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A member registered Jul 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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thanks to everyone who played the game and gave feedback! now that the voting period is over, i'll try to make some updates so future players can play the game without getting dizzy :P

it's fine, i should've added an option to turn off the spinning camera.

thanks for enjoying the game!

i like the retro aesthetics and the story is unexpectedly epic. having your healing spots be destructible makes for a nice challenge as you try to find moments to heal without getting your healspots destroyed. 

the sound effects get really loud when you get the auto-fire power-up, you should make an audio manager of sorts to prevent sound effects from stacking up like that and becoming super loud.

ramming into the boss at max charge and timing the shield just right to take no damage is very satisfying, with some more sound effects it would feel even more impactful

the boss designs are funny and unique, and i like the unique mechanics of each arena.

very creative interpretation of boss behavior. i can see this being expanded with more varieties of arms and gears (+ other mechanisms) to create a wider variety of bosses.

the gradual escalation in difficulty makes it very approachable as a boss rush. if you tweak the controls (maybe only launch the player when you let go of the button) and the physics a bit, this game could make for a great beginner's boss game.

unique game that is easy to pick up but not easy to master. launching the bullets back at the boss is pretty satisfying...when it hits, that is (aiming is hard). sometimes i get hit by my own deflected bullets, i think you should make it so deflected bullets cannot hit player so you wont accidentally kill yourself

that would look pretty epic, i should implement that as an option if i ever get around to updating the game (will need to edit the ui a bit so you can tell where the player is on the screen at a glance)

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awesome mechanic, though i wish the hitbox of the shackle is a little bigger so it doesn't whiff the bullets as often while spinning (probably just skill issue)

this would would really well as a cool gimmick boss in a hypothetical game, especially with the theater themed presentation

i think the boss would benefit from having more variation between phases to shake things up as he gets more demonic(?).

pretty creative interpretation of bosses. i like the details on the cards

took a bit to figure out how to play, but it was pretty engaging once i understood. some text around each button or function to indicate its purpose should make it easier to grasp 

took a bit to get used to the wiiiiide arena and the fact that the player doesnt actually aim at the cursor. the bosses felt a fair bit easier once i understood that i can shoot them from afar. 

while getting stuck at the second boss (because i didnt quite understand its second phase), i tried charging the sniper rifle and ended up cheesing my through. might want to consider rebalancing the weapons to make the revolver able to compete with the sniper rifle's sheer damage output.

nice implementation of the spin theme, though it'd probably work better with a joystick than with the keyboard. the animation is really good, gives each boss personality.

last boss is a huge difficulty spike and i had a hard time trying to hypnotize the boss within the short opportunity window (skill issue)

the concept and visuals are pretty good and the sound design is clear. the boss design and mechanics could use some work though, like having a more dynamic way to restore or retain spin (example: reworking healing pads into healing walls that you clash with to restore spin) and increasing boss recoil so it's easier to ram boss into stage hazards

shredding through the bosses was pretty satisfying. it'd be nice if the bosses' attacks and behaviors are affected by losing body parts, or at least have a phase change when the heart is exposed.

yeah i really should've added an accessibility option to turn off the camera spinning, but i am not very good with updating games after i post them online (a habit i'll need to fix if i want to make any headway as a gamedev). 

i thought putting the spin direction sign on the player would look bad and clutter the screen, but in hindsight my game isn't exactly the pinnacle of graphical quality so it wont look that much worse. i'll probably add it as an option that you can turn on or off if i ever get around to updating the game

oooh, so that's what the nodes that generate a lot of harmless bullets are for! was wondering why those node were there, but it was obvious in hindsight

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this right here is fish

imo the fisherman is harder than death, which sounds crazy out of context

dying is pretty loud on browser

the automation was pretty neat, but the nodes could use some rebalancing (100 bullets to fire the laser is...a tall order, in my opinion)

pretty polished for a game made in 6 hours

i think increasing the speed of the spin and movement would make the game more forgiving to play.

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glad you enjoyed it

sound design is haaaaard  D:

really cool bosses, great audio, and simple but dynamic gameplay. i'd tone down the screen shake when you land the [BIG SHOT] though, that was a bit disorienting. 

was expecting to have a much harder time when i saw the first boss, but somehow beat the game with only one death.

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pretty cool game with a nice variety of bosses, although i couldnt clear it (skill issue). that said, i think the rhythm minigame could benefit from some color-coding so it's easier to tell if you should use WASD or arrow keys.

thankssss i'm glad this game seems to be more well received that i was expecting

art is hard lol, gonna have to grind away at it as i make more games and hope my art skills improve

if i ever get around to updating the game, i'll see about making the ui clearer so it's easier to tell your (and the boss') spin direction at a glance

i probably should add the option to turn off the spinning camera as an accessibility feature if i ever get around to updating this game

it's the eye of the storm, y'know :P (it helps with contrast i guess? wasnt thinking that hard about the designs)

pretty neat mechanic with a lot of potential. the second boss shows some pretty creative ways in which the spin could be integrated into the design of the game. 

i might have underestimated how hard it is since i was the one making and playtesting it oops :P

hello, thanks for playing. the bosses operate on the same playing field as you, so they also gain or lose spin based on the spin direction of what they collide with (you can check their spin direction next to their spin gauge (aka hp). you defeat the boss by emptying their spin gauge or overloading it, same as player. as for switching views, i'll see if i can figure something out while there's still time.

glad you enjoyed the music :)

glad you enjoyed it!