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A member registered Dec 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the comment. We have a few ideas and if you have any feel free to share :)

Thank you for playing and your feedback. We will definitely think more about how to improve the UX and make it more clear. Sorry it wasn't intuitive enough 😅

Thanks for playing and your feedback. The loading time is strange. We have tested it in a few devices (asked friends to play it) and tested even on mobile (surprisingly it worked) but didn't notice this behavior. Potentially slow internet connection since its loading in the browser ? Hard to tell but sorry you encountered such issue :(

Yeah, I did that. I did the tutorial, went to the main  screen again and was presented with 4 options K, E, W, SPACE and no matter what I try I always immediately get "the end lol".

The concept and implementation was awesome. Characters behind the glass were executed perfectly and eye movement was a cherry on top. The puzzles were interesting and the mechanic was perfectly fitting with the theme. I really enjoyed the game but one small downside was the "beeping" sound when Amy was talking. Although it is fitting, I disliked it a lot. Other than that I can't say anything bad or suggest any improvements. You did a amazing job.

Thats an interesting idea. Can imagine how this could look with other songs. The visual aspect is another thing - simplistic and with taste, love it! Good job on the game.

Thats a really interesting concept. I'll be honest, when I first saw a main menu I thought its gonna be some small beginner level game but I was wrong. The game itself looks great. It has a special vibe. The music is not for my taste, it got annoying pretty quickly but I can't disagree that its fitting. The tutorial and a bit of humor are great. Love that the game isn't all 100% serious and you added some fun, daily element. Special kudos for self paced reading. I hate when game forces the reading speed and you gave option to go to next piece of text when player is ready.

Overall I think its a really great game. Style wise not my vibe but I can admit its great in general. And lets take into consideration that it was done in ~3 days. Awesome work!

Thank you very much for playing and providing this valuable feedback. It really adds another perspective to think about, especially about the timer. Regarding customer art it was just lack of time on our end. We had to rush customers for the sake of playability :) In future they should be colored and match the game style.

I have really mixed feelings about this game. I am happy that you went this far, you made a playable game, did the art but in terms of gameplay and visuals I didn't really enjoy it. The art is super subjective, just not my vibe but I admit it has its own style but the gameplay feels empty. OK, I'm running around and shooting idk what and... thats it ?

Maybe with more time you would do more stuff but I can give my feedback on improvements based on what I see right now.
1. Either a tutorial or a story to tell player what is the goal and what we need to do. Even if you wouldn't end up implementing it, having a clear goal is important (imho)
2. While I was shooting the monsters, some white thingy was flying out of me towards enemies - I still don't know what it was
3. Damage feedback (Visual/Sound/HP Bar/what ever that fits). Otherwise its unclear am I taking damage and how much longer can I survive

I'm not saying you did a bad game, it just needs more polishing and some more content :) And congratulations on your first jam. Hope to see more new games from you!

A really great game! The concept is unique (at least to me) and felt fresh. Reminded me, a little bit, an underwater level in Sega game "Flintstones" :D I absolutely loved the water splash effect when you dive in/out of the water. The roguelite elements were awesome. Adds desire to continue playing and variation to the game style + gives you more room for future content which is awesome. Kudos for tutorial, it was great and gave clear understanding of what to expect and how to play. I did encounter a big downside tho... At the first big treasure there is like a performance drop. Later in the game same thing happens. When the player dies the slow effect also feels like a performance drop. In theory could be my local issue but maybe worth debugging. The audio & sfx were also very fitting.

Maybe at some point you will decide to add some lighting and IMHO that could bring visuals to a whole next level but maybe your game vision is good as it is. Something to experiment with :)

Great job on the game.

