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A member registered Apr 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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The page says both, "about a week" and about a month. Good to know it's the latter

This game has a polished aesthetic, but unpolished procedural spawning. I don't know if I ever got further than 30 before I hit a ghost that  pushed me in the opposite direction I wanted to go. There is a good idea at the core of this though and it has potential to be a quite fun and addictive game.

Wow that was fun and challenging. I'm quite impressed by the amount of puzzles and mechanics you were able to create in such a short amount of time. I got probably through 20-ish puzzles? Then I made the mistake of clicking on the file or settings button and I started from 0, so I didnt end up finishing (lol), but great job and bonus points for the volume on the main menu, Pretty smart to do on a jam game! 

Thank you, thank you. It makes me happy to hear you say you'd like it expanded and with more mechanics. I do think there are a few mechanics that would work quite well  with creating a richer game loop and experience. Thank you for playing it and giving feedback especially! 

Thank you! That means a lot. I have/had a few ideas to create more of a flow state and a little more depth to the core loop, but yeah, because of the time allotted (and the fact I rewrote the plane controller script the night before deadline), I felt it better left in a safer, simpler state. We're really glad you enjoyed the experience though :)

Nice job! This felt good to play. For being basically a Visual Novel it never felt that way in a traditional sense I guess and for me that was a good thing! Good writing, good idea, I did NOT figure out the passcode (I dunno, maybe I'm just tired), but I enjoyed the experience regardless.

:) Thaaaaank you. We're really glad you enjoyed the experience!

Thank you for playing it and the kind words!

Interesting idea! I actually had more fun than I thought I would, as It has some addictive qualities. I did start to wish for more upgrades after a level or two, but overall good job!

(1 edit)

You made a mobile game in a few days! I did find it to be a bit too difficult. It doesn't really ease you into to what the game is, but you completed it and worked as team to finish! Nice work!

I see. That makes sense from what I experienced. Thanks for the reply

Wow great job. The idea is a good one. The mechanics are intuitive and the experience challenging but low pressure. I did notice that in the later levels, I think one had 6 boats that needed pathed? It just started to feel chaotic a bit, where I think 1 or 2 few boats with obstacles in the way (Like the kid's Lazer Maze puzzle) would work in the games favor. This was fun, well polished, well designed. Great job!

I feel like I'm pretty savvy with computers and did not know what I was expected to do?

That was fun! I like the choice made to vary the accuracy of shots fired, even when aiming. That was a nice touch. The fact that you had time to make a tutorial is impressive, though walking around shooting people that were just standing there doing nothing was a little disturbing lol. Good work team!

Awwww. I wanted to play it, but the download doesnt contain all of the files needed to play it. Its just a .exe instead of the whole build folder zipped up.

I don't know what I just experienced, but I'm glad I did.

I like where your mind went for making this, getting a constant flow of items on a conveyor belt and manically trying to sort them, however the controls (the distance between E and P on the keyboard for instance) made it feel less manic or more frustrating, but you finished a game on a good idea.

What a relaxing experience! Atmospheric and included some nice animations, however; I couldn't tell if there was an end to it?  I think the plane could have benefited from some varied forward speed and little to no rotation when not holding the space bar,  also some player feedback (sound effect and visual) when going through the rings peppered throughout, but overall you all worked together and finished a game within the allotted time, which is a feat to be proud of!

Thank you for playing it! We're happy you enjoyed the experience :)

You are so kind! Thank you Togie and thank you for playing!

Awwwww shucks! Thank you for playing it!

Glad you enjoyed it! Wings on the wind, eyes on the skies! Thank you for playing :)

Aww. Wonderful? You're wonderful!

(1 edit)

Wow! Very interesting. Thank you for sharing all of that! I can see how the jams timeline would have been challenging to incorporate all of that but the idea is a good one and I'm certainly interested in playing the fleshed out version if manage to make it!

This was a strange experience. I think it was because it felt like (besides the obvious audio missing) that there were mechanics missing that should support the core loop. Like why can I lean? Where is everyone in this town? What am I supposed to experiencing? And I suspect it's the product of overscoping? Either way, you still made something and submitted within the time frame which you should still be proud of. I genuinely curious, would you mind elaborating a little on what your initial goals were?

