.
Submitted by bobitu (@bobituDev) — 7 hours, 31 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 41 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Really fun! I enjoyed it. Levels get a bit difficult, but that's a skill issue on my part. The skeletons did look a bit weird, like they didn't really fit too well with the rest of the game (might be their resolution?) but other than that, really great stuff. ^^


Thanks for playing! Yeah the skeleton was the only sprite i borrowed because I had no time left to draw them so they look a little out of place but it's better than a red square lol.


I would not have guessed this was your first jam game! The art direction and tone of the game work nicely, and the teleport mechanic is neat!  


Thanks for playing ❤️


I enjoyed the core gameplay mechanic of teleporting using your crown. The levels felt like they were the right amount of difficulty and they felt very nicely designed. I did get stuck in the wall a lot, however.



Yeah that's an issue with the hardware acceleration for me it has to be on sorry for that!


Very solid entry. This is pretty and all, has lots of levels with increasing difficulty. I enjoyed it a lot.


Thank you for playing and leaving a comment!


very good game interesting and enjoyable so much, the only feedback i have is to reset the velocity when teleported that way it would be easier to plan and execute plans. well done submitting the game (•̀ᴗ•́ )و


Hey thanks for playing! I did try resetting the velocity initially but the levels became so easy it was boring. As annoying it is it's keeping it engaging!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I love the art and the movement is unorthadox and I like it alot. Seen alot of games with teleporting AND walking. But the idea that you are too weak to move makes for an interesting mix up. I like the moves you can pull off by doing multiple teleport directions. I got stuck at the part where you have to hop over two skeletons with the low ceilings. I think implementing a bit more of a teach, test, challenge scale up specifically around whichever set of moves you're supposed to use to get over / past those guys would be cool. Nice entry!


Thanks for playing! That's honestly a great idea. Something like a tutorial to show you how you could beat the rooms and then you're on your own would have been nice to have.


Super cool concept! I love a platformer with a twist like this, I made something not too different for a game jam years ago, but you had us doing some really cool tricks in this game. I unfortunately couldn't make it to the end, the room with the high vertical part and the skeleton underneath was too much for me :( I would say the main drawback is the extremely high precision you need sometimes. Otherwise, good stuff!


You were so close! That was the last room. Thank you for playing though next jam i might tone down the difficulty didn't realize how good i became at my game!


!!!For anyone getting stuck in walls or experiencing lag play with hardware acceleration on!


It's a littly bit tricky to throw a crown at times, but overall I liked the concept. Good job!


Thank you for playing!


Creative movement mechanics! It turned out difficult, but not impossible, I like it. Somewhere stuck in the textures


Thank you for playing! Didn't know you can get stuck there lol sorry for the issues!


that didn’t happen to me, but I saw 3 people reporting the same in discord the other day (the being stuck inside the wall thing)


Yeah I never experienced it while testing I also had a friend paly it and he didn't have any issues as well.


How exactly did you get stuck if you remember?


I shot up crown, but didn't have time to shoot to the right. The crown hit the wall, but I apparently got into timing when crown was not destroyed, but went deeper into the wall and pressed Q.


hm that's really strange i used a composite collider there should be no gaps in there so I don't get why the crown didn't collide. Will try to replicate it to find out more


Yes, now I want to try to repeat it on video and show it. Wait a little time.


Here. I just pressed Q really quickly when the crown is flying towards the wall and hit the timing.


woah thanks for taking the time I also tried to do it but I couldn't really strange seems to be an issue with the diagonal throwing maybe?


May be. I don’t remember exactly how I got stuck last time, but it could also have been the diagonal throw.


I've got it play with hardware acceleration on i just turned mine off and it instantly happened. Also the game was much laggier with it off


very very very strong use of one mechanic, love it, well explored, game doesn’t drag until it would overstay it’s welcome.

super strong entry (though I’m not super sold on the theme usage)

I HAD to finish it and couldn’t put it down.

felt clever to discover the diagonal throw.

my main feedback for improvement:

  • hitboxes felt unfair at times, maybe make the enemies slightly smaller than the actual sprite
  • “tutorial” text could go away forever after the first screen, it’s just annoyingly there afterwards

Thank you for playing! I think you might've ran into a bug the tutorial text should go away after the first level sorry for that!


I don’t like platformers but I was locked in for this. I really wanted to finish it and put in some good time but got bugged inside of the level twice near the end RIP. Won’t effect my rating though. Great innovation on the crown I think that was awesome and I super unique. Visuals were awesome, appreicated the cutscenes too. Crown SFX was a tad annoying but other than that music was nice. One of the top entries I have played so far, great stuff.


Thank you for playing! Maybe I didn't playtest enough to find the bugs but another person also got stuck so sorry for that! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Very innovative! Nice music too. Cool concept.


Thank you for playing!


Fun game and cool art! I think a fullscreen button would be great but that's just my personal preference


Thank you for playing! I will definitely think about a fullscreen next time!


Very solid game! Really creative gameplay idea, and also a cool story. The ending was a bit sudden, but cool nonetheless. The only thing I would change is the annoying click sound each time you throw your crown, really jarring. Other than that, good stuff!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for playing! Yeah i hate that sound it is a WebGL build issue spent like an hour trying to get it fixed but i couldn't. Also the little textbox at the start not making a sound is also a build issue I have no clue why it happened haven't had any audio issues on previous projects.


Fair enough, your game was great otherwise so don't worry about it too much


Yeah I've accepted defeat to the WebGL unity builder once again thank you again for you review!


no problem :)


Took me a little bit to figure out but it was a great game to play! One of the best I have played so far!


Thank you for playing ❤️


Wow, actualy managed to beat this one.
I liked the puzzle elements of diferent ways you can use the crown, very clever. But the level with 3 skeletons was straigh up hell, tried it like 20 times till i finaly got it, the last skeleton alwayss got me. Final level took me a while to figure out, but I got it in the end.


Thank you for playing! My buddy who was playtesting also had a hard time with the skeletons haha. The trick is to go earlier than you think!


It was not immediately clear to me that you had to press the arrows AND Q at the same time to throw, if you added that to the instructions would be great. It was a pretty seamless experience after this and I enjoyed this mechanic. Good job!


Thanks for playing! The tutorial was a last minute addition and I don't know what i was thinking when i was making it lol. It can definitely be explained much better.


You can still edit the game page on itch and add it there.


Good point


Great game! The mechanics made this platformer a bit puzzle centric and fun. I'd like to see how you'll be building up on this already good game. I feel like there's a lot of potential for this mechanic and can be explored quite a bit.


Thanks for playing! I also think there is more that can be done here I could maybe pick it up again in the future.


The game is good. maybe throwing the crown with the mouse could've been better but its a very nice game!


Thank you for playing!

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