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A jam submission

KAITOView game page

Submitted by Winterlaw — 7 hours, 28 minutes before the deadline
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Atmosphere is great! Well done. Needed a key layout guide or something to let me, us, know what keys to press etc. Love the vibes.


Thanks, going to have an updated version available after votings done, will have everything that’s been suggested by others fixed and much more.

Environment and atmosphere were great. The fishing didn't really feel too great though. I caught a salmon but only because I couldn't figure out how to reel in the rod for a long time. After that, I either wasn't patient enough or couldn't tell when to reel in the line.


Thanks for the feedback, should have spent more time on the fishing mechanic. Had plans for more but ran out of time and a lack of tutorial didn’t help. Going to upload a more finished version once the voting closes.



This does a great job of setting the mood. I was able to catch some fish using the instructions below, but it didn't feel like there was any purpose to it. Maybe the environment was setting the wrong expectations.

Overall, though, this was very well done and pretty.


thanks for the feedback, ran out of time in the end, got a trade mechanic nearly done, fixed the boat, and will implement more of the story that was hinted by the picture in the boat. Will release a more finished demo once game jam voting ends.


At first I wasn't sure what to do, but saw that you put some instructions down below.

The game was great visually, it had a good atmosphere to it. 

However, it was a little too loud. I saw there was a settings button but that didn't seem to open anything up. Since that game relies on a audio cue to notify when to start reeling, I think turning down the ambient sounds would have definitely helped a lot.

I can see this becoming a narrative action game in the future


Will have a more finished demo ready once votings done. Ran out of time to do the settings menu. Will add sound sliders for everything. Thanks for the feedback 


I wasn't sure what to do, but I'm told I have that same issue with my title. Looks great.


Nice! I really like how this was put together, I think the island and the lighthouse and the assets and props and gauges and things work really well in the environment your made. I adore the little picture in the boat itself of some Asian family, it really makes the loneliness of the environment stand out, and there's like a little story there, like you're going out into the stormy seas to make money for your family or something like that lol. The fishing animations were a little buggy, but the minigame werks for what it is. Kinda nitpicky, but the reeling sound is really too high pitched and grating for me, and the right click/left click thing for the mouse was kinda confusing. Overall it's a great set piece, I'd love to see the gameplay a little more polished and expanded. 


Thanks, glad you get a sense of story and mood. Going to try and fix those animations and controls for sure. I’ll have to try some eq on that reel sound maybe. Don’t worry about being nit picky. Everything you mentioned will help me develop a better game and that’s what we should all be doing for each other.

thanks again


This has potential but it need some more work and a basic tutorial or something to explain what to do and how to do it. Also missed some audio/music. You should keep working with this and you will get a great game in the end i think :)


Thanks for the feedback, will have a finished version uploaded after gamejam voting. will think about in game music and a controls summary.


The graphics look awesome, nice atmosphere, and nice intro music. Couldn't understand at first what should I do :D In the end fished down from the shore (before reading your comment). I think it has great potential if you continue with it. 

And in the end, I got lost in the sea. Wish you good luck with it.


Thanks, still planning on finishing it properly. Hopefully have it uploaded just after gamejam voting ends.


Hey Everyone, Sorry,  just played through my shipped build and realised the boat acceleration isn't behaving the way it did in development, I've fixed it but unfortunately not for the gamejam voting. Also didn't have time to add tutorial features, if anyone is having trouble catching a fish, 

Fish off the front of the dock where you spawn, there are fishing zones.

hold down right mouse, the longer you hold down left click the further it casts.

Wait till you hear a sound then hold down R to reel it in.


Sadly i cant do anything in this except for throwing the bait. graphics looks nice and it has a great athmosphere but nothing to do.


Hey Thanks for the input, sorry I was up late trying to get it submitted and only checked quickly if everything was working, to drive the boat you interact with the helm with F key. Unfortunately the acceleration was behaving differently once shipped. M opens map, J opens fish journal. the idea is to use the boat and map to navigate to the fishing zones.


Hey I played your game too, It's well put together, UI is nice and everything worked well. managed to get the boat but stuck on how to collect fish with the boat. Game has lots of playabilty, great level design just lacking a real fishing mechanic. Let me know if i'm missing something because other than that I was impressed.