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A member registered Aug 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice game! The graphics definitely compliment the idea of the game well! However, the game itself is a bit clunky to play. I don't like how you move the same speed as the enemies, since it just makes you feel super slow & heavy.

I was confused on how the healthbar worked when I was playing. I assume that when you shoot or get hit it drains, & you have to keep it from depleting? Maybe some explanation in the description would be nice.

Also, the game feels pretty dry to play. Adding in some screenshake, frame freeze, & juicy SFX would make it much more fun to just kill enemies. Overall though, good job!

Excellent game! I love the artstyle, & typing games are a unique genre I have not seen in a game jam yet, so props for that. Unfortunately, I was not able to complete the game, mainly due to my lack of skill, but I would like if it was slightly more clear when you switched between modes. Making the letters flash a different color when you enter the wrong key would also be a good addition in my opinion. Overall though, awesome game.

Nice game! I like the wacky physics & the struggle of getting the boxes into the van! However, the structure of the levels is quite odd. Having to put the boxes in there, & then take the truck over a large section of flat terrain is pretty boring. Maybe if you had to get the boxes in there & then drive the truck to the goal as fast as possible? Overall, neat game.

Fun little game! I like the visuals, & the fact you can't shoot the gun as much as you want definitely forces you to think about how you use it much more carefully. Some music would be nice, even if only taken off the internet would help with the ambience the game has, & would help hammer home the "everything is chaos" limitation. Overall, good game!

Nice game! The art is very cute, & the music definitely gives off the boss battle vibe. I tried dashing into the core like the description said, but no damage was dealt to the boss. I could just be not understanding it properly, but I'm not really sure. Overall, fun game!

Fun game! The art looks very nice, & the music is good too. Scanning enemies with the ray feels a little clunky, especially when there are a lot of slimes. That might have been intentional for the overloaded feeling, but I think it would've been more interesting if there were less slimes, but they were faster.

Fun game! The lighting & music definitely make the presentation very cinematic. I was pretty confused on why I couldn't pick up multiple bombs at once, & I had trouble finding out how to get them to the middle, but that is likely just me being bad at the game. Overall, nice work!

Thanks, you bring up some valid points! For the theme, the idea is that instead of avoiding touching enemies, you have to combine with them. I put it in the description, although I understand that not everyone might read it for such a simple game.

I understand! After all, there’s only so much you can do within 3 hours

Fun game! The visuals are pleasing, & the controls are tight & responsive. My only gripe might be that I don't really see where the twist is, I assume it's the water rising up, but would that be considered a twist? Still, nice job!

Great job! I like the aesthetic, & the game feels polished & fun to play! There isn't much variation or thought involved in the gameplay, I think having more or different types of enemies could make it more interesting. Also, it would be great if instead of kicking doors with the spacebar, you used the right mouse button, so the player doesn't have to take their hand off the mouse.

Fun game! I like the mechanic of twisting around a shape to fit through gaps, & the music is fun to listen to. The difficulty is way too high, I never seemed to realize the exact way to fit the shape through the gap, especially since you only have a few seconds to figure it out. If you made it more forgiving, I think it would benefit the game massively.

Fun game! Everything felt like it worked well & wouldn't break, & the levels had a nice incline in difficulty as you went on. If anything, I'd just say that the mechanic doesn't allow for very interesting design outside of complex mazes, so I think having other mechanics like a time limit or enemies would make it great. But of course, it is a three-hour jam, so for what you made, great job!

Fun game! I liked the concept, & the game works well! However, I think having some post-processing would make it look a lot better. Controlling the ball feels very floaty & quick, which for a game like this, doesn't work very well imo. Some of the jumps you had to make around spikes feel more like precision instead of working out where to place yourself, which I think doesn't really work, but it could with tighter controls. Good job!

Nice job, but I do have some criticisms. I think having the first two iterations of a level be the same & then having the third just have a ghost isn't very interesting. The movement is extremely floatly & hard to control, especially since you can't jump with W or the Space key, even though you can move around with A & D. The music is incredibly repetitive & gets annoying to listen to quickly. Overall, nice job.

I was confused on how to play the game, since the instructions weren't very specific & touching enemies most of the time did not seem to do anything. The visuals are quite lacking, it would be nice just to have any sort of animation or feedback for interacting with the game. There wasn't any sound effects or music either, which also plays into not having much feedback. Nice idea though!

(1 edit)

Fun game with pleasing visuals! Though, there was a bug where the player couldn't die & the music stopped looping.

I like it! Pretty interesting mechanic for a three-day jam Pico-8 game! I don't have much criticism other than it would be nice to have some music.

Fun little game! I love how juicy killing an enemy is, & the level generation works well! However, the music feels a little too loud, & the sword having a realistic cutting sound compared to the other SFX being 8-bit is odd, but that's more of a nitpick. I would've like if the sword's hitbox was more forgiving, as to me it felt like you had to get up right next to an enemy for the hitbox to collide. Overall, nice game!

Fun game! I like the art & sound quite a bit, & the beginning cutscene was a nice opening into the game. I will say, moving around is pretty clunky. Only being able to move in 4 directions makes it feel pretty clusmy to navigate around. Letting the player move around faster would help too in my opinion.

