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A member registered Feb 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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hey thanks a ton! I'm already plugging away at some improvements. It originally had a 3min timer for the reactor recovery and 30sec maximum charge for the backup power. Made a last minute call to drop then both low, since walking up to a station is only fun for so long 🤣 thanks for the feedback! 

Thanks for giving it a go and for the kind words! Like I said to others, the mix was really by accident but I like it as well. Definitely continuing development and had a whole roadmap of ideas to impliment and make it better, up to and including; super rats, space Amazon, wetting the bed, construction zones, space Mormons,  and duct tape.

Good stuff! Rather impressed you have a leaderboard in a jam game, though that may well be since i haven't the foggiest how that even works.... lol

im not using Unity currently, plus its a challenge to me to see if i can do it as well. DEFINITELY appreciate youre willingness to share and enrich the dev community!

I didn't make it far enough to fall off, but I had no clue what I was looking for... I'm sure this looks nice on a better PC, but the motion blur was wrecking mine lol

BOY do i know that feeling! at least you got sound in there....lolol

Fun game, hiscore was 96 sec. I don't think it really followed the theme tho; if you stop, you just lose.

Hilarious idea! the platform was solid enough as well, good work!

i think perhaps something was wrong with the game when i tried. right before i hit the first green plus, it says victory then ends shortly after?

I'll give it a shot here in a bit!!! 

thanks a ton for giving it a whirl! The plan was to have minigames for each station, and I'm gonna add them in. I'm not sure enemies would fit the narrative (as it stands), but perhaps something could malfunction in the science lab. Super rats lol

The visuals are top notch on this one! i really love the look of the lava, assuming its a shader?

i cant get the game to run well enough on my PC :( sorry

Seems like you and i had a similar concept, aye.  I think yours makes a bit more sense than mine premise wise. tho... lol. Everything seems like it came  together really nicely. I will say i was rather lost at the beginning. i thought that i was supposed to be doing something with the crates and boxes in the background. That could very well be entirely my fault though, who knows.

Fun stuff! However, i will say it is cheesable. there not any penalty to just spamming left click to constantly move and easily outrun the enemies. they don't seem to shoot when not on screen so you can just make a large loop around the area to avoid them.... lol

if you pay it 'properly' its quite fun and brutal! The simple visuals are really nice and make the game quite easily readable.

Fitting the theme is really the only thing I can complain at all about, there's not really a way to stop. I suppose if you stop moving right you'll die.  Otherwise, I thoroughly enjoyed this and beat the whole game! I did run into one of the characters getting stuck in  a wall twice, which let me beat the boss with both alive lol 

I loved all of this! I think it would be a lot better on controller, but nonetheless man this was fun! Artwork is awesome, music is nice, and sound fit well,. The movement and attack took a second to get used to but feels really nice once I stopped pressing attack instead of jump... lol

I really enjoyed the artwork, the character, the platforms, and the background all look really nice!

I think the movement was really well done and the core gameplay of just running around the map is absolutely excellent!!! I think I'd need to turn up my sensitivity a tad if I were to play more. I'd love to see that further developed. Hold onto that for sure! Hit the nail on the head for the theme as well, and I think the idea of switching out how the theme applies is creative, and forces the player to pivot a bit in their goals and have to remember 'crap, where was that soda i just saw?'. Top notch man!

thanks a ton for the input, criticism included! I truly do appreciate it! 

yeah, I really just flat ran out of time. I started out spending way too much on the character and reactor art and barely was able to finish the actually systems.

As far as the timer, it is using delta time off the even tick. Not sure why it's starting with 25seconds, it should be 30. 

Octopath Traveller from Square Enix

gotcha, makes more sense now! Thanks! 

thanks! Can't wait to try your game later! The graphics mic was by accident. I was gonna do full 2D but didn't think I had time to learn that. So I just threw the sprite in place of a 3D character model... Seems to be a popular point lol

(1 edit)

the original plan was to have little mni-games for each station. However, I ran out of time 🤷‍♂️ so I just went with the test version of "walk to the station". I plan to keep working on this and update it after the jam is over. I like the idea and think it could be more fun. Glad you liked it and thanks for the feedback! 

I will see if I can add a Linux build 👍 

that's really strange and I honestly have no clue how I would even change that. Sorry! I literally learned how to do most of what you see over the weekend. Only had the basest ideas of how to use unreal. 

thanks 😊 the 2D /3D was an accident. I didn't think I had time to learn how to do all 2D sooo I pivoted and ended up really liking it. Menus, then sound, then art were last on the list; needed a working game to submit first lol. I'm just happy it ended up playable and better yet folks enjoy it 😊😊😊 

I'm gonna continue working on it after the jams over! Thanks a ton for playing it! 

that was really cool! Allows you to keep the action going by chaining kills and not missing. Forgot to mention that piece in my comment

it's still really fun and an awesome piece of work though!!! 

AMAZING! I absolutely love how you used the theme for a game mechanic! Genius! The game itself was solid and well built, i really like the door puzzle. awesome stuff! % stars across the board

it's still a great entry though! 

go look at mine dude! The only good art is the asset I used for the character! Check out Penusbmic. They have some great assets available. 

I love this man!!! So fantastically fun! Second game to get 5 all the way!

Fun little game! I like the visuals and it plays well. I'm not sure it really fits the theme all to well though.  Technically, if you stop long enough you will die, but that's more up to random happen-stance rather than death if you stop doing something.

not sure if it was supposed to have audio, so same as my game there if it doesn't... oops fun little platformer and I like the visuals; Simple but cohesive and effective. The Reboot screen was for some reason smaller than the full window, no big deal though. Great work!

This was a blast to play! I have the dumbest smile on my face right now! Excellent work! Only thing i can say negative would be the graphics, but hey... its a jam game! (plus it at least has graphics for everything, unlike

I kept running into a bug where I could no longer move. the character just sits in place and swaps looking left to right. I can still shoot. Just cant move. I like the little story, the visuals are gorgeous and the bit of gameplay I did get to was enjoyable! great work!

I don't think it really needs a help card. For me at least, it just wasn't clear visually how they would connect.