thanks to everyone who played the game and gave feedback! now that the voting period is over, i'll try to make some updates so future players can play the game without getting dizzy :P
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i like the retro aesthetics and the story is unexpectedly epic. having your healing spots be destructible makes for a nice challenge as you try to find moments to heal without getting your healspots destroyed.
the sound effects get really loud when you get the auto-fire power-up, you should make an audio manager of sorts to prevent sound effects from stacking up like that and becoming super loud.
very creative interpretation of boss behavior. i can see this being expanded with more varieties of arms and gears (+ other mechanisms) to create a wider variety of bosses.
the gradual escalation in difficulty makes it very approachable as a boss rush. if you tweak the controls (maybe only launch the player when you let go of the button) and the physics a bit, this game could make for a great beginner's boss game.
unique game that is easy to pick up but not easy to master. launching the bullets back at the boss is pretty satisfying...when it hits, that is (aiming is hard). sometimes i get hit by my own deflected bullets, i think you should make it so deflected bullets cannot hit player so you wont accidentally kill yourself
took a bit to get used to the wiiiiide arena and the fact that the player doesnt actually aim at the cursor. the bosses felt a fair bit easier once i understood that i can shoot them from afar.
while getting stuck at the second boss (because i didnt quite understand its second phase), i tried charging the sniper rifle and ended up cheesing my through. might want to consider rebalancing the weapons to make the revolver able to compete with the sniper rifle's sheer damage output.
nice implementation of the spin theme, though it'd probably work better with a joystick than with the keyboard. the animation is really good, gives each boss personality.
last boss is a huge difficulty spike and i had a hard time trying to hypnotize the boss within the short opportunity window (skill issue)
the concept and visuals are pretty good and the sound design is clear. the boss design and mechanics could use some work though, like having a more dynamic way to restore or retain spin (example: reworking healing pads into healing walls that you clash with to restore spin) and increasing boss recoil so it's easier to ram boss into stage hazards
yeah i really should've added an accessibility option to turn off the camera spinning, but i am not very good with updating games after i post them online (a habit i'll need to fix if i want to make any headway as a gamedev).
i thought putting the spin direction sign on the player would look bad and clutter the screen, but in hindsight my game isn't exactly the pinnacle of graphical quality so it wont look that much worse. i'll probably add it as an option that you can turn on or off if i ever get around to updating the game
hello, thanks for playing. the bosses operate on the same playing field as you, so they also gain or lose spin based on the spin direction of what they collide with (you can check their spin direction next to their spin gauge (aka hp). you defeat the boss by emptying their spin gauge or overloading it, same as player. as for switching views, i'll see if i can figure something out while there's still time.
glad you enjoyed the music :)