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The game looks really good but it runs really bad on my pc :/

There is little no telegraphing so it is hard to see when the boss is gonna attack or where. The controls feel good but hitting the boss does not have any feedback besides the healthbar going down, if it had some particle sysstem or hurt animation it would be really fun and rewarding :D

Also 562mb download is alot, i'd reccomend using .zip files to compress it even further so it does not look so meanceing haha.

Great game, good job!

I rated the most I can, my schedual was way too packed so if I did not play your game I am sorry.

Looks like I got that gamblers luck lol

The only debuff I got was that the boss became invincable and it was the first thing i ever got and i just tought I softlocked the game but then i did the big spin and never got a debuff again lol.

Very good looking game!

The performance is quite bad, thankfully you can set the quality to be lower which makes it playable but alot less appeling than the high quality which looks absoloutely amazing! The vfx look amazing either way,

The telegraphing is well done , every attack feels fair to the player.

The controls were a little bit confusing at the beggining but when i got the hang of things the combo system felt nice, I am still not sure as to how it works fully but button mashing did the trick (I really suck at thease combo type games :p)

The controls feel very nice and the dialogues are a nice touch!

Amazing job, the game feels ready to be put on steam!

The control scheme is quite weird, it's a bit confusing.

The game feels nice once you get past the controls, and i like the idea of the start screen being a slot machine!

A little + for the god mode, Like it when jam games have god mode cause it lets you play even if you suck (and i do suck at this game)

Good job!

Dodging in this game feels nice! Making a bigger impact for when the boss is hit, like some particles would make this game pop!

The controls are very weird (the controls feel responsive but the control scheme was a bit hard to figure out) with having to attack with the arrow keys, took me a bit to realize and the little rythm part was confusing? Altough a cool idea, it messes alot with the games overall flow,  "We also added a spin-based rhythm game that occurs three times during each boss fight, where you type WASD or Arrows in a circular pattern to unscrew the bosses core." vissually id did not really look like unscreawing the core but its a cool idea that could have been incorporated a bit more smoothly, and more in the players control. Maybe the boss breaks down and you can do that attack to deal alot of damage! Taking damage during that sequance also felt unfair for the first time since i was not expecting it!

The game looks and feels really nice, the idea of sliding down is really cool too.

Good job!

Very fun mechanic and idea !!

Picking up the coins and damaging the boss feels amazing really nice, too bad there isn't any sound :(

Wish there were more slots to add to the overall chaos, doesn't feel too chaosy with just 5 !

The idea is amazing but its not executed the best, the boss has a gigantic amount of helth and getting 5 really good upgrades and not having to spin anymore with the big spin is really easy since you get alot of coins.

Besides the lack of sound and the weird balance. This game is really good!

I reccomend working on it post jam abit cause this is a really neat idea!

Thank you so much for playing! :D

Yes i got  feedback that the first boss is the hardest lol

Thank you :DD

Thank you very much :D
I'll try my best to play all the games from the comments

Thank you Guanyin

Here is my submission

Here it is

Thank you very much for playing ;D

I was not planning on working on it post jam, but thanks for the comment <3

I think the colors are maybe too starutared (In contrast to the games gloomy and unsaturated color pallet), as well as the health and mana UI's being a pretty weird shape and angle?

I like le boss designs, a bit more indication on when you hit a boss would be nice, a bit more juice. 

The telegraphing is quite solid but as DadMakesGames already said, the UI is kind of distracting?

Also love the creepy artstyle of this game, very nice!

Thank you for the feedback!

The scrolling text and the menu are both problems of the UI scaling and they only work on 1920x1080 resoloution, every other scene scales with any resoloution. Sorry for that :p

Thank you for playing my game :D

Thank you for feedback and for playing :D

Ohhh that makes so much sence yeah. Thanks!

Thank you for playing :D

Thank you for playying my game :D

Thank you for playing!

Thanks for playing!!

