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A member registered Jun 14, 2021

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Currently looking for people that are part of "tokyo hanji gang" Please respond if you are!

replaying this, I liked it a lot more. there's a lot wrong with it but it was clearly made with love.

aaaaahh.. i must've skipped the dialogue by accident the first time. Since it doesn't repeat I had no idea!! lol

Enjoyment 3/5 Game immediately starts moving, no tutorial. The controls are also awkward, there's a ton of different keys that do different things but they're all crammed together. You could've give the blocks keys closer to the left hand and the character keys closer to the right hand. I didn't really want to play this after I tried it.

Creativity: 2/5 Literally just tetris with a charcter on the blocks. And you say that the goal is to "scale" your tower, but that's not what tetris is about. Tetris is the opposite: you need to make sure your tower never gets too high by clearing the screen.

Style: 4/5 This game looks very good and very polished. I can tell you spent a lot of time making the game look good. 

I'll be checking your game out next jam

Enjoyment: 2/5 Kinda boring. It's very hard and frustrating to aim with tile controls. The controls are also awkward, with wasd for directions and c+v for actions.

Creativity: 2/5 I can't see how the size mechanic interferes with the game. One of the power-ups makes you super big and you become a little bit smaller when you get hit but besides i can't see anything the theme adds.

Style: 4/5 This game looks great! The "thumbnail" looks really fun too, not much to complain about.

I'll be waiting for your game next jam!

Enjoyment: 3/5 if I'm being generous. The gameplay is very simple, you just absorb stuff. Also, I absorbed everything pretty quickly (small rocks, stick, wolves, bushes, people), leaving only the giant man and the giant wolf, which I couldn't attack without getting badly hurt myself. Also you could've communicated a little more that you could attack enemies, For pretty long I thought wolves and people were just unkillable chasers that you couldn't attack until you got big enough from small rocks and sticks.

Creativity: 2/5 It's kinda just a clone of katamari or a .io game. I'm not giving it 1/5 because at least it remotely fits the theme. Also the "pun" on built to scale doesn't work. "scale" and "consume" don't mean the same thing at all hahaha

Style: 3/5 Not bad at all! It's hard to fail in that category. Maybe some complaints are that the slime's face is waaaay too squashed, bigger expressive eyes would've been better. Also I could see the individual tiles of the grass texture.

Overall I didn't have a bad experiences even though a lot of stuff could be improved. See you next jam.

Enjoyment: 2/5 Some things held back the enjoyment for me. For example, I can't retrieve any food item to any rat. Even the toast, which is supposed to be the first and easiest one, I didn't know what to do with. The rat says something like "could you find the toast? Where is it?" IN FRONT OF YOU

Creativity: 3/5 Not the most impressive interpretation of the theme but I'd be lying if I said any game from this jam is quite like it. It's fine enough.

Style: 4/5 It's hard to fail in that category­. The game looks really cute, I thought it was funny when I first noticed the massive rat near the mountains.

Overall, I think I would've liked finishing this game if I was able to. If you fix this after the jam please tell me, I will finish it.

did you download a new graphic engine or whatever like the program asks? When i tried to play it the frame rate was terrible

Enjoyment: 1/5 The frame rate was absolutely horrible, I could not get anywhere. I didn't play this game for long. This is a game breaking issue. Sorry.

Creativity: ?/5 I didn't get to see the interpretation of the theme. I can't really picture it in my head from the description either. Sorry again.

Style: 3/5 Looks fine enough! It's hard to fail in that category. I could see a winning entry looking like this.

I'm sure you can make a working entry next year. I would be curious to play it if it does work.

Enjoyment: 3/5 Not bad. I did feel satisfied when I beat the game, but it was still really easy, and a little too basic. The story I also found didn't add much to the game.

Creativity: 1/5 It's kinda just an exploration game like any other. The scale mechanic didn't interfere AT ALL. The description says you can choose what kind of power you want from the rune, but when the game asks you to do that, it just asks you to pick a choice via a dialog box.

Style: 5/5 This game looks STUNNING. Definitely the best thing about it. A shame most people won't see this because the entry got flagged, for some reason. Eagerly waiting for your submission for next year!

O_o I'm a massive submachine fan.

I was really hoping this wouldn't be bad (because I saw it didn't have any comments), but when I saw the art it's like I found a gem no one else had found. God damn this is awesome!!

Enjoyment: 5/5 Puzzles really got me thinking! Nothing too hard, if you ever expand this I encourage you to make more difficult levels.

Creativity: 4/5 Not the most "mind-bending" concept for a game I've ever seen, but it's still really clever. Kinda wish I got to switch between more than 2 sizes, but the fact that only 2 is that fun says a lot.

Style: 5/5 Looks awesome. Very polished, love the character's appearance, looks like it's straight out of Lethal Company hahahaha

This deserves more than 2 rankings and 1 comment. More people need to see this game!

Yep uhhh name definitely fits lol.

Not gonna give this a rating, what matters is that you had fun making it. Hope you make better (and hopefully functional) stuff later!

