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A member registered Nov 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Excellent escape room! I liked the art design and level design. I think designing a good escape room can be a challenge because you have to figure out a way to not make it to easy and also not make it borderline impossible to escape as well. I think you found a good balance of having it as a challenge but also not making it to difficult to figure out. Good job overall!

I think I see what you were trying to do. Maybe like a "pokemon" type combat system where you haave your character on one end and the enemy in the other and  you do attack and defense moves so like a turned base combat system. If im right if thats what you were doing. I think that its a nice idea. When the battle ended  and I saw the character design and level design thats what I figured the first part was supposed to mimic.

Excellent game. Its very challenging and I like that. I was trying to figure out a way to easily make it up the hill by using a few different methods and they didnt stick for long lol.  Good job!

I like the idea behind what you are working on. Making a tactics RPG is something that can be pretty difficult so seeing you attempt it is nice. I see you got the movement working although since we couldnt get up to the red orbs we couldnt test  the attack or defense feature to see  if it worked. Good job though with what you got completed so far.

I like the idea behind this game. I did read the description so I see you couldn't put the full game loop in but I see the potential. I think getting what you did to work so far was good. I did see you really thought about the theme as well and implemented it in a unique way. Good Job.

I think this was a cool concept. Changing the placement of units to prepare for the battle is a cool feature. I think what you did here was a good idea for the theme. Good Job!

I really liked the design of the game. I thought it was nice having the varying levels of difficulity added. I also liked the design of beating the boss and getting a nice winning text.  Good Job overall!

Really good job at making this game. It was cool being able to edit your deck and fight enemies on different difficulties. It felt like I was really playing a good deck building game. Good Job!

I liked the gameplay. I thought it was cool having an AI racer to race against and thought it showed alot of effort being put into it.  I did fall off the jump a few times though lol. Good job!

The game looks good and i like the design of it. I like how when you get a boost it plays a song to show you have the boost in coin points. I would of liked to have a general soundtrack play while running the track along with a running sound would of also been nice. overall good job though.

I liked the idea around a bullet hell game being made here in the jam. I liked how after defeating multiple enemies you get a epic bossfight with a soundtrack and faster projectiles flying toward you. I think you did an excellent job overall getting the mechanics down. The only criticism i could say is it would of been nice to get unqiue character models or artwork along with the level design. Overall Good job though!

I though tit was unique. i see that you can jump down from platforms and jump back on them which was cool to see. I also like how you can try to jump and get your attack to go at just the right point to kill the enemies. I also found a way to kill my character my shooting and jumping toward it fast enough to delete my character lol. One thing is that I was a little confused at first on where to go because of the way the colors are. overall good job though. 

Excellent job on the game! I made it pretty far but then I started to die on the section with the spear back to back. The art style the story and everything else about it felt great! Overall great job with this game!

I liked the design and thought it was  a cool concept. If enemies could damage me i would of died first few seconds of the game lol. I did notice the attack didnt come out in the direction the player was facing  but always shot out toward the right hand side. Having that changed to shooting wherever the enemy was facing and also having it to where enemies could kill the player and restart the game would of made it perfect. Overall Good job!

Nice design. I also liked the video posted which gave extra lore to your game! I liked having a backstory and having different characters so that you can know what the reason behind each characters situation is. I think the enemies were nicely done. There is a section in the beginning where you can fall off the map and not get the game over after falling for a bit.  Overall good job though.

I really liked it. It felt like one of those games you would of played on miniclip back then. Great Job! I liked the controls and how it felt overall. The only thing I did notice is sometimes you wouldn't be able to run forward fully after doing an attack in the beginning and was not sure why that was. Also sometimes when doing the wall jump it can be not as responsive and fluid when jumping off of the wall. But fighting the enemies, the artstyle, and doing the platforming were overall really good!

The thing i liked was the art design for it. i think that if you were able to have at least a starter section would of been nice to have a test of what your original idea was even though it wasnt able to be fully implemented. Having it so the character doesnt float away and be able to run different platforms would  have been good. I do understand the thought behind the project though and see that you were trying  to get something going with this 2D  platformer  idea. Keep working on it though! Would love to see what edits you could come up with for it in the future.

Excellent game. I figured out the puzzle as wwell which was nice. I liked how it gave clues but it also let you figure as the player figure out the rest of it. I like how collecting each item allowed you to move  on to the next step in the puzzle and being able to escape the desert. Well thought out gameplay and good job Overall!

I enjoyed playing the game. It reminds me of one of those mobile games you would get to play from a while back. I think it had just the right amount of difficulity to it. It wasn't to easy but it also wasnt extremely hard either. I also like that you had a good level of control over your character in which you can use to avoid getting a game over if you almost fully flip over. Overall Good Job!

I like the thought that went behind the game. I made it up the hill and defeated the boss.  Having the attack and damage system in place was nice. I think I would of liked to see where this project would of went if it had more  time for  completeion. Having a camera control and also maybe mobs for you to fight as you go up the hill would be nice.

I liked the game and felt that it used the theme in a unique way. I think it has a good amount of difficulty to it as well. The third stage starts very fast though so it can be hard to react in enough time. Not sure if thats a design choice for difficulity or not but that made it more difficult. Overall I think it was a good game.

I liked the idea and concept. Having it where you go through the speed boost and then you hear the lyrics was a unique idea. 

I really liked it. Especially the things playing instruments in the background lol. Good Job overall though.

I like the idea that you came up with. Seems like it could be one of those mobile games you would play on your phone. I like how the character feels as well. The controls feel smooth. The game could of been a little more diffcult in my opinion though. Good Job Overall though!

Yea I understand that.  I was recently looking into a way that would make movement feel better than what is was along with the camera. Defintely can be improved. Thank you for the feedback!

Yea I think the mouse movement could of been a bit better as well after messing around with it for longer periods of time. I probably needed to mess with the camera movement a little bit more so it can feel a little more fluent at some points.