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Jimmy C

A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is really great, really got me to stop and think.

Well I don't know if I'll return to Rewind but I have great news about Negative Space- I'm actually making it into a full length Steam game!

That solution's a new one, yeah! Thanks for playing.

Neat game! My main critique is that it's a bit random, I had a situation where a platform spawned directly above me and made it so I couldn't jump anywhere so I died. But it's a neat idea and the art effect with the shadows both looks good and compliments the gameplay well. Nice work.

A little simple as it is right now but absolutely hilarious concept with some nice voice acting, nice work!

This game is wonderful, 10/10

I really love this game, the story and the giraffe are adorable. My only critique is that I wish it was bit less punishing, since having to restart completely every time you die can lead to a lot of waiting. But overall it's a really great game.

Incredibly cool idea! Some instructions on the controls for rotating the camera/objects when building the scale model would be welcome, but overall this is a really excellent execution of a really cool idea for the theme. Excellent work!

Cool game! I really like the mechanic of standing on the cube while it grows to launch yourself, it's very creative. I do think it could use a bit of extra polish- the buttons glitch out when two things are standing on them and one leaves, and I ran into an issue on the level with the long box where the box I was supposed to push on top of the long box kept getting stuck on the edge of the long box, blocking me from progressing. Still, the game has some really good puzzles and creative ideas, so I had a good time overall. Good work!

This game is great! As soon as I saw the mirrors I was like this game better let me hit myself and you absolutely delivered lol, excellent job!

Simple but surprisingly enjoyable game! My big piece of feedback would be that it would be nice if the game paused and showed your score when you fail, as on my best run I had no idea how well I did since it reset before I could see my score counter in the top left. Not being able to keep track of that makes it harder to get invested in going for high scores, which I feel like this game is made to encourage. Still a pretty cool game though!

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Yeah there's a few visual bugs that can happen that I didn't quite have time to fix, I'm hoping to fix them after the jam ends! Thank you for playing.

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Neat game! The mechanics here are cool enough to make me wish the game was a bit longer or had more shapes, but I guess that's how the cookie crumbles in a game jam sometimes lol. Still, you did a great job here making it this intuitive, and the levels that are here are solid. Good work.

The style here is absolutely wonderful and leads to wonderful vibes. The knobs are a bit annoying to control, I never really understood how to turn them properly after playing around a bunch, but the game has good enough vibes and music that I still had a good time. Nice work.

This is  good game, and I especially love the Thomas Was Alone style artstyle, but I went the whole game without using the horizontal scaling ability once which felt like a bit of a waste. The jumps with the vertical size changing were cool though!

The risk/reward in this is really interesting! I love how you can basically choose how much health to wager so you can kill enemies faster. Really cool mechanic, really well done.

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This game is really amazing. It's incredibly unique, fits the theme super well, and it offers a lot of strategy and expression on the part of the player. I only really have two issues- I think it's a bit slow paced (opening the boxes takes a little too long) and it's pretty punishing when the tower falls, which is a tough combo. I think the limitation of destroying only one item a round is a little too punishing, as it's really easy to have your tower tip over a bit and absolutely ruin a ton of blocks, and then the only way to continue is to slowly and repeatedly rest so you can get enough hammers to clear out everything that fell and is awkwardly positioned at an angle. It can be really tedious, and I feel like just letting the player use as many hammers as they want in a round is probably a way better solution- deleting level parts alone already is punishing enough as a mechanic for failure, I don' see why it's limited to one per round at the moment.

But seriously, I only complain because this game is such an awesome concept that is really so well executed that I care about it getting even better lol.  It's incredibly unique and probably the best take on the theme I've seen. Seriously, great work.

The speed selector is a godsend and I really love the grid effect, it's a really neat compromise that keeps the practicality of the grid but lets the art still look nice. Nice work!

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This game is really neat! I liked how much you could manipulate the boxes and it was cool just how much the game let you scale up/down. If I had any constructive feedback, its definitely a bit buggy when you're scaling (but hey, game jam games be like that sometimes) and I think the throwing the box mechanic could be tutorialized a bit better- I spent a while trying to grow the box and use it as a platform at the same time in level 3 just because I wasn't aware you could throw super far like that. Still, this game is really cool and had some really excellent puzzle design, great work!

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This game is really great, you got a ton of mileage out of the main mechanic! When the levels started having me push vines that would push other vines that would push other vines it felt really great, the game has a really excellent difficulty curve to ease you in and then has you solving crazy puzzles that make you feel like a genius. Great work!

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The gameplay is a little simple, but this is probably the best looking game I've seen this jam visually, like seriously wow it's very pretty. Plus it's still pretty fun to dash around and hit cells as fast as you can. Great work!

This game is awesome, trying to run your way out of the shrinking level is crazy frantic and fun. I really appreciate that the game has levels where the scale reacts to different things, that's an extra mechanic that I didn't know I needed to give it even more variety. Really quality stuff.

