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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Solid game, really nailed the feeling of oldschool beat em ups. The controls felt solid and responsive. the audio was amazing and brought me right back to the old days. Will be looking forward updates on this one with more content! Good job!

Simple and effective. Only suggestion I'd have is tweaking the jump a little bit cause the arch was too harsh and weird to calculate where you will land. Overall, good job!

Hey, this one is a nice one... I can totally see this turning on to full on music teaching coop game, where you have to stay on the correct chords paths. Will be looking forward a more in depth release in the future! Good job!

Loved the visuals, controls felt solid and the choices on the checkpoints add a couple different ways of getting though the stage. Good job!

Short, sweet and solid game. I liked the approach to the checkpoint  system. Good job!

It is a good starting base for something more complex, with some shaders to make it full cartoon look, and some added behavior to the cat, making it more difficulty after each delivery, it can make for a neat little Halloween game! Good job!

Very fun little precision platformer. Couple issues: Lack of controller support, precision stuff like this works better on controller, Sometimes was hard to tell background from foreground, easily fixable by just darkening the BG a bit to create some contrast and lastly, although the song timer is a fun mechanic, sometimes the obstacles would require you to wait, which it can lead to a non "player mistake" cause of death. Overall, for a jam, it is a enjoyable game. Good job!

Interesting mechanics and very cute art. Very simple mechanics that still keep a challenge when trying to complete the puzzle.. Would love to see the game get a full release with more levels! Good job!

This is an interesting one... Very artsy... Fantastic implementation of both theme/focus and all the diversifiers. I really liked it! Saved 83 trees. Good Job

Looks like a game with a big potential. The art is fantastic, sounds are great and it is easy to grasp the controls, it is really impressive that you managed to put it all together in a jam deadline... I'd love to see this developed further. Good Job!

Really cute little game! Fantastic visuals, very bouncy, loved the model designs, the player character reminded me of those enemies that flip you on Mario Sunshine. he controls were really solid. Looking forward to see more of this game in the future!

Hey, neat puzzle game, it is simple and effective. Love the art. Would really enjoy if this is continued, cause it has a lot of potential, and had a full released... I did found a bug, that was not mentioned on the other comments (I also had the stage 3 collider one once) where I manage to somehow clip the collision and go out of bounds. Great puzzle and I'm looking for to see more of this game in the future. 

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Love the concept of a "rhythm based" tower defense game. One thing I wish it had was a bit more of feedback when hitting the enemies, to just nail down the feeling, It could've been like little particle explosions with letters/symbols, since you're eliminating malicious code. Overall a great little game. Good Job!

Great visuals, and design overall. I absolutely love the dialog "voice acting" it made me laught! Good job!

Very responsive controls, I like that it has controller support. This type of gameplay would work wonders on a platform with touch controls. Good job!

Hey, was looking to play this game!! The bombs mechanic is very very fun, I like that you can bouce it from the ship and get to the larger size super fast. The SFX and music complement well the game visuals. Good job!

Super polished everything, from the music to the art (including the bopping to the beat). Very enjoyable experience. Great job!

Clever puzzle game, the concept reminded me a bit of the "Companion Cube" sections from Portal but with a twist. Good Job

I'll consider trying the solid colors approach for sure! For the jam I wanted to get a look more or less like the Vectrex with CRT bloom. Thanks for the feedback!

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Wonderful narrative focused experience. Only real issue with it, more of a Unreal Engine thing than a dev fault, was that I had to go digging for the config file to turn V-sync on and prevent my PC from taking lift like a jet, do consider having a frame cap when using UE, cause it just eats all resources if it is allowed to. Good Job!

Neat and fun little game! Works really well on it's simplicity, just wish there were more levels! Good job!

hey! This is super neat! Never thought that tank controls on a top down RPG would be so fun! Good job!

A simple and yet really enjoyable little game... Really loved the ghosting mechanic. Good Job!

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Great Bloons replica... only thing that kinda breaks it is being able to overlap stuff... Good Job still, really fun to play

Responsive controls, nice visuals and music, the SFX were super juicy, I did managed to softlock myself one time by yeeting the box past the walls on the first checkpoint zone, besides that, smooth sailing, loved the little victory dance at the end! Good Job

Really straight forward and fun game, the puzzles are not overly difficult (which is great to see in a jam). would love to see a more developed game from this with sounds, extra levels and all the bells and whistles. Good job!

very polished and a lots of content... add a couple more levels and it is ready to be on a mobile store... solid game!

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Very good implementation of the theme/limitation, the simple "sticker book" visuals are super charming, only issue I had was that on certain times the spawn rate was too fast and that affected knowing which tiles I was were grabbing. Other than that, Good job!

wow... I had liked it from watching others play... and now that I also played it myself... I gotta say... I'm even more impressed with how smooth it runs and how responsive it feels... Great use of the 2D in 3D perspective really brought me back to arcade days. Cant wait to get a full version release of this.

Very interesting mechanics... I dont think I ever played anything like this... it looks very clean and once you get the hang of it is super fun to play!

Solid entry, the minimalistic graphics and limited palette give the game a nice look, the music sets up the perfect athmosphere, the controls are very responsive and the juice SFX are the cherry on top of the cake. Only thing I missed was controller support. Good job!

Really neat game, the music is a bop, the art is vibrant and the controls are very intuitive! Good Job!

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Balancing is a weak side of mine... It is hard to get everything to the perfect values on the time of a jam. Thanks for playing!

yep, was a shader since world env doesnt work on web for whatever reason. it is a bit of a setup, but it is worth.

Very fun game and unique idea on the check point launching you on respawn. the art is super cute, the level design is neat. One thing that did happened, I'll assume cause it was the last level, was the game crashing once I finished level 10. Good job!

Oh hey there, fellow Godot user!! Super nice visuals, jamming soundtrack and very interesting way of implementing the Two Button diversifier. Good job!

Nice and simple game... Great usage of the jam themes and the two button diversifier. Good job!

Cute art, good music and sfx, solid and responsive gameplay... Good job!

Game looks great, love the use of filters (and the nice addition of the toggle on the options), the SFX are great... Took a bit to get used to the controls but it is a neat idea. Good job!