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ELOView project page

A Fight to Find Their Humanity
Submitted by sw0nKish — 1 day, 22 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5842.6152.765

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

You are ELO, half human, half robot. For most of your unnatural life, you have served under the command of ARC2To, the mastermind behind the enslavement of all humanity. However, a glitch in your code forces you to gain your human consciousness back, letting you leave behind your master and return to your natural form as a human. Your human form yearns for the freedom of humanity. However, you are now the most wanted criminal in all of New Game. Will you successfully obtain the freedom of all of humanity, or will the matrix you escaped from be your doom, all while fighting the code you were born from?

Song 1 - ELO’s Theme
The opening scene shows ELO walking towards a human enslavement camp. The frail limbs and uneasy postures of its residents are surrounded by super soldiers built with one purpose: to relay the commands of ARC2To. As the music builds, ELO creeps closer until finally unleashing a brutal attack on the capturers. With another camp clear, ELO leads the now free humans to their new home, Blanket.

Song 2 - A Haven For Those Abandoned by Their Master
This theme plays at the location where every human lives, free from any robots. It’s a society struggling for scraps of food, shelter, and any basic living commodity. Even with a robot named 9iX ELO reprogrammed to provide help to the citizens, there is barely any life there. Any and all hope in this haven relies on the protection and resources ELO can provide for them. Through subtle world building between ELO and robot, we learn that ELO was once a super soldier under the leadership of ARC2To.

Song 3 - Caught
One day, while ELO is returning humans to the haven, ARC2To launches an attack on the haven, forcing ELO to go into defense mode. Though ELO and 9iX hold off as best as they can, their efforts are in vain as all of the once free humans are now trapped under purgatory thanks to their glorious leader. In a sign of disrespect, ARC2To destroys 9iX in a show of defiance to ELO.

Song 4 - Before the Rust Settles (A Deal)
Plays while ELO is in jail. Old society rules state that once in jail, if you challenge the leader to lethal combat and win, you may take their place as leader. ELO, suffering from rusted limbs and, with the rest of the free humans’ lives on the line, challenges ARC2To to the throne.

Song 5 - ARC2To’s Theme
This theme plays out when ELO begins to fight ARC2To, the leader of humanity. Through an intense battle, ELO destroys the leader and gains hold of the crown.

Song 6 - A New Programming Language
This song plays at the end of the game. ELO programs new code requiring the robots to free all of humanity and enter a new, harmonious relationship with the humans.

Message from the artist
Thank you for the opportunity to create something. I haven't felt a need to release any music due to personal issues , but this gave me a reason. Thank you :)


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
I took the theme and interpreted it in a few ways. The protagonist is half human, half robot. So, no matter who was in charge of the world and no matter who they'd be fighting for, it's a fight to either:

1. Free Humanity
2. Keep humanity under enslavement

Also, they struggle with their mind as they try to escape from their coding that made him a soldier for the robots. "Inside My World" inspired me to make a battle inside the protagonist's head.

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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You managed to blend organic and artificial sound so well, which goes without saying with your theme and your character - congratulations on that, that's some pretty solid musical story telling !

Great work :-)


What a strange combination of sounds! Your soundtrack is pretty unique is that aspect. I think it is the strong point of your work, without a doubt. 

Also they fit perfectly with the story and the cover art.



Rating Submissions With Few Ratings To Hopefully Get Some In Return

Nicely robotic sounding, decent amount of groove. Favorites include the jammy groove of ARC2To’s Theme and the computer start up sound beats of "A NEw Programming Language". The arc of intensity throughout the album presents a kind of narrative, which is also quite nice.


From the cover and how "ELO's Theme" started, I thought it was gonna be an ambient kind of thing. Then the beat dropped and I was doing the robot lol. Love the arpeggiated beeps in "ARC2To's Theme", fun how it changes from 7 beats to 5 as well. "A New Programming Language" is a nice credit theme.


ELO: Absolutely love your programming of the lead synth with slides and interesting flourishes! Great groove and drum sound too. 

A Haven for Those Abandoned by their Master: Interesting and cool synths again! wow thats a cool atmosphere

Caught: You had some fun sounddesigning XD love your synthwork

Before the Rust Settles (A Deal): Terrifing claustrophobic feel. nailed it

ARC2To’s Theme: Getting some momentum! Cool. What a cool effect at the end!! what is that? :D

A New Programming Language: Catharsis, its done were here.

I couldnt help but think of Nier and Portal 2 while listening. That atmosphere. Great work!


"A Haven For Those Abandoned By Their Master" absolutely GROOVES. I love the bass in it. Great job with the entire OST!


The experimental and creepy feeling of this is so cool! Your choice of instruments, and the way you are very willing to mess around with tempo and pulse to create unnerve is super cool, as well as some more abstract sound effects! It really sounds like you have a strong hold on this kind of music because this is all executed incredibly well. I was recommended to listen to this by someone in the discord for this jam and i'm super glad i did!

One thing i do wish is that in Before The Rust Settles there was a bit more for the listener to focus in on to, i understand that the feeling is supposed to be very tense there but i think if you were to help create more "events" for the listener to focus on it could really help up that tension without feeling repetitive. Something you could do to help this is by coming up with spots you want more defined "downbeats" in the guitar and using velocity to help point that out, stronger landings on the important notes will help define what the listener will focus on without ruining the really cool atmospheric and creepy effect of that track!

Super good job though, im loving how many soundtracks like this im getting to hear, and this one is no exception. Well done!


I’m glad you enjoyed it!

I really appreciate the feedback on Before the Rust Settles. I plan on creating more of those ambient tracks so having feedback on that is really, really helpful.

Good luck on the jam!


Thanks you too!!! This was super cool :D


I am a big fan of Sci-Fi compositions, and I appreciate every work!

ElO's Theme is epic!

A Haven For Those Abandoned by Their Master is a wonderful synthesizer floating on your ears. Creative!

Caught - tu tu tu tu tu tu... BAM

Before the Dust Settles (A Deal) - I feel threatened... Cool!

Arc2to's Theme is both groovy and fantastic. (I love Sci-fi)

A New Programming Language is a sad but very beautiful composition) (Raindrops? Atmospheric)

I think you've got a curious use of synthesizer sounds! Well done!


I appreciate the feedback! Synthesis is something I’m just now getting into after years of just doing rock music, so hearing someone who’s interested in the genre I was attempting say it was done well is VERY appreciated.

Best of luck to you during the jam!


This was such a cool story you made and the music fits it all so well! I felt so much more invested because of the story and it elevates the music a lot!

Great Job


Thank you so much! It’s the first time I’ve ventured out from my normal calm music, so to hear that is awesome.


Really enjoyed these tracks! Especially ELO's Theme. The middle section took me for a ride. Great work and good luck!


Thank you! And good luck to you as well!


There are some bangers on this OST, especially the first and fifth track. 

The first song is a banger, I love the 2nd track with the melody oscillating through filters and the chord progression, they sound so cool.

I think ARC2To's theme is my fav track, the melodies are memorable and the song is just wonderful. Also there are time signatures that changes on this (5/4 and 7/8 )?. Either this or the closer, it's a very good ambient track.

The only flaw I can think of is the theme that is a bit far off the "Inside my world" idea.

For the moment this is the best entry I ever heard coming from this jam.


I really appreciate the feedback, thank you!

As for the theme, I've updated my submission page to include my interpretation of the theme. I hope that it serves as a good summary for what I was going for. 

Thank you again for the comment!