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A member registered Dec 17, 2015

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That was quite clever! 

The music and sound were so anxiety-inducing, I was so scared hahaha.

It is very difficult! Once I got found by one of the numbers it was almost impossible for me to lose them. Maybe being able to see their cones of vision would help me plan ahead.

Overall a dope experience, thanks for sharing!

Well, that was fun! Every spin on the theme of you not being the hero in a dungeon I have seen so far didn't involve collaborating with the hero, so this is a surprise!

The low fps are kinda annoying. If I had to guess I would say it's probably due to the hero's raycasting. Could probably be optimized.

But it was enjoyable. Thanks for sharing!

That was fun! I liked the idea! Felt really good to dodge the hammer.

I don't have much feedback. Maybe increase the points exponentially depending on how long the mole has been out? To push more the risk-reward idea of just being outside a little longer.

The sfx helped a ton with the moment-to-moment gameplay as well!

Overall a really nice game, thanks for sharing!

Well damn, now I feel bad for all the work Lakitu has done with lifting me up in Mario Kart hahaha!

Such a cool idea! And I loooove the mechanic of increasing viewership by recording the action on the track, such a fitting idea! Unfortunately, I feel like I kinda wanted to do more of that instead of picking up the drivers lol. Maybe if the movement was more snappy it would have allowed me to get into the rhythm I wanted.

All in all great concept and would love to see it further developed. Thank you so much for sharing!

That was fun! The sfx and the art are pretty nice! Also great work with the feel of moving the fairy!

It did feel kinda spammy regarding the number of enemies that came my way, and I didn't get to see most of the items because of it. But it's more than understandable given the jam context.

I did like how you start with some items in your trailer. Was really nice to give you some extra help that made sense within the game!

Overall a nice little game. Thank you for sharing!

My god was that fun. That last level got me scratching my head really badly, amazing work!

I liked how polished it was regarding rules. I never encountered a state that the game hasn't thought about before.

If I can give a suggestion it would be to have a go-back action button, but most levels weren't that long to dread its absence. Also maybe having the masks and colors be consistent regarding their move in all levels would be a nice touch (by introducing