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A jam submission

Monstro BurgerView game page

Submitted by LittleBeardMan — 5 hours, 53 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
Multiple Collectables, Character Customization

Game Description
Work at a fast food restaurant for monsters where you have to kill what you cook.

How does your game tie into the theme?
The player must kill, cook, and serve monsters to other monsters.


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

My game has an export for Linux, Windows, & Mac and/or is playable through HTML5

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Hah, this game is great. I love the intro screen that bops to the music, a very nice touch. The tutorial was very helpful and it helped me get a hang of the controls and concept of the game.

The overall environment could be streamlined a little bit easier (if that makes sense?) That's my only criticism, but its a tough one since this game is so well done haha.

Nice work friend


Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it.

I totally get what you're saying about streamlining the environment, and agree with you. The player has to keep going back and forth to do anything, which can feel pretty tedious. It'd probably feel better if the player could make more round trips around the whole kitchen and do a bunch of tasks along the way. Or maybe having levels with different layouts would minimize this feeling, just from the novelty, idk.

Regardless, thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it.


I loved the art music and the overall concept!
I only stopped playing because food kept duplicating itself in some kind of bug so it was hard to see what I was doing ^^'

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing! I've got a list of some of the more major bugs that I'm trying to fix for a post-jam patch, and that visual bug is one of the last ones I still need to track down lol. I'm glad you liked the game though!

Edit: Was it only buns that were being duplicated? Or other items too? I think I may have tracked down the issue finally :)


I think the buns were the main culprit :)


Genius game, perfectly executed, love the juice, love the details, congratulations!
Like it even had the tutorial monster saying random blurbs before leaving its shift! XD
Great usage of the theme, while typing this I still find more and more details you managed to include that make me smile (hehe burned meat goes brrrrrrrr). Amazing work!


Thank you for playing! Those types of dumb little details are my favorite part of gamedev, so I'm glad you liked it!


This was a fun one! The animations are really fluid and the movement and actions feel remarkably smooth. It was frustrating to me to have to run around so much to get everything, but only because the pressure was on!

Keep making games!


Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

I agree that the game does get a little frustrating at times. I feel like, mainly due to the layout of where everything is, you have to run back and forth over and over again to fulfill each order. It might feel better if you were made to do more loops around the kitchen, doing things on the way, rather than having to go back and forth each time you want to make a burger. I'd have to look at other similar cooking games (Overcooked, Plate up, etc) more closely to see how they get around that.

Regardless, thank you for playing!


Very impressive, really liked it.

I did run into some bugs, on day 1 I was still learning and a customer left and was hard locked from continuing the game. Buns also had some issues when picking them up and the sprite of the bun was still on the table


Thank you for playing!

Yeah that softlock bug is something a few other people have brought up. Pretty bad one to miss lol. The graphical bug was something I had noticed while testing that I never had time to fix. I think it has something to do with adding/removing the item from a counter on the same frame? Something I'll have to look into a little more.

I'm glad you liked it!


That was fun!  The commitment to the theme was great.  Not paused, on break, etc.  Catching the food is a fun spin on the cooking genre.  Loved the monster portraits.


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Really well made, fun to play game. I included it in my compilation video series for the Godot Wild Jam #56, if you’d like to check it out. :)


Thank you for playing! It's always pretty surreal to see a stranger actually playing something I made. That's pretty cool of you to take the time to record yourself playing through all of the games in the jam. I'm sure a lot of devs (Myself included) really appreciate that.

I actually had in my notes to add a popup telling you what button to press to attack! But I just forgot to include it. I think maybe I was waiting until I implemented control remapping so that I'd show what key you've bound it to? Regardless it got left out, so it sucks that you had that moment of confusion where you didn't know what to do- that should never happen in a tutorial lol.

Thank you again for playing!


Loved this game! The art, music, everything is great, and really fun to play. Amazing job!

Sadly, if we miss to serve one customer, the game don't finish the level. Also, if we fail completely the level (too many mistakes) and choose to "restart", the game freezes. It took me a while to realize that some orders had fries, because the design of the hamburger order is huge, while the fries appear small in the corner. As there are many points to quickly focus on, it took me a while to understand what was wrong with the order... haha


Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it.

Yeah, that bug with the level not finishing is something a few other people have brought up. Pretty egregious bug to leave in imo, but that's what I get for rushing and not testing lol. As for the game freezing, I think that means I probably didn't fix the memory leak issue that I thought I had.

I think the Order UI overall is kind of clunky, I agree that the burger probably takes up too much space in relation to the side dishes. I think if it was easier to compare what you're currently holding to a given order it might be a little easier to parse? Like having a check mark next to the ingredients that you have on the tray. Or maybe when you set the tray down, but before you serve, it shows an X or something next to what you're missing.

Regardless, thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it.


This was really fun and hectic. Really have to plan ahead but still be quick enough to make the burgers in time and correctly. There was a bug where if I don't serve all the customers, the level never ends so that made it a bit annoying to play, cause I have to restart the game. Also looking all the way to the right of the screen to check if you have everything right (especially if the request is to the far left) was not so good. The art and sound were very good too.


Thank you for playing! Ahh, damn, I know exactly why that bug is happening... that is frustrating. 

And yeah, I fiddled with the placement of that UI a lot. I think maybe a better solution would be to maybe have some kind of "ghost image" of what you're holding next to each of the customer's orders, so you could quickly compare them? Or, more radically, have the customers come in from the side rather than the top and rearrange all of the UI. Not sure.

I'm glad you liked it though!


I like the gameplay, and the endless mode is a good addition. Character customization is cool and simple, not many games chose that card it seems. Hard to tell what some things are, and the graphic are a bit inconsistent - some things look really nice and some don't match each other. The UI  and main menu are great.


Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yeah I think, were I to do this again, I would zoom everything in a little bit so that the individual sprites for items and stuff were bigger and a bit more detailed so that they were easier to distinguish. 


Looks like it would be a lot of fun to play, but html5 version doesn't run on my mac :( Any chance to get a mac build?


Ah damn, sorry about that. I'll check with the people running the jam to see what the rules are around uploading builds after the deadline. If I can I'll upload downloadable versions. 

Have you been able to run any other html5 games from this jam made in Godot 4? I wonder if that's the issue.


I'd say about 50% of html5 builds work for me, and I've tried about 20-25 of them so far. Sometimes it shows some Godot error message about some web server settings. 


Okay, I reached out to the admins. My suspicion is that the "SharedArrayBuffer support" setting you have to check to get Godot 4 games to run in the web is what's causing the issue. I wouldn't put it past Macs to completely disable that feature lol.


Really well done, I caught myself getting really invested in doing well. Maybe a little too similar to my job irl. Great submission


Ha, sorry if I gave you PTSD. Thank you for playing!


I realy liked the visuals, good job


Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.


Very great game! Overcooked style gaming but with a smidge of fighting for ingredients. Even more chaotic energy haha. Love the concept and art!


Thank you for playing!


this is a super fun game! nice stuff


Thank you!


The best thing about this game is everything.  The worst thing about this game is I really really want a burger now


Ha, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.