Thank you for feedback and thanks for playing :D

Thank you for playing ;D

I just had to play the game with that cover art. 

And it was actually pretty fun. The controls feel really good, especially the jump. Dodging is fun.

As MaoriG already mentioned the throwing system could have been executed a bit better. But overall pretty nice.

Only thing I am not a fan of besides that is upscaling the pixelart. 

Good job :D

The art is stranglely really cool and fun. How did you get the effect where only some pixels of the sprite get lit up when they interact with a light source, not sure if i ever saw that. Looks extremely cool

THe movment feels nice, the wheel changing after every sucesful hit and not every hit is also nice. Really fun music too.

The over the top vfx look amazing!

Good job!

The art is amazing!!!

But it is missing alot of telegraphing, could not get past the witch. The game is quite hard, might be a skill issue but its hard to tell which attack is gonna happen when the animations are not that eye catching and are fast. 

The music is nice and the concept of you being the "Boss" is really cool :D

Good job

Fun but the controls do feel a bit janky and unresponsive? Its really hard to deflect the bullets so i just did not use that mechanic at all, the boss variety is nice.

The artstyle and the general feel of the game is quite nice. Feels raw, very motherfucking foul mouthed dialogue!

Good game and good job :D

I love when people use really limited color pallets and are extremely efficient and creative with them, this games art did the most it can with just 2 colors and a few shades of the said colors, when the gravity shits, it feels unfair cause the hands hit me :/.

You can chesse abit by constantly changing gravity cause most attacks do not predict where you will be.

More indicators would be nice, especially for the hands.

Good job!

This game is really bloddy fun, the dash is always JUST right. never too far, never too short. The movment feels very tight and precise. The game is super fast but the indicatiors work REALLY well so every attack that hits you feels like your fault and never the games fault. This was ALOT of fun, music was adrenaline rushing.

The art is quite simple but such a fast game that requires reflexes and having to dodge attacks cannnot work with a complex art style cause it would lose visual clarity.

Only criticism is that the game does not really follow the theme of the jam, atleast I didn't notice it, besides the word spin in the corner that could have been any other word (If i am missing something, pls tell me) :/

As a boss rush i think its perfect, as a boss rush with a theme of spin, not so much.

The game is JUST RIGHT in every aspect. Not too overwhelming, not too underwhelming. Amazing balance of the 2!

Amazing game, good job :D

Pretty solid game. If you put some particles in the game it would be a cherry on the top! The game feels nice control wise but some attacks just have little no dodge window, on the last boss you cannot tell what attack he is gonna do with that crystal, all looks the same?

Also like the twist of the last boss being the guy from the wheel room, very cool foreshadowing.

The first boss has an undodgable attack ??? Which i found quite annoying.

Other than that, the game is really good :D

Thanks for the criticism! No one has pointed out the hurt/dash thing yet, and you have a point, as for the collider thing, i think its in the game already but the diffrence when the laser is hovering over the boss is like 20% which is hard to notice. But yeah, i could have tweaked the turret and made it maybe have combos where when you shoot the boss it gets faster and reloads faster, but eh, missed oprotunity.

Thank you very much for playing my game, and the great feedback :D

God damn this is fun. The hammer feels very heavy and nice to use!

The more bullets are on the map it also feels like a disatvantage to the enemy!

Super nice and well executed mechanic.

Good job!

(1 edit)

This game has amazing ambiance.

Its really artistic. Good job!

Fun concept! Love how you can accidently shoot the pitch button and the music pitches up or down, the bosses got progressively easier tho :/

The hitboxes are also quite inaccurate and you can see that on the first boss.

Other than that, really cool take on the theme, nice game :D

The style of this game feels very much like a game that beyblade would make, not just cause of the spinning top but also the graphics, I wish that you took less damage when hit cause then going up close and doing melee damage would also feel balanced.

Fun concept!

I shall follow you so I can see if you ever decide to update it, good luck on the game if you do decide to work on it further :D