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Jimmy Connors

A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Awesome work! I really love the art and music, and all the effects on the battle system are really snazzy.

The lava room key is on the right side of he room! But yes we rushed through level design in bits to finish the game in time.

Yeah my first idea didn't work as I intended for this jam so I had to scrap together this in just a couple of hours to meet the deadline. Still, you live and you learn! Glad I still got something finished.

Really love that you added a tradeoff system rather than the die roll just making the game easier or harder- it fixes a lot of the design issues and weird difficulty spikes that games that rely on randomness can have. Really elegant design, nice work!

This is a cool game! M only big complaints are that there's no sound and that at certain points with the corpse platform mechanic, it was pretty easy to lock yourself out of actually being able to win, which would mean you'd have to reset the whole level, which was pretty frustrating as it represented a lot of time lost and meant you had to do the same setup all over again. I think the level design probably should have been set up so that it was harder to get into a situation where you have to reset, as that gets frustrating. Still though, this is a really cool game with some really cool mechanics.

(1 edit)

I really love this game, it's a ton of fun. If I had any feedback, a tutorial would probably be really helpful, since it's not really clear at the start what you can actually click on. After that, I'd also say that I kind of wish your level going up didn't also increase enemy spawns. (as in, I wish it went up over time instead) Before I realized that was how the game worked, it played as this really cool time management thing where you had to choose between increasing your points by clicking on the planet or by defending the planet by clicking on the enemies or spending your coins. So I was frantically clicking on the planet to get more points before making tactical decisions about when to start spending my time doing other things- it was really cool and had a lot of tension. But once I realized I could slow down the enemy spawns by just not clicking on the planet as much, the game got a lot slower and easier, and had a lot more waiting time where I wasn't doing anything, which I enjoyed a bit less. If your vision was a more relaxed experience, that's totally understandable, but I think it might be worth experimenting with having the enemy spawns be tied to a timer instead of your level, or maybe even just adding another mode that works like that. Just my two cents, although as is it's still a great game and I'm a big fan.

(2 edits)

I really love the aesthetics of this game, really cute artstyle with a lot of style. It's a bit buggy, as I got stuck inside a platform once or twice, and it might be a good idea to explicitly mention that the shooting and flying require powerups, as I was pretty confused why those weren't working at first. There's also a spot where you can get softlocked in the second level. Still, pretty cool game!

Neat game, I really like how the turret's bullets can damage you. The difficulty ramps up pretty quicky, but that may just mean I need to get good. Nice work!

(2 edits)

I really loved this one! the art and especially the character art was obviously amazing, but I realy liked the mechanics as well. A lot of shoot-em-up games feel a little static to play because you'll typically spend the whole game making as few movements as possible in the bottom corner so that you can dodge bullets easier, but the mechanics in this one make it so that you're required to constantly be moving to maintain momentum on the ball, which adds a whole layer of depth to the game. I also really like how the projectiles can be affected differently by the ball depending on their color, it really spiced things up and made the bosses feel different. There are a few bugs during the scene transitions and it could probably use an ending screen when you beat it but I don't care, I love this game. Awesome job, one of my favorites of the jam so far!

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Really cool game! I loved the art style and the music. I do wish that gameplay-wise, you had a bit more control over the ants. I get that the goal seems to be changing your timing so they don't get eaten but that's mostly just down to a lot of trial and error that isn't mechanically very deep or interesting. With that said, the presentation is great, and the game is plenty functional as it is. Nice work, especially for 48 hours.

This is really well done, I love the mechanic and I appreciate the mouse icons that spawn by the anchors- they make it really clear how to play and what to click on. Nice work.

I am absolutely horrible at this game (the mouse guy hurts my brain), but I really like the art! Nice job overall.

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This is probably my favorite game of the jam so far! Love the puzzles, art, and even the music is really good. I also really appreciate the LGBTQ support- I've seen a lot of games this jam about marriage or love, but it's nice to see one with that extra representation, especially given it's pride month. Awesome job all around.

I really like the magnetism mechanic and I like some of the puzzles here, but the game could probably use a clearer indication of when objects are magnetic. I also have to wonder why it was never required to connect the two characters to each other in order to progress- that's a really cool mechanic, it's strange it was never really used in a puzzle. Still, pretty cool game. Nice job!

I really like how you added an example of the gun blocking bullets in the world as a tutorial, that was a really effective way of teaching the player how it worked naturally! I actually didn't realize at first that you could right click to flip the gun around, so I was just pointing the mouse in the opposite direction instead- so thanks for making the blocking function still work when using it like that! Overall, nice job, there were some pretty great design choices in here.

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The art in this is really great! The environment art especially is really nice.  Although you should probably know, strawberries aren't technically berries, though because of their name they probably fit here anyways. Great work on the game, Iiked it a lot!