The level generation, at least from what I played, was a bit dull. There isn't much variance in the structure of the room, only the enemies. The enemies themselves are pretty boring to attack, because the aggressive ones only walk towards you. Ranged or any other type of enemy would benefit the game greatly in my opinion. Also, it would be nice for the attack animation to have a variant for all 4 directions, as that would give better feedback on where you're swinging.

Overall, great job, & I'd love to see it improved!

Good game! The art looks nice, & I really like how you combined the incompatibale genres of roguelikes & tower defense games! Honestly, this would be a really fun game on IOS & Android with more towers & upgrades.

 My biggest gripe would be there isn't much in the way of strategy with the game. You just kind of upgrade towers & watch the slimes get pulverised, which gets boring pretty quickly. I think the aforementioned solution of more towers & upgrades could defintely help with this, as well as more diverse enemy types.

Overall, great game, & I would love to see it on mobile!

Fun game! The art is visually pleasing, & I like how some enemies need to be hit with the trident sideways, while others need to be hit downwards. 

My only complaint is that the movement is a bit clunky in my opinion, only being able to change your direction makes moving around more frustrating than skillful. Maybe having a WASD layout could benefit the game?

Anyway, good job!

Wow, what a great game. First off, presentation is enjoyable, with nice art & music. The procedural generation is varied & organic, & I couldn't even tell how you did it, which is a good sign. The enemy types are varied enough to where they don't get stale, but there isn't too many to learn either. Also, the boss fight at the end was very unexpected.

I noticed that whenever you transition between floors, the music bugs out. I also noticed it happen a couple times when a room was entered too. The boss fight at the end was in my opinion too difficult, as if you die to it, you have to do all 6 floors over again, which isn't very fun.

Overall, excellent job!

Nice job! I liked the juice with the particles & screenshake a lot, & the designs for the player & enemies are very cute. 

However, it is quite immersion breaking to have the background be a default grey color. Also, while there is random generation, it doesn't add much to the gameplay in my opinion. 

Finally, the game is a bit confusing when you first start playing, since there's no tutorial or instructions. Overall, nice little game! :)

Thanks! Is there anything you think I could change or add?

In my game, I have noticed that in certain conditions in my game, the enemies in it will become unkillable, rendering it impossible to keep playing. I’ve saw this happen a few times, would it be enough game-breaking to be able & go fix the game?

Wonderful game! The art & sound are both fantastic, & it's really nice to just look at, especially with the top-down 3d view. The juice was definitely there, & the game has a great variety of enemy types for you to fight. My only gripe would be that there's not a whole lot that varies between rounds, making the game tiresome quickly. Maybe some form of power-up or procedural generation could help, but as it is, this is still an exceptional game.

This is the juiciest game from the jam I've played so far, so great job on that! It gets challenging towards the end; even to points where it sometimes looks near impossible, but it's very completable with preservance & timing. Overall, great game!

Pretty fun game! The 1-bit artstyle, while simple, is still pleasing to look at, & the game definitely gets the feeling of moving around spot on. However, as TronusGames said, the game seems to freeze on a still background when you try to restart, & the absence of any sound effects takes away the opportunity for some good juice. Even some simple sounds from SFXR could've helped the game substanially in my opinion. Overall, a great game! Good job :]

I don't have much to say what others haven't already, but this is an amazing game. I don't actually have any criticism to give, this is really one of if not best games in the jam, wonderful job.

Okay, I commented on & rated your game; hope you enjoy mine!

Fun game! The audio was nice, & the controls felt good, though the input felt a bit cumbersome. Killing enemies actually decreasing your stats is cool, but wouldn't work in a bigger game imo; since no player likes the feeling of getting weaker over time. The boss fight was a funny yet understandable cop-out. Good work!

Thanks for replying! I do believe you’re right, it isn’t much of an interesting interaction or use of the theme. Really, I was just more focused on making a small-scope game with fun gameplay, which did definitely sabotage having a more interesting game idea. 

Thanks for the feedback! Just curious though, can you tell me where you thought the “lack of thematic connection” was in the game? 

Here’s my game! Music & font are free assets, but the art & game itself is by me! Hope you enjoy!

Thanks! I actually didn’t make the music, it was a track from All the pixel art was made by me, though!

(3 edits)

Fun game! The art looked nice & stylish, & mixed with the sound created a cool atmosphere which a lot of jam games are not able to do.  The boss fight was also well-made; having a lot of attacks, & I felt really triumphant when I beat it. Although, one gripe I have is that the platforming feels slow with the really sluggish walk & high jump. That might be intended, but it still just makes any platforming boring & slow-moving.

The platforming in the first place is actually kind of unnecessary, since it's just jumping on platforms, & the boss is a lot more fun. I probably would've liked it more without the platforming at the beginning; just jumping  straight into the boss fight. Still, fun little game!

If you can give some good feedback & rate, I'd appreciate it!

Great game. The graphics were nice, & the lighting gave a good showcase of the lighting system. Overall, the presentation was very polished. Although, it would've been nice to have things like a level select screen, or a restart button to put back all the pieces. However, I still think this is a nice little contained puzzle game. Good job.

First off, I LOVE the presentation. The graphics are very polished, & it shows. Little things like particles falling from the ceiling in the level & the little light-up sequence of the UI at the beginning tie everything together very nicely. The only criticisms I have is that the player can feel way too slippery at times, making moving around & especially precise platforming a struggle. Also, it may be an aesthetic choice, but it would be nice if there could be music, but I can understand why not. Great job.