Enjoyment: 3/5 It was fine, pretty fun but a couple bugs (how ironic) held it back for me. You could've done more with this core idea, too. Sometimes I respawned but the blocks didn't so I was stuck and had to press R.

Creativity: 3/5 Ok too, but you definitely could've done better, or you could've ran with this idea but added more stuff to make the gameplay more memorable.

Style 5/5 This game looks fantastic! And I really liked that anticlimactic ending too. Kinda looks like a Nicky Case game. I don't have much to complain about here.

(1 edit)

Enjoyment: 4/5 Weirdly enough I liked this? It kinda felt like a simple turn-your-brain-off kind of game. I felt satisfied when I finished it despite being really frustrating.

Creativity: 1/5 This is literally the second game from this jam i've played that uses a pun on "scale" as a verb instead of as a noun, whose plot revolves around "scaling" a mountain, and whose main character is a robot. (i'm not joking, here's the other game) And like that game, the gameplay is completely unaffected by the "scaling the mountain" aspect. You could've removed the "scaling the mountain" story and it still would've been a super simple platformer with the exact same level of enjoyment.

Style: 4/5 Unexpectedly I really fw the hyper-minimalist look of this game. It kinda reminded me of an atari2600/old computer game.

Finally, it's great that making this made you learn godot! Even if it's very unoriginal, I'm confident that this game helped you a lot to understand how godot works. Maybe you'll even make a much better game in the future because of the experience making this game on godot gave you!

I had an awesome time with this! Unfortunately what kills this submission is that it just straight up does not follow the theme. Besides the joke of "a robot built to scale a mountain" and the ending, nothing supports the theme of the jam. The gameplay is fun, but the theme of scale doesn't intervene at any point. You could've had this type of gameplay in any setting, not just "scaling a mountain".

A shame really, since I would actually pay money for an expanded longer version of this kind of game.

...did you use chatgpt to write this? It kinda just looks like talking a lot yet not saying anything. pretty scummy.

It's just a cute lil game. Not the kind of stuff that wins jams but it doesn't need to be : )

Enjoyment: It was fine. Just a relaxing game. The puzzles were well thought out. However stacking boxes was always a little awkward. It kind of felt like I was using the game's engine in a way that wasn't intended, if that makes sense.

Creativity: Fine too. It wasn't a bad interpretation, you definitely can't say it DOESN'T fit the theme. However I expect a lot of games to have that same twist of your character changing sizes.

Style: Good! I can imagine a winning jam entry looking like that. Very polished. I like how it's made of pretty unappealing  colors (on paper) like bog green, yet it doesn't look gross! I can see you put a lot of effort in that.

Overall, it's fine. It's the textbook example of a "good jam entry". Doesn't really do anything beyond that but I like it for what it is. I hope humanity isn't in danger after the ending.

Enjoyment: Surprisingly fun! I liked playing this :)

Creativity: Not the most creative way you could've interpreted the theme. It looks too much like that reverse-breakout game from the 2023 Jam.

Style: Fine enough. I could see a winning jam entry looking like this. Nothing outstanding but nothing really wrong with it.

If you want to pursue this game after the jam, i'm sure you could find more interesting mechanics to add. Oh, and also a tutorial since I had to figure everything out by myself.

Also i really like the base sound effect for clicking on stuff LMAO




This........ was hella FUN!!

This is the first game from my queue that I liked, honestly. It's awesome! Like a really cool flash game you played as a kid!

I.. genuinely have very little to complain about. This isn't the most "mind-blowing" interpretation of the theme, but then again I didn't need that to have a GREAT experience. The art was cute, too. I'm telling my friends about it. : ) GREAT job!!!

Respect. Knowing that you literally learned how to use the engine while making this makes it kind of impressive.

Also, being able to take bad criticism isn't something everyone has. Double respect.

Enjoyment: I guess this game is very faithful to actual arcane cranes in that it's literally impossible to grab the object you want. At one point i grabbed some random ass rubik's cube and put it into the win zone, which was honestly more fun than the actual objective.

Creativity: Not the most creative interpretation of the theme. Then again the two first games I rated for this jam were infinitely worse in that department, so not the worst.

Style: Perfect. I could see a winning game from this jam looking like this. Literally the best thing about this game by a HUGE margin. I also got all the references in the 3D models you used ; )

Sound design is.. uh. torture. Especially for my autistic noise-sensitive ass.

Overall, this is the first game in my queue that actually looks like effort was put into it. Even if I honestly didn't really like it. I look forward to seeing what you'll turn in next year : )

I finished the game. I didn't really enjoy this, sorry.

The interpretation of the theme wasn't very creative. I read the "How does your game fit the theme?" text after playing the game, and a lot of the elements you mentioned I didn't realize were related to the theme. Like, I didn't know the graveyard meant that generations of lizards died fighting the dragon. There wasn't any text on the tombstones or whatever to make the connexion, I just thought it was a random graveyard lol. Other than that, the interpretations kinda feel shoehorned in. They don't add to the gameplay. Like using the scales to buy stuff at the shop? That's just a money system like in every single game with a money system.

