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A member registered Jan 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Congrats on taking 1st. Really enjoyed the game. Will definitely be sneaking.over to your page next time I'm bored at work to blow up triangles 

Congratulations on rock bottom, really well deserved 2nd spot. Was a lot lot of fun to play and proof that little old men can carry giant rocks somewhat distances 

Thanks creativealchemy! Really appreciate your thoughts 

Nice game, easy controls that were reinforced with in the instructions and I really liked the visuals

Very chilled game. Got me thinking on a couple of them, so great puzzle design

It was a fun game and held my attention for longer than most the games on this game jam. Discovering the tool and where to use it were great "ah ha" moments. However after that I got pretty stuck and it sounds like a few other people were too. I appreciate your "there's a hint in the comments and on the discord" but I have a choice of 50 other games to play. So I'm moving on as a failure for this one!

I enjoyed this game, very chilled. Just when I starting thinking its a bit samey...BAM! Dots that already have lines. Also liked how the timer and level numbering reinforced progression and the highscore encouraged replaying

Love this game, your 3D conveyor belts are definitely a step above my own 2D ones. The music added a lot of charm, as did the robots overwhelmed fail animation.  A lot of fun to play and really simple controls

Amazing first game, you should be really proud of it. It had some great polish, like the pause option. I didn't see the connection speed really increase as I upgraded but I was very pleased with the satisfying sound effect when a connection was established

It's a really interesting game and I like that the idea is to explore possibilities rather than be told specifically what to do. It had some great sound effects to make it feel very eerie and I love the password stuck on with a sticky note. There is a bit too much initial free range to suck the player in though. Everything I tried gave me an error, do this first and it got a bit frustrating. 

For example I scanned the map (after being told to exit editing and cannot scan you need to map first) and it showed me a question mark (which was a nice aha moment) but then I didn't know what to do about it and went around another cycle of you can't do that, you need to do this first and gave up

It's amazing how much you put together in just 3 days and please do continue perusing it because its awesome!

I can see how only having 24 little hours to work on it would be limiting and think its a nice idea. Would love to see the full story. Hope you do proceed with a post jam game when you have more time 

Its a very chill out and switch off sorta of game. I especially liked the swaying grass, that was a nice visual touch. It did feel a bit "now what do I do?" once I got all the water. Maybe have a new seedling fly off to restart the cycle? Great game, satisfying to play 

Thanks for the feedback Danisaurous (awesome name btw)

I'm mulling around a couple of ideas, as I'd quite like to take this one further. This little crated guy is going places

I love this game! Literally just as I started thinking "it would be better if you could destroy more than 1 at a time" the triangles showed up. It got great progression, easily to understand and really addictive. Awesome game!

I loved this game. The tutorial was really well done. I'd be interested to see how the level progression would come together on multiplayer, but as a proof of concept 100% excited to see how it develops in the future 

I loved the concept and clearly a lot of work went into the setup and it was a great take on the limitation. It just wasn't a whole lot of fun to play, I felt like I was just downloading software and reading a web tutorial.

I think the idea has great potential. Just maybe tweak the tutorial a bit to draw the player in more? 

Easy to pick up what I needed to do, just really hard. I only survived a few seconds each restart

Really great concept and use of the limitation. Maybe just need the logic, learning curve to be tweaked slightly?

Thanks Error404 NotFound (great name, love it). I'm glad you enjoyed it, I've found myself coming up with a little back story for him already. This guys going places!

Thanks Lalle. They are just for visual but you raise a really good point if they are drawing your focus I'll try something less intrusive next time

I'll play around with the fall gravity and see what the impact is. Thanks for the tip! 

Thanks MagaMelone, I'm still getting used to and really appreciate the tip!

