Nice and simple! All the effects communicate themselves well to the player!
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This was a lot of fun! Movement was really enjoyable and I appreciate the way the level forced me to take advantage of all the abilities.
Only complaint is the right click dash player facing info. the symbol in the bottom right corner is the only indicator of when i can use it, and if i just right click (no hold) it doesn't look like I have. Also if I've been in the air for a while, it will be back to full charge but I can't use it again till i touch the ground. Lastly, the moons seem to recharge the dash but nothing told me this. It could all just use a bit of clarification to the player.
Genuinely fun submission though!
thanks for the feedback! Glad you had a positive experience with our submission! I think ultimately the boat will be made a bit more friendly to drive, as it seems from other feedback not everyone sees it as positively as you do. And to be fair, most probably don’t have experience with boats in real life so they are left to what they know from video games where they are mush more friendly to pilot at low speeds.
Nice work on the character, my daughter recognized it immediately. Everything else looked lovely as well.
As for the fishing, i mostly felt frustrated. It took me a while before i finally came back here to see if there was any direction in the comments. Even then, trying to gauge depth with Q & E was difficult to do with the distortion from the water, so I ended up just dropping it up and down while wiggling with A & D.
On the actual catch part, I am still unsure what the two gauges are. I get the flat one being overall tension, but twice I got the round gauge to about 80% and the line snapped. I'm not sure why that happened either time. I like the ideas, but better player feedback is needed, I think.
Honestly, the fear of a shark showing up had me on edge the entire time. I suffocated before I saw one if they do exist.... I think the hitbox and/or aiming for the spear gun is slightly off because a lot of shots that felt like they should have hit just didn't. Could very well be user error as well though.
Neat overall and I like the idea behind the fishing minigame. I think it needed to cook a little more as I ended up frustrated by it more than anything. The target fish moves too quickly and erratically to feel like a fair challenge. While I was able to catch all 6 fish I hooked, it came down to the wire (3S or less) and did not feel like it was my fault or like skill could overcome the challenge. It was just too unpredictable and erratic. Perhaps if it were to pause longer after a longer move to allow the player time to even reach it before it moves again, or turning it instead into a contestant speed movement without the sudden high speed movements
The rest is really nicely done and I like Benchy and the motorboat sounds. Clever use of what's available.
if you want a direct comparison, the linked game here was my first ever submission for a jam and first game ever packaged. There was so much more I wanted to do with this and I just didn’t have the time or knowledge to do it. Also worth noting the environment there is a barely modified version of the default UE4 Third Person Template.
I fully understand all that you said and feel it myself. Having a deadline really does light a fire and is super helpful for me. Otherwise it’s always ‘eh, I’m tired next weekend maybe, when I’m less busy.’ And guess what never happens.
this is the submissions page for the jam it was part of:
I’ve had that happen a few times myself and didn’t have time to rework things so that it didn’t happen. The fish pull strength is determined by the size of the fish, and I didn’t have enough time to test and tune things so that larger fish don’t just immediately rip free.
Thanks for giving it a try. We’re going to put in a little more effort on the game to present a better portfolio project and address some of the feedback we’ve gotten here. The feedback is much appreciated!
So cool story, originally the runes were gonna be used for a sort of spell casting system. Then were changed to a set of modifiers, then finally to just a single penalty modifier due to time constraints. We have some plans after jam to add in a bit of the stuff we had to trim back and turn this into a solid portfolio piece for us. Not sure if we’ll end up Steam-worthy but I want to get it to a much better and more feature complete state.
Excellent all around! Environment and atmosphere were great. I really like the cooling towers in the distance, adds a nice touch with people being so irrationally afraid of them. Why is it always spiders though.... lol Not a fan of spiders.
The ending was totally expected but still got me. Something you could have done that would have been similarly great is to have one last return to the dock, but this time the spider under the dock moves on top and when the player turns towards the noise, it JUMPS at them.
First game ever, awesome work! That alone is worth something for sure. Keep going with what you have learned and make some more small experiences like this.
For critique, the biggest issue is feedback to the player. When reeling in there is a solid color featureless floor, wandering fish, and undulating water; none of these provide any info to the player that the bobber is being reeled in. Something as small as turning the camera 180* towards the player and/or sculpting the floor could do wonders. I like the idea. The Nintendo Wii basically spent a whole console generation on "waggle to win" and you used it to make a fishing minigame! I don't mean that as a negative thing, just that you, on your first game ever, landed on an idea that clearly works.
Seriously, good work and keep going, make more games! I plan to and hopefully we'll cross paths again in the future.
Fun and stylish, but unless I missed something, i think the sharks may be a tad too strong. I upgraded the harpoon first day and still struggled to keep sharks off the boat at night.
One other suggestion is maybe swap sharks for some sort of eldritch creatures. Could help explain their appearance only at night. I like it and could see it being even more fun and a solid portfolio piece!
Oh, also I like the runes as stylized elements. I am Norse Pagan so they carry a bit more meaning to me and its clear they were just used as decoration, but I'm not one to get upset about things like that. Seems silly to do so. They each have a few meaning associated with them, might be worth looking into for future projects to give things a little more depth.