Thank you, wish you good luck as well.
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Cool game. I liked that you wanted to mix two genres of games (tower defense and vn). Though agree with other commenters that it would be nice to have fullscreen, some kind of way to skip to next wave since intervals are a bit too long and it's not really balanced. In your description it's mentioned that it's your first game in unity, so for first game in new engine it's good. Good job!
This game is really cute and really fun. It has problems such as lack of any audio, it runs super slooow (at least on firefox) and in some levels colors are kind of bleak. But in every other regard such as gameplay and art it's as good as game jam can be. It also has long game time which is nice. Good work!
Huh, that's weird that mouse control didn't work. I know about bug that rarely makes you shoot left, but sadly I wasn't able to find reason why that happens, but in your case it always shoots left? I think that happened to me as well during testing while I had also turned on obs, so it may got something to do with current load on pc (or windows sandbox in your case, though I don't know whether turning on windows sandbox impacts performance).
That's a very cool game! Sadly I don't think i finished it, because when i wrote this line in terminal I either typed it wrong several times or I was supposed to do something else as well, but at that time i failed too many tasks and I didn't want to do it all over again (maybe some checkpoints would be nice?). But overall it was game with very interesting concept and great story. Art was very nice as well. Good work!