Really cool game with some great atmosphere. My only critique is that basically every level can be solved by just luring the monster into a corner immediately and then fumbling around in the dark until you find an exit- I feel like the idea here seems to be that you can use the monster to light your way but in practice it's much safer to just walk around semi-blind. Maybe the balance should be re-tweaked so the monster produces more light, or there should be some punishment to the above strategy. Still, really cool game- it's really impressive you could make a horror game in a jam, this is the first and only one I've seen like it.

This game is great, I love the music and the overall tone. Great job!

This game is beautiful and has some really interesting mechanics, but it's really hard to get used to the controls. Since you're already using the mouse to make your grappling hook fire, it might have been easier to just have the hook aim towards the mouse cursor. Right now it's super unwieldy trying to move and aim the grappling hook at the same time because they're tied to the same buttons. Still, great job- this game is really well polished for a 48 hour creation.

Yeah I had a lot of ideas for new features/levels to add after this but unfortunately I just ran out of time, 48 hours is tough! Thanks for playing.

If it helps, I'm using chrome on a windows computer. I'm also just playing it in the browser, no downloading it or anything.

(4 edits)

Came to check out your game from your comment on mine and I agree, it's crazy to see how different another interpretation of the same idea can be- although we even both had orange squares as the player character, which is a crazy a coincidence. I love your interpretation though, throwing the ball around and getting pulled right along with it is a ton of fun, and the time limit on later rooms keeps the pace quick which is great. Great job! Great minds think alike!

Very fun game- I especially loved the detail of the player leaving a dirt trail on hard turns. Very funny and a very fun game. Great work!

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The art in this is really clean, and I really like the concept. The scuba minigame could use a bit of work, as there are definitely times where it felt a bit unfair due to the invisible ceiling and how little you can really see ahead of you. The poison bottle minigame, however, is really cool and probably my favorite part of the game- very creative and fun. Overall, I liked it a lot!

P.S. not that I'm biased or anything but I really like your game's name!

I really love the art in this, both the 2D art and the 3D art work really well. I ve the aesthetic of things floating behind the path, it fits the mood of the game perfectly. I also really like the concept of the spirit guiding the young woman, and the story is told really well and really quickly with some great art, making it hit all the harder. My only problem is that the gameplay has a bit too much trial-and-error, and probably too few checkpoints. It can be a bit frustrating waiting through some parts repeatedly for the girl to catch up, which is something you'll have to do a lot of since the game isn't very easy and has some pretty long levels. Still, I really like this game, as the art, story, and themes are really well done.

This is absolutely amazing! The character art is top-notch and the writing is hilarious. I love how much character was clearly poured into this game. If I had to give any criticism, the text is a bit pixelated in the final report which can make it hard to read, the game could really use instructions in-game, and the game does have a lot of bugs as of right now mechanically. But the visuals and writing made me literally laugh out loud at times, so it's all good by me. Overall, great game!

I really like the vibe and graphics of the game, though it seems like the gun is broken, at least on browser- it always shoots to the right instead of aiming towards where you point. Still, punching people into holes is very satisfying!

There's a lot of polish on this one,  and some great puzzle design. Nice work!

I am absolutely in love with the soundtrack, adaptive music is the best thing ever and you used it to excellent effect here. Turned this game into a 10/10 for me.

This is a really awesome game! I love how getting hit in the middle of the snake spits you into multiple snakes- it gives the gameplay a lot more depth, especially since having more snakes can be better as smaller snakes seem to move faster. I love the design on this overall. Great job!

Really cool game! I love the magnetism mechanic, seeing and piloting your ship while connected to these giant structures is really fun and fits with the theme super well. Nice work!

Nice game! As a head up though when I played it in fullscreen I think the UI was bugged- the black out overlay only covered the center part of the screen for me, I could see around it. Might be something you'll want to look into if you plan to work on this more. Still, great work.

Really love the art an the story, both are cute and funny. The gameplay is a bit slow but the puzzles are pretty good. Overall, great job.

I really love this one, the audio design is amazing and it just feels super satisfying and calming to play. Great job.

I did use Line Renderer! I based the chain off of this rope tutorial I found on Youtube, the basics of it are that it simulates the chain's movements at certain points and then draws lines between those points: 

Thanks for playing!
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This game makes me glad I took chemistry, which is a rare feat. Great job, I especially appreciated the hints at the end. This is the kind of educational game that inspires people to enjoy the subjects they learn- great work!

I am very bad at this game, but it's a really cool idea and makes some really interesting gameplay! I also love the visuals, they look great. Nice job!

I am comically horrible at this game and I love it. Great work!

I love the art style in this, and the humor in the level is really great! It was giving me an error message for some reason (though it was working fine), and the game should probably not be so absurdly easy, but I still had a good time thanks to the art and the world. Overall, big fan, great work!

This game is really cool! I love the graphics and music especially. My only big critique would be that the flaming arrows are a bit hard to see, and the game could really use some sort of health indicator. Other than that, great job!