A nice little game - enjoyed it. Fun fact, I wanted to build a similar game with similar mechanics but we went a different route :) Glad to see that somebody done it. I've absolutely loved the tutorial part, how WASD was done, it was awesome. All of the art pieces were fitting great, loved them. Overall a great game and lots of room for improvements & new content. A few advices from my side on areas that can be improved:
1. Consider adding sound effects as feedback. Audio is very underrated in terms of game success & perception
2. After you die, you are basically stuck. I didn't see a restart button nor have a clue if its even possible. Minimum - Add in game description, for example "R for restart" or as maximum - add as feature in the game
3. Maybe some main menu could be great to have, even the simplest one. I understand that maybe you didn't have enough time to implement it
4. Try using some custom fonts. That is a small and easy details which can improve the game perception and overall look & feel
5. Not necessarily needed but something you can look into & experiment - lighting. With some small additions you can improve how your game looks greatly. I think in your case this could work because you have a limited area and moving sprites. Each could have Point light. This is something to consider and experiment :) 

Thank you very much for playing and leaving this feedback <3

While I think the concept is interesting, I did struggle with understanding what is happening and what I need to do. To fix that, I guess adding some pause or transition between new game should do the trick. Once I stopped, I see a small label "Your score is ..." which doesn't really help me and appears only if I stay still. Maybe moving it somewhere outside of the playing area would improve the understanding. Second thing is transition between game end and new game. Once I touch the border - the game immediately restarts. Even if that is a design decision then at least a visual and/or audio feedback would be required. Maybe even display somewhere a score at the end of the game.

One thing that I absolutely loved was the water effect when the ball enters/exits. Awesome work there.

Unfortunately I've encountered same bug that preventing me from doing anything :/ I did the "tutorial" and once I start using any potion it gives me same creature with button to return to main menu but the button is not working. Tried many different things but same result. I did love the hand drawn art tho, especially the loading animation.

There is definitely a retro vibe :)  I absolutely loved the doge easter egg! For my taste, the game was a bit too slow and unresponsive. I would even prefer a coyote time but that might be your game design. Art, music, sfx and animations are great. They fit really well together. Controls were a bit clunky for me because I started playing with arrow keys and for movement it was great but once you need to attack it became a mess. Hitboxes is another issue that I encountered. I felt like I was hitting but it wasn't close enough. Might be a skill issue or might need some improvements. Nevertheless, really good game, great job!

Congratulations on your first game jam :) I think you did a really well job. I do have to say that the fire audio was nice :D The concept itself also looks interesting. Probably with more time and polishing you could end up with a really interesting game. Unfortunately at this stage there is nothing much to comment on. I still wish you good luck on your journey with Godot!

This was a pleasant surprise to me. Totally a germ. First of all, you did an amazing job. Second of all, the concept and game has a potential. I really enjoyed the concept but I had to play longer to understand it. It was easy to play and there are many things to improve and expand both content & UI wise. I think my only suggestion for improvement would be the UI (for a prototype its OK, but still could use some quality of life improvements).  UI is the first thing I'm looking at and it has to be both appealing and intuitive. For example, allow zooming while you are in cave.  Understanding the UI controls was a bit of a struggle to me. Once you add more assets, the game will elevate on to a next level.

I loved the retro vibe and the dialog system. Art was very compelling, especially in the dialogs. I did had a few struggles understanding the item switching and what was on the top right. Once I got the axe it became clear. Also I had a feeling that top right element (inventory) has a little bit out of proportion for everything else. Like it was so big and yet so less details (It took me some time to understand its INV written). Possibly part of my comment is a skill issue. Overall great game, I did enjoy it. Yet again, the vibe, the theme interpretation, the SFX and art are fitting great.

Thanks for playing and for your detailed comments. Will keep that in mind :)

The concept is interesting and I loved the tree background. Body part crafting was also neat but it has place for improvements. I'll elaborate on it later.

There are several things I didn't like or could use an improvement:
1. Tree collision was unintuitive. I could fly through some areas of the trees where in other places there was a collision. I also hated the V typed tree branches where runes were placed. Was frustrating to get there and pick up the rune.

2. The movement was strange. I would expect a bit smoother & controllable movement but if that was your design choice then you can ignore this comment.

