Ah I see, that makes sense!
Lilliana Raquel
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Really fun game, it's so fun to try different strategies and characters, it's very simple to understand but the gameplay is still very interesting, the art is adorable I love it so much, the music is great too, I just really have no complaints for this one it's one of the most fun submissions I played yet!
This was pretty fun, difficult little shooter, hard mode required me to conserve my shots and pick my fights and it was pretty interesting figuring out a route through the levels. The artwork is great as well. Love the interactive menus. I really like the limited ammo, but there should be an indicator of your current ammo (both in the current magazine and total), as well as for your hp. Not being able to run and dodge backwards feels really weird for a 2d top-down game like this and kept throwing me off. Besides that, this was tons of fun! Has a lot of potential to be built upon with more content and maybe more weapons, enemies, etc.
Pretty cute story, the minigames were a bit buggy with it thinking I released the mouse button when I was still holding it (maybe cuz of web version but I couldn't figure out how to run the downloadable version), also took a while to understand how the first 2 minigames worked, other than that was an interesting concept. Lovely art and the song at the end is really good as well.
Very cute and sweet. Lovely story that was fun to go through. The little minigames were nice though it would have been cool if there were more of them. The art looks so amazing and adorable I love it. Very simple game but it was very enjoyable. Also you can spin so 10/10
Also I got the last dog school sentence right first try so I'm very proud of myself
This one actually made me cry I was not expecting that 😭
Simple story that hit right in the feels, the gameplay was pretty fun and I liked trying out the different weapons, the dialogues were cute, the art is really good (I love the character sprites!) and the audio fits well. Unfortunate that there wasn't enough time to do much content for the later half of the game (the meta jokes were funny though lol), but it still manages to have a proper progression and ending despite that. If there was more time, besides just more content, I would love to have seen more creative weapons like the shock collar which was quite special and fun to play around with. I feel like a bullet hell style boss fight would have been really fun here too. Of course, those things are outside the scope of the jam, and this was a really great experience as it is!
Nice little tower defense game. It was pretty fun, the artwork is great, the story was really sweet. The animation for unlocking a new character reminds me of plants vs zombies which is nice lol. The upgrades were very weak and expensive though, making them not really worth it at all. There really needs to be a way to sell or move towers. I would have liked if there was a way to know how much damage I'm doing and how much hp the enemies have, as not having that makes it harder to figure out a strategy since I don't know exactly how strong each tower is. There seemed to be a really long delay between an enemy entering a tower's vision range and the tower actually attacking which makes it really hard to catch leaks, especially so when the attack speed upgrades are so expensive and do almost nothing. Still was a really fun experience though!
This is surprisingly fun for something so simple. I like how some of the items are new attacks and some are like modifiers for them, that's pretty unique. Still don't know what the hammer does though or how exactly the order changes things. Using the number keys for picking up the items is extremely awkward. It would be nice to have more enemy variation and more items. The little fireball seems just straight up worse than the big line. It's very hard to pick up a new item when you're not strong enough to get the ghosts out of the way (specially with the awkward keybinds), and that's exactly when you need to get new items. You get very strong very fast past that. Oh and it's quite laggy, specially when shooting.
The visual style and audio builds the atmosphere really well and makes this a very immersive experience. I find it weird that you can lose at all in a game like this when it's more of a narrative experience and there isn't much challenge, but I imagine the whole energy thing wasn't fully explored due to the time constraint. It wasn't clear sometimes what I could interact with which is specially bad since the game is actively punishing you for moving too much with the energy cost. A lot of the text was very technical and dense making it hard to follow, but this might be more of a personal thing. The audio file was very quiet and blended in with the background noises, specially after turning the power back on, so it was just unintelligible for most of it since there are no subtitles. I think some puzzles would fit really well here to add more gameplay. This could be very interesting with more content and gameplay, looking forward to the updated version.
Incredibly fun and satisfying movement game. Love the crouch jump speed ups (although my hands don't love it after spamming it so much lmao) and it's very fun to blaze through the levels. The boss fight was also great. I love the art style so much. I think it doesn't fit the theme very well though. It's a very simple and well made game, this is a game I'm looking forward to playing more trying to beat my records :3
Really sweet game. Loved seeing all the interactions, and the story was nice. It is quite linear though, most of the game is going somewhere, interacting with something, going where it tells you, rinse and repeat, with very few moments were you had to actually piece together some information or use the item system in a way that required more thinking. It was still really fun to go through the story though and there were lots of little interactions to see, I love how you could use vedal and evil on items and characters to see their reactions as well. I love the art too, the characters are so cute, and the audio fits well. In general, this was really fun and I just wish it was a little less linear with more puzzle elements, but this is great for the scope of the jam.
Yeah the idea was to have a few levels with hand picked sets of enemies, and shops in between each level to buy new units for yourself. I was gonna still use a little bit of much more controlled randomness to give it more replayability, but the completely random units that are implemented right now were a last minute thing as I ran out of time. I'll try to follow through with my original idea after the voting period ends. Thanks for the feedback :)
This was so incredibly fun! Very simple gameplay but I enjoyed it from beginning to end. It was missing a crosshair which made it harder to aim (also I feel like the projectiles go a bit off to the left?) and some turns were really hard if you don't cheese by staying really far from the enemies were they can't attack, but it was still super fun. I like the models and the sounds (though they were kinda loud and the shield sound is quite long), the song fits well and crazy robot body evil cover in the end was funny. I think having an indicator showing where the enemies are would be nice as I took a while to find them sometimes or they showed up behind me and killed me when I couldn't see them. Also, since there is no punishment for running I think you should be constantly running, or if necessary do like Spelunky 2 where you run by default and hold a button to go slowly, it's annoying to be holding the button constantly. I think that's all I have to say, good stuff!