Santa does suck at making toys. Geez! I wasn't sure how I felt about the game until was just about to finish it, and it became clear what this game was and it's kinda genius. The platforming controls were a little too primitive for my liking, but as a whole I enjoyed it. You did a lot with little time and even gave me the satisfaction of gifting an asshole kid a wizard with a face made out of coal.
Good work gang!

At the core of this game is an interesting dea. It was exciting when the gravity flipped and I felt like I was in for more bizarre surprises. The controls feel good, and the sound and art all work well together. When I reached the area where "I wouldn't be able to leave so easy" or whatever, I felt a big spike in difficulty and the unfortunate experience of colliding with the side of spike that appeared to many pixels away from the player sprite. I did not make it past this area, but I can tell there was a lot of thought and effort put it into. Good idea and good entry!

Nice entry! I liked the art and music and the controls felt good. I did however save Christ without ever attacking (probably due to where and how frequently they spawned) and I don't think I picked up an upgrade until I was 10 rescues in, but its a good entry! Happy holidays!

At some point in the last couple of years, I'd come to the conclusion that shmups are lame, repetitive, abundant and I'd rather not play another again if I could help it.....until I play this. What??!! This was fun! Who knew that adding some physics to an enemy ship would totally elevate the experience? You did.
Good design choices, good music, good entry all around. Great job!

Ah the beds!! I really wanted to add a boing sound before submission deadline, but thank you for playing my dumb game and the kind words!

Thank you kindly for the words and for playing!

Congrats on making your first game! A nice story with nice art. Good job!

Nice entry! Atmospheric, excellent dialogue, art and sound.
I played through twice and hit a nasty bug at the end of the second playthrough where dialogue boxes were stacking and couldn't replay until I button spammed for a few seconds, but overall it was a good experience and you all did great!

What a trip! Not what I expected to be playing, but I'm glad I stuck it out to the end.
At first I thought that there was little farming mechanics involved and felt they were a little dry until I realized the genre was actually different from my first impression.


- The story dialog works

- Bonus points for sound on everything

- I was actually engaged at the first sighting

Sore spots:

- Moment to moment gameplay was a bit dry (slow walking)

- The dialog boxes feel like they take 10 seconds to show and disappear each, which feels like eternity

And you did this alone! Great work!

I wanted to play it but there are some missing folders. You are going to want to zip the whole build folder.

What a treat! This was really fun to play and totally on theme.
The simple nature of the gameplay lends itself to easily learn how to play/survive and upgrades had enough variety that it felt balanced and in depth enough to motivate me to continue playing. Great work!

Wow there was clearly a lot of thought put into this. Great work for completing this in 10 days!
I liked the classic rpg/adventure game elements and was pleasantly surprised to find a store that I spend my seeds on. I did have some things that were just hard to enjoy:
- Too many random encounters. I used the (probably only for testing) magic Destroy All to wipe everyone out at a certain point because there was a fight ever 3 seconds.
- The characters/creatures that appear and attack you without giving you any way to defend or attack back were reminiscent of the old game 720, where the "Skate or Die" bees would wipe you out instead of letting you just learn the game.
I never made it to the end, but I appreciate all of the work and thought put into the story and systems. I hope you're proud of what you accomplished and happy holidays!

Great work!
I was really impressed by the scale of the plot immediately, and hearing a lush soundtrack along with the visuals helped immerse me into the game. I did find the bullet ricochet mechanic to not really support the gameplay though. It was cool to see, but I was wasting the enemies extremely easily and found no use in the level design for it. It also wasn't clear if I was even hitting them from around a corner. The reload time was a tad slow as well, and I don't know if I completed the game or not, but I never found another way to go after the "Bullets bounce of walls" text or whatever. Anyway, I could tell a lot of effort was put into it and you all should be proud of what you've made.

You made a game and I didn't encounter any bugs! Art looks great and the sheep moved well enough into the pen when nearing entrance however; some sound would have easily doubled the fun. I really wanted to make the dog bark too lol.

Glad to hear it! Thank you for that feedback and yeah, the responses were supposed to be third person and the rest first person, but if not formatted correctly, the dialogue will merge the response with the next line of unfortunate side effect of rushing to completion. Thank you for playing!