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A member registered Aug 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing :D

Hello! Thanks for playing ^^
For the monsters, that's an interesting bug we will look into it if we update the game :P
Thanks for the feedbacks and the bug report!

Possibly, I had the idea of something like guitar hero where you see the upcoming obstacles, but then you wouldn't check the game at all and you would be focused on that UI instead. What could be done would be to have 5 corridors with a slight overlay on the ones available. It entirely depends on what your ideas are ;)

Really nice game!
I really like the gameplay loop where you need to use the cards each turn, it's a really nice concept.
There was only 2 things that I spotted, first of all some enemies were really difficult to spot and I had to use the zap ability to spot them correctly. I often had jumpscares seeing 5-6 enemies within 5 "meters" from me ^^. Maybe making a slight outline could have prevented that? 

Also for the mana, I didn't see any place where is was displayed? Maybe making it so you can always see the mana left and see how much each spell uses, it would greatly help the decision making on which spell to use :)

 I really like the concept good job for your submission!!

Congrats on your submission!
I really like the transition between the calm water and the storm. The wave picking up, the rain, the ambiance., it all goes together really nicely well done!
The only feedback I would give is maybe the camera angle or the height of the obstacles, sometimes you can't really see where to go so you need to guess. It could be interesting to have some sort of visuals to display the correct corridors. 

Good job!

Congrats for your submission!
That's a really interesting design good job ^^. At first I thought it was just a chrome dino runner but then understood the bullet count being your last score. That's a very nice twist :D

We made something a bit like  Kingdoms games (Kingdom Two Crown). If it's something you would like to try out, go ahead ^^
Game Page:

Jam page:

Good job and congrats on your submission!
I like the feeling of the game, the gameplay loop is simple yet interesting and keeps the player focused. The ambiance is great with the rain. and music 

Here's a small feedback/suggestion :
In the map, you have objects with colliders that you can hit with your "weapon" and they seems to have some sort of use but they do nothing except a reaction event (scale up/down + particles?).  If you were to update the game it would be interesting to see specific requirements for different  animals obtainable from thoses objects near the Ark. For example you would need a fish for the cat, a banana for the monkeys, grass for the lamas etc.

Overall, I love it! For a first game it's very nice.

(1 edit)

I had to test it on my end and you're right, that's actually very sad :/ 
It works well on Godot but I guess something broke when we made the build, right now it just teleports you to a random location (which is not what the feature was intended to do).
We added the whole cinematic where you board the boat and slowly sail toward the west, I linked a gif to show what it should look like. Didn't have the time to fully test the endings using the latest build T-T

As of your feedback about the coins, do you have some example of how it felt awkward? We might update that feature if we update the game!

Thanks for playing and for the bug report!

I do agree on the movement being monotonous, maybe a simple run feature with stamina could have been added. That's something the base game did and I think it would be a great QoL update ;)
Thanks for playing and for the feedbacks!

Yes we decided to do something simple design wise and we aimed at a similar gameplay loop as Kingdom Two Crown. Since it's our first time using Godot we wanted to keep it simple ;). We are still unsure if we should continue working on the game or not after the jam, if we do it will most likely be kept in itch ^^.

Really well done, congrats on the submission!
For context I played it for maybe 15-30 minutes, here's my feedbacks!
1. The ressources (metal)
I feel like metal/stone is very difficult to obtain once you don't have access to the base island (after few storms). It's mostly due to the fact that you can't stack other structures above the mines that makes it tricky. Basically it makes it so you can't go upward after you placed one *(I simply never found a way :P ). Maybe making it stackable could be done, but then it depends on your design too, this is talking from a player perspective ^^
2. The waves/Structures
I love the wave system, the visuals for them is beautiful and the system is easy to understand. The structures and bricks only have 1 "hp" from my understanding making it very damageable at each storm, you often don't have enough to rebuild them all making a trickier progression. Maybe having 1 more hp as "warning" to make it clear to the player that the structure will fall in the next storm if no protection is given. The wall have that system and I think it's very cool, maybe it could use the same? 
Overall, love the execution of the theme with the gameplay! Good job!!

Congrats on your submission! I love the artstyle and gameplay loop, it's simple yet very entertaining.
Here's my 2 feedbacks after testing it for 15-30 minutes :
1. The aiming system
There seems to be a slight offset when you shoot making it difficult to aim properly. If you used a raycast maybe adding an offset of height on the hit point could have helped. It entirely depends how you made the system work though. The arrows are very nice, seeing the juice particles at a distance is very rewarding ^^
2. Enemy status
Another small feedback would be the enemy health, we don't have a health bar or anything (which is completely fine) but having no feedback at all on the current health status  can feel underwhelming. Maybe you could make it so depending on the health you show a different visual on the enemy  with scars or wounds or even just juice dripping. Seeing the juice on hit is a already very good start :P 

Overall, I feel like the game is very fun and interactive, with the shop system in place I feel like I could play endlessly. Continue like that!

Thank you! 
(I think we could say side-scroller tower defense but kingdom-like fits too haha) 

Thank you for playing and for the bug report!

Nice game, simple, but good. The visuals are there, you did a good job on that. Good job :)

It's really nice, but the controls are difficult. Can't reach more than 221 in score :D The game is beautiful tho