Visuals were easily the best part. While some stuff like the lizard characters didn't look good in my opinion, the forest background was honestly beautiful. The death screen is... a little disturbing? lol. Seeing the "pass on?" text and then the dragon's head is like you passed on to the afterlife yet the dragon is still haunting you in hell.. hahaha

Also there were a LOT of little things that bothered me and kinda make this game look like an unfinished demo. Here's a couple:

-I got knocked so far away that the forest background just became plain gray

-I really, really often got hit, heard the sound that's supposed to mean "the armor took the hit, you're fine" and then died a couple seconds later despite not getting hit.

-You're supposed to die to get the wings and make progress? Couldn't you just go back to the shop and buy them once you got enough scales?

-Navigating the dragon is confusing. Some parts of the dragon have collisions, some are part of the background (wings, for example) but telling apart what you can go through and what stops you is impossible.

Overall, I definitely think you could've thought of a more creative way to implement the theme and could've ended up with something more memorable. You can do better than that!

So much fun. You HAVE to play this if you liked OneShot.

Also considering I spoiled myself the whole game with youtube gameplays (and therefore didn't buy it) this is the first money i'm giving towards nightmargin. Crazy

awesome !!

bad frame rate. even on the worst quality setting there's still nearly a second of lag between the input and the reaction. In donkey kong jr. when I dropped the fruit on two enemies, it took maybe 5 seconds, when it was less than one on a better emulator

(2 edits)

it litteraly took me like half a year but i did it !! I love this game.

this game is a fever dream. 10/10.

are you planning on making a post-jam build ? that'd be great !

main problem with the game: the controlls of the asteroid are SUPER clunky. it didn't work half the time.

Also, there isn't much to the game at all. I would've liked it if you added more elements to the game, for example in the original asteroids arcade game, the spaceships shoot at the asteroid. In this game they don't do much other than to wander.

Still, the idea is creative and i've never seen anything quite like it when i was rating games.

I didn't know what to do nor what was the objective : (

Enjoyment: 3/5. At least it wasn't boring. And it actually was scary as hell.

Creativity: 3/5. This has already been done in things like Carrion. Also it was in the gmtk video to as an example to the theme.

Presentation: 4/5. The "thing" that you're supposed to find (is it a helmet ?) looks kind of flat, but otherwise this looks professional, and also REALLY scary.

Enjoyment: 4/5. This was pretty fun ! I could see this as an old flash game you'd play as a kid.

Creativity: 3/5. It's interesting that you have to die to advance to the next level, but I would've liked to see more of the mechanic of using corpses as platforms. Most of the levels you can pass with only two adventurers, the rest you can kill at the beginning.

Presentation: 4/5. This looks really good ! One detail: i would've liked the adventurers to be easier to tell apart. The one that jumps higher than the other for example, i found by pure luck. I didn't even know he was different from the others.

Great game still !

: )

I FORGOT TO SAY but the drawings are really good : )

Enjoyment: 2/5. You can just choose to not talk to the trainers so you can avoid fighting completely. So the game just becomes an exploration game with a mildy confusing map.

While fighting first trainer "name" (how original), i managed to get his stamina to 0 by biting. but even once it reaches 0 the battle keeps on going ?? so what was the point ??

Creativity: 3/5. Great idea ! I would love to play a game where the idea of fighting as pokemons is better implemented.

Presentation: 2/5. Was it too hard to make a friggin animation mister

also i love that in this high tech lab where researchers spend their lives studying creatures the only thing they know to fight them is just throwin' rocks

polish polish polish. this looks like a draft.

(1 edit)

I wasn't able to play the game :(

pretty cool idea though, if you make the game playable please tell me : )

I didn't know there was a last phase haha

I thought the bullets just kept on getting rarer until you got 100

Enjoyment: 3/5. I didn't have a bad time at all, even if the game is overall pretty simple.

Creativity: 3/5  Being hunted by a spider is pretty cool, but what I don't like is that the section where you're the spider takes up less than a minute and it plays after you've completed the game as a human, so it just feels like a post-credit scene or smth. 

Presentation: 4/5. The game looks very good. The movement of the spider was also really well executed and creepy. But there are a couple of things that sink the rating. First, the sword weirdly seems to not have the same resolution as the character. No idea why. Second, I encountered a couple of bugs.


Enjoyment: 3/5. I didn't have a bad time at all, even if the game is overall pretty simple.

Creativity: 3/5  Being hunted by a spider is pretty cool, but what I don't like is that the section where you're the spider takes up less than a minute and it plays after you've completed the game as a human, so it just feels like a post-credit scene or smth. 

Presentation: 4/5. The game looks very good. The movement of the spider was also really well executed and creepy. But there are a couple of things that sink the rating. First, the sword weirdly seems to not have the same resolution as the character. No idea why. Second, I encountered a couple of bugs.


Enjoyment: 2/5. There isn't much to do, you just collect the little dots. eventually as they get rarer even that becomes grueling

Creativity: 3/5. The way you describe it as an "anti-danmaku" is really cool, but unfortunately it pretty much boils down to catching things that fall from the sky.

Presentation: 4/5. The music and graphics reminded me of old flash games. Really cool !