3. Only from description I understood that the "pot" is every 5 trees (Reading is hard). Even without that knowledge, it desperately needs an indication for nearest pot or cauldron. Maybe even a fast travel to it. While playing I lost it several times and had to use my memory & guessing if thats the right place where it was.

4. After crafting a body part I was expecting that something will change to my player character. Either visually or functionally (bigger; faster; more controllable) but nothing changed :( There has to be something to satisfy player. Additionally maybe some small instruction or description how/why can be added there, so that dummies like me understand how/why am I doing that.

5. From intuitive perspective it makes all the sense in the world to have a human body and body parts, but... player character isn't really a human :D Maybe it would make more sense to change it to something more fitting for the character ? It could give you lots of possibilities on how much/what kind of body parts your character has. In the long term maybe you can expand this mechanic to transform/upgrade your player character in a different form that will have different "anatomy".

I agree with other comments out there - content wise this game is awesome. Personally I like the simple art and approach. Its fun & simple, love it. Clearly you did a lot of great job with the game. The tutorial is a bit confusing but with trial and error you can get somewhere, that's great. 

Really enjoyed the game and the atmosphere. Reminds me of a board game "Fire tower" Execution is also amazing. Lots of potential here.

Thanks for a thoughtful review. Those are really good points for further improvements. Want to elaborate/comment on a few points.
6. There was a plan on adding a light scroll that would add that feature so the plan was to keep everything relatively dark with limited light source.
7. It is moving but I guess too slow 😅
13. The intention was to let player explore the level and give more paths. If during 1st jump player didn't get into the gap, on the bottom there is a second path that allows player to get to the right position. Not sure if the goal was achieved well.
15. Yes, that was the intended behavior - You should switch only between inactive scrolls (that are not set in the 1/2 slots).

A fun little game with great art and music. I did enjoy the game but after 2 minutes I got bored 😅 Can't say its a bad or boring game but probably not for  my taste. I don't have any criticism because the game is really well executed.

Its a really fun game with interesting concept. What is most impressive to me is that it was built with Web Dev tech. As a Front End dev who also loves TS, hats off to you on the game. You did an incredible job!

Great approach to the theme. Really enjoyed it. IMHO everything is great in the game. The music, the art, the animations, the dialogs, even the  important notice on top left (where the clock is) - Thats a really great UI/UX. Respect for that. Minigames were also pretty good. The game already feels like a great product.

I did encounter one small bug tho, but it didn't affect my opinion on the game. At some point two customers went to the same position and it was a situation that both of them are inside of each other and I gave wrong order to them.

Understandable. We also wanted to have a wall jump as one of the skills (scrolls) and even did a POC on that but decided to spend time on other things :)

Amazing job on your first game jam, especially considering you done it solo. I definitely had a massive skill issue on the last level with the wall jump mechanic :D The visuals, music and sfx were put together wonderful. It had its own little cozy vibe. The wake up at the start was a neat little detail that I loved.

I don't really know what to suggest for improvements as the game feels great. Maybe work a little bit more on wall jump mechanic to make it more forgiving and easy but thats massively subjective. Maybe you achieved the mechanics that you intended.

Good job on the game!

I loved the movement. I think you went into Quake style and to me it was awesome. Main menu button style was neat, really enjoyed it. Hand model, spell casting effect (speed, visual, shadows) was great and you found a perfect sfx for it.

Unfortunately there were many things I didn't like or could be improvemed:
1. Every area/level in the game felt like it was stretched on purpose. Lots of pointless running. I would be expecting distances to be shorter or I'm running straight for too long. To my taste, ofc.
2. When you are looking at the portal or any interactable object, the text is small and white. Easily blends into environment and most of the time hard to notice. Possibly you didn't have enough time for that but its something you can polish in the future.
3. I felt like room placement wasn't that good. Had vibes of 90s~2000s games. Too simple, too empty like it was last minute design. I'm not blaming you if that was the case or it was by design.
4. A small thing but you have a very cool and well crafted main menu with nice button design... But the text in the middle ruins everything :D It looks like it was added in last minutes before submission and stands out of the main menu style a lot. Changing font and/or maybe placement could easily improve it.
5. Probably you already know it but hands can get into the wall :) (Model wise)

With that being said, you still created a great and quite ambitious game. Kudos to you. Hope that you will continue the development and keep on polishing it.