I mean a lot of amazing games have come out of Unreal. I sure knowing how to use it certainly won't have been a waste of your time :)

Nice game. The artwork looks suspiciously like ... not a soul. But otherwise followed the theme 

A really unique idea on the limitation. Great game, simple to play and lovely artwork. The nightmare under the bed got me a few times although I was clicking on it. Otherwise loved it

Hey, welcome to your first game jam. Absolutely awesome job. Very unique take on the limitation, certainly haven't come across another game in the jam utilising this genre. The music added great character and I found myself hitting the replay button. The art work was really good, guessing a bit Pokémon inspired? nice one! 

I really loved the art style the overall concept. I'd hazard a guess you came up with the idea before the limitation was announced, it didn't really fit with your initial idea? Also I could stick to the platform walls when falling. Think a "is grounded" check would fix this. 

Otherwise really fun platformer and kept me playing and retrying for a good while 

One of my favourite tower defence games from this particular jam. The slimes were cute little visuals and I liked the arrows sign posting their invasion direction. The music was a nice touch. All in all, a great little game

Thanks for the feedback Onvisoc, I will definitely look into that and appreciate you playing!

I haven't done a jigsaw in ages, so had a lot of fun with this game. Proudly finished the 8 x 8. I found myself putting music on in the background, so maybe incorporate that as an option in the future? Awesome artwork. great job!

So here's the thing Lalle. I really wanted to play your game. The artwork in the thumbnail looks interesting and you have racked up some good karma and I like to reward that. I prefer playing in the browser than downloading because my anti virus yells at me and your game also needed me to download C++ to run and then it wanted me download a driver. My point is you would probably get more people rating the game if it was a bit more accessible

Since its Christmas, I ignored the various warnings and downloaded it and really enjoyed it. Visually very strong and I found the narration funny and thought it was a great use of the limitation. Great game! 

I loved the little arrow above the shop at the beginning and that you reinforced the instructions. I did press how to play and the back button may be broken? Otherwise fun tower defence game, both the visuals and goal was clear. Great job  

It was a nice little game and I enjoyed the concept. Took me a second to realise I had to press space a second time to bring my little green thing back. Visually interesting and clear. I liked the shop element, as there are not a lot of games using that mechanic on this jam so far 

Neat little game. It only held my attention for  few minutes because there isn't a lot of progression. But it worked, was a great take on the limitation and was fun and easy to play 

Really great game. Loved how you incorporated the control tutorial into pressing the start button. I had a great "a ha" moment when I realised I could make a straight shot and then reposition the pea trajectory on the rebound my moving myself (intentional or not awesome mechanic). As suggested below, sometimes its obviously you messed up and a restart button would really elevate the game play experience

I really liked the concept of this game. I'm a big fan of the early FNAF games and the whole idea of not being able to move but with some control is a winner in my books. Although the instructions were mostly clear, I was a little confused playing. There were yellow lights and red lights and it wasn't really clear what that meant. I assumed the red meant they were killed but my score suggested I hadn't killed anyone? I was definitely  button bashing towards the end, so probably went over the 3 people limit

It's a great game with lots of potential. If you choose to develop it further, might just need something more to reinforce what the visuals mean

Score: 248 seconds: moved 16 people and killed 0

Thanks Electro game, appreciate the feedback!

I loved this game. One of the few I played all the way through. The idea of a little old man carrying a giant rock man on this back with a walking stick made me chuckle. I enjoyed the fail music, although really the only reason I failed was because I had accidentally positioned a tile one over and hadn't noticed. Only suggestion would be change the font. Works really well for small bits of text like the button and character speech bubbles. Really hard to read large paragraphs of it. Awesome game!

Really visually stunning game and I enjoyed the chilled out music. Although the instructions were clear I did find it quite difficult to get past the first level, even after finding the checkpoint. As MegaMelone  suggests below, if you can ease players in a bit more off the start, you are onto a winner 

I really enjoyed this game, who doesn't need a little lightbulb pushing them through life sometimes. I gave up part way through, but enjoyed what I saw. I liked the music and the animations for the death scene and level restart