The idea is interesting, however in practice it was a bit frustrating to play. I like the idea of attacking and moving on beat like crypt of the necrodancer, and this has a unique twist with having the specific beats that you can attack in with different patterns each fight. However, there's a few frustrating issues. The enemy attacks linger for multiple beats, and you can get hit in the middle of moving between tiles or when an attack spawns in a tile you're moving away from, which makes dodging very annoying, especially when you have 1 hp and have to redo everything every time. This has potential, but those problems take away from the enjoyment and I was not able to finish it in this state. If those problems were fixed this could be really fun and interesting.
Fun and sweet dialogues, it was fun to see all the interactions, the art looked cute, it's missing some bgm or other background noises like the crowd sounds to fill in the silent parts. It's a shame you couldn't finish it or implement the theme, this definitely looks like a lot of effort for the jam time, but it's clear there is a lot of potential here with the ideas you had for a really nice experience, so I'm looking forward to the full version! :3
Really interesting and fun! This is the best use of the theme I saw yet, really being a main gameplay mechanic that's very interesting. It's fun to piece the clues together in as little moves as possible. The art looks really good, and the audio is great as well. When evil finds you, the sound effects that play along with the music stopping makes it feel impactful, and the animation afterwards retracing your steps with the sound increasing in pitch is satisfying. I just think the random aspect doesn't really work for this style of game, at least not in the way it works right now, and I think it would be more fun with handmade levels to explore with specific action count goals to beat. Though making that much content for the jam would have taken a lot of time, and it was fun to replay a few times like this, so I understand the choice of going for random generation.
This is amazing! It's insane how you managed to make a strategy game with such fleshed out systems and interesting content in so little time. This is all I wished I could have done in my game hahaha. I've never seen this cooldown system with the actions before and it's really interesting. There's a lot of interesting skills and it was fun to try different strategies. It's quite difficult, specially when you only have Neuro, and it often takes a long time to get a new character, so I think the chance for that should be increased (or have a guaranteed one in the first shop), but it was very fun trying to figure out a strategy to win a fight despite the odds. There were quite a lot of things I didn't understand though: I still don't really know what the stats "Footwork" and "Remoteness" do and there was never an explanation for any of the stats. The targeting for the attacks is very weird, some attacks said they attack the closest enemy but seemed to target a completely random enemy every time, and support and heal skills would always only affect the character that was using them for me (but I could see the same characters use those skills targeting different characters on the enemy side). I also found it a bit confusing at first that the PREP and COOL stats in the attacks show the preparation and cooldown speeds rather than time, but that might be just me (and wouldn't be a problem if you could see what each stat means, which also helps understanding the character stats). I experienced one bug i can remember (besides the bars staying after a character dies but I'm sure that's already known and it doesn't affect gameplay), where every time a shop appeared it would open a character page showing evil that I had to close each time and didn't do anything. In my last run this happened much further on in the game and I could not close it anymore, so I had to quit the game. I really love the art, all I can really say in that aspect is that the UI needs some work with things like the unthemed buttons and some elements like the bars that look improperly scaled. The audio is minimal but it is good, I like the soundtrack and the sound effects fit well. In general, this is a really great experience :3
Wow that was way longer than I intended 😅
Hitting the slimes and seeing them fly super far is really funny, I really like the visuals with the cute neuro art and the simple way things are animated like neuro rotating when you get hit, the camera movement feels good and it's pretty satisfying to play. There's not much reason not to attack, so I think either the attack should be automatic or there should be some small punishment like being slower while attacking. With some more enemy variation, more impact with things like screenshake and particles to make things more satisfying and some more content this would be even better, but as a game jam game this is still great! I feel like it doesn't really fit the theme though, and as far as I can tell there's no audio.
Very cute and funny! This got me smiling all the way through. It's quite simple and linear and you just interact with everything to win as far as I can tell, but it was still fun to play through. The dialogues were cute and fun to read through. The visuals are simple but they work well. As far as I tell it doesn't have any audio though? This might be some issue on my end as I had to run the windows build with wine since the linux build doesn't come with the Unity player, so I'll update my rating if it's supposed to have it.
Very touching and beautiful story! The text input in the coding tasks was a bit buggy with parts of the text disappearing sometimes, but bugs like that are expected for such a short time. For the actual tasks, I feel like it was an interesting idea but in practice it ended up being more just following exactly what the text said without much thinking. I would've enjoyed if they were more like little puzzles, but I imagine the focus was more on telling the story, which is fair and the story is really good. Great stuff!
I'm also on linux (NixOS 24.11) and I was able to finish the game just fine by adding it to steam as a non-steam game (+ icon in the bottom left of your library) then running it with Proton (right click the game -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool -> Proton Hotfix), maybe that helps?
Ah I see! The power switch idea is great, I was thinking that more mechanics that lean toward the puzzle aspect would be a good direction, and that would nicely fill that blank. A shame you weren't able to implement these in time, but the end result is still great and I would love to see where this goes if you end up working on it more :3