This is a really cool idea  and it's well executed! I really love the voiceover and the different music, it adds a ton to the game.

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I really love the art and mechanics here. The idea of theming it after Alice in Wonderland is really inspired- it makes total sense given one of the most iconic scenes in the movie/book- and I also respect just how much the player is able to grow and shrink in this. I feel like a lot of games in this jam have characters that scale, but letting the player grow to like 50 times their original size is kind of bonkers and leads to some cool moments. Also, again, the art is really cute. The game could use some more polish, but it's really well done. Good work.

Short but sweet! You really did a lot with a simple artstyle and some really neat mechanics. It's a shame it ends so quickly but that last level was a big one so it did feel satisfying.

This is a really awesome take on the theme. The art is great, the concept is very unique, and I'm always a sucker for a game jam game that actually manages to make a compelling story. Great work.

This was really well done! I really like the chill vibes of the game with the art and sound design. I think the game is surprisingly good at being able to be played despite not having tutorials, which I feel like is a hard thing to achieve for the city builder genre. The little text bubbles on top of the people and buildings do really tell a lot. My one complaint with that approach is that it is pretty easy to get softlocked if you don't understand how everything works fast enough and almost all your villagers die. (My villagers may or may not have starved to death the first time before I figured out that crops need water, RIP) The ability to sell off things to restart would be nice, but it's a game jam game and I'm sure you ran out of time. Honestly what's here is already really impressive for the time constraint. Overall, good job! Really neat and cute city builder.

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This game is cool! I really dig the art style (the Spongebob scene transitions are an especially nice part), and you squeeze a lot of depth out of the mechanics. There is a lot of waiting in the game at times, but after a while I started just resetting whenever I was moving slowly and it helped a ton. Maybe introducing a timer could help so that players don't get bored waiting for the fish to slowly move? Still, very cool game. I especially loved the Kraken level- that was a really cool reveal.

That was cool as hell! I especially appreciate the tongue mechanic, I feel like a lot of these types of games end up focusing a lot of puzzles on the block-pushing instead of focusing on what makes their game unique and interesting. But here the tongue mechanic makes the block pushing more forgiving, so you can focus on walking into the blocks you push, and that stuff was cool as hell. Good work!

That intro cutscene is incredibly well done. Really excellent job in general, great idea and excellent art. I really like how the adventurers all have their own attack patterns you have to design for, since it gives the game a lot more depth.

Awesome game! I really love the animation on the lizard- the tail physics and the way his arms move are very cool.

I like how the game has a sort of balance between wanting to pick up more weapons to be more powerful but needing to absorb some to move around. I do wish the camera was a bit more zoomed out, but it works, and I think it executed on the theme really well. Good job!

I really love the painterly aesthetic, and the ambient sounds add a lot to the vibes! Though I wasn't sure how to get past the level with the flag, since going up seemed to just restart the scene.

Picking up everyone's weapons and slowly turning into a rotating death ball is very fun, and it makes it really satisfying to kill the enemies. My only real complaint is the controls- I kind of wish the sword would just follow your mouse at any speed, since right now it's pretty unintuitive. Still, the core concept is really strong, and the art and music are also really polished, so I had a good time. Good job!

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Masterpiece game

Genuinely this is some great writing, never laughed so much from a game jam game in my life. Awesome work

Thank you so much, that's really kind!

This is an incredibly well-polished game and a wonderful execution on this idea, good job!

This game is incredibly cool! The card and poker mechanics made this a ton of fun, and made for a lot of really interesting strategy, like realizing you could play two left cards into a wall to re-draw something more useful. My only real complaints are that the in-game tutorial should really mention the poker hands part of the game- I missed it entirely at first until I saw people talking about it on this page-, and I think the texture of the brown walls is too similar to the normal cliff face, which makes it too easy to not realize they're supposed to block your movement. Still, this gameplay is really unique and provides a ton of interesting strategy, I had a great time.

Really cool game! It's remarkable how long it is considering it's a jam game, and it was really cool to see your abilities actually progress from using the platforms into being able to control the scaling yourself. I feel like most jam games don't have the scope to add things like that and it was cool to see. Great work!

Just as a quick heads up, I did encounter one weird bug- for some reason, when you're using the arrow keys, the game doesn't seem to be able to recognize more than two inputs at once- so if you press the up, left, and space keys all at the same time to try and jump to the left while scaled up, one of the inputs gets lost every time. Luckily it works completely fine if you just stick to using WASD. Just figured I'd mention that so you'd know/ so future game jam people know to use WASD!

This game is cool as hell! Really great use of the theme. I'll warn you that the music doesn't loop, but the fact that I played long enough to notice that is probably a good sign that this game is very good. I just wish I was good enough at puzzles to see more of it lol