Super nice camera movement and the second attack was a great idea. Air movement was a bit tricky because my character wouldn't stop if you let go of everything. Art and animation were great.
Jacob Wesley
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Really great concept for a one button game. I thought that it could have been a bit harder, I think it gives you too long of a warning before he turns. You mentioned below that you used a rng which is great, however I think the frequency could be increased a little. It's difficult to make him feel unpredictable in such a small game but you did a great job. Nice one!
I like the concept and its an interesting idea for a one input game. The controls were very difficult to use, however. I would suggest locking the cursor or just have the character walk in the direction of your mouse instead of having to repeatedly push forward with the mouse.
The red line was a great addition and the lighting was excellent. Would have been nice to add a "you win" screen after reaching the end.
Great game.
Took a bit of time to get used to the controls, but an excellent example of one button with multiple uses. I also really liked the puzzle element, some haircuts required you to cut all of the hair before growing it again, great idea.
Not sure why it took so long to load. Is that an artificial loading screen?
Fantastic game.
I liked the increase in momentum over time instead of a fixed speed. Although, there are some issues with jumping, I would suggest making the ground less bouncy or increasing the threshold for detecting whether the player is grounded or not. Also maybe add something to keep track of the red points you collect.
Very nice one button concept. I liked the fact that missed hits were recorded, i'm unsure whether they affected score but its great if they do.
The margin of error was rather large for hitting notes, a score system based on how precise you are would be good. I also felt like the notes weren't intended to be hit in time with the music, they felt a bit seperate and for a rhythm game I feel like this is important.
Otherwise, great concept and great game.
I really liked the long intro before the obstacles start appearing, gives you plenty of time to get the gist of the game. It was super relaxing and Jerry is very cute.
You could increase the frequency of obstacles over time or include some different ones to increase the difficulty. A game over screen could be shown when you are pushed off the edge of the screen.
Cool game.
To my dissapointment, no matter how much I fed this little guy, he didn't explode.

In all seriousness, was an oddly fun game. I agree with Ted and Amy, it would be very amusing if he got wider the more you fed him. Maybe add some other birds that appear after you reach a certain score threshhold that give more points when you start feeding them?
Super nice artwork and concept. I agree with Ben that it throws you in the deep end a bit at the start. You don't really get a lot of time to react and the first couple of seconds of gameplay are actually quite hard. But then when the blades start forming patterns it becomes a lot more fun. Great game.
This game is oddly cozy, super nice art style and music. You did a great job on the jump mechanic (short and long jumps based on how long you hold space), which gives you that extra bit of control with some of the trickier jumps.
It would have been nice for a bit of a run up at the start, I died before I could find my character. Maybe move him closer to the center and texture him with brighter colors.