It was interesting playing your game. For me the controls were a bit slow, would prefer more quicker pace but besides that the game was still fun. I like your interpretation of the theme and you did great job with implementation. Background music was also pretty good and kudos for the story. Well done!

Thank you very much for playing and leaving this feedback. Really happy you liked the idea. Yes, unfortunately we made a game less forgiving than it supposed to be and we will take it as a learning experience :)

Awesome work! I beat the game and enjoyed it. Its a short little game but still so satisfying. More levels, more polishing, a bit more content and I think you have a really solid game that can be given out to the masses. Special thanks for forgiving death system. Instead of teleporting somewhere or restarting the level you allow players to keep playing from the same spot (Unlike in our game 😅). I don't want to highlight each of the crystals but I will say that all of their abilities are cool from idea perspective and well executed, loved them. Boss fight was a nice surprise 🔥

I do have a few points for further improvements:
1. There needs to be a feedback on collision. I had a strong feeling I'm not hitting anything if I didn't hit the center of enemies (even if the hit did register). Maybe you didn't have enough time for that but thats the most important note on this list (from my POV). Possibly destroy the "bullet" on collision (If you intention is not for it to hit more enemies) ?

2. Thank you very much for not putting such a big speed on intro but I mention it on all games I play - Some are slow readers like me and I would really appreciate if you would have a button "Next" or "Continue" to allow me to continue the game after I'm done reading on my own pace. Yes, this is super subjective and a preferential thing, but people like me would be grateful :)

Thanks for playing the game and your feedback. I would say thats a miss on our end :) I was just on a call with friend who also experienced issues with double jump. From this POV it looks like more testing and bug fixing is required and I'm sorry you had to experience these issues :(

Thanks for playing and your feedback. Yes, that is our mistake of overlooking that scenario. It was intended that you pick up the scroll first 😅

Thanks for playing. Initially we planned to do whole story with less text as possible and with similar art (Like in Max Payne 1, comics style). The game atmosphere intended to be dark since there is no fun in goblin dungeon and the challenge should add to it. Its not so easy to escape (Although I admit that we made it more challenging than it should be 😅). Light source as scroll was also intended as one part of the game play mechanic but due time constraints it was left out.

Appreciate your feedback!

It took me a little while to understand the gameplay and the hooks werent super visible for me but once I did all was pretty straightforward. I still did a have minor struggling identifying what is "standable" and where would I fall down.

All in all the gameplay is interesting and maybe even unique, I liked the idea and implementation. Dash effect, pixel art and sfx were amazing. Music fits perfectly. Great job on the game, its really great!

There is a bug where your hook can stuck and you will be stuck for ever.

Ah... Shame I forgot about them. There were a few cases I wanted to do them but left "for better days". Oh welp :D

(1 edit)

This time it loaded a lot faster. Tbh, hard to believe this game was done as part of game jam. It feels like a really solid early access game. Its so polished. Game mechanics are great, visuals are well crafted, the audio is nice and relaxing. You did an incredible job with this game. It feels even better than on screenshots.

Some nitpicks are that I would prefer some more hover effects for better player feedback but thats a thing of preference I guess. Other than that I am amazed how well you put all the visual effects with the floating/rainbow text, effect animations and so on. Great example for Godot capabilities. I wouldn't be surprised if your game appeared on "5 Games Made in Godot To Inspire You" video series by StayAtHomeDev.

P.S. There was a small bug where it was super difficult to get out of the box with ores (Entrance is on the right side). Entrance of 1 block was too tiny and I tried multiple times to get out and couldn't. At the end just when I was about to quit, somehow it "fit" into the hole and I could get out :)

Very addicting game. Well done. I had fun playing it and the theme was executed awesome. Honestly, I don't have any criticism about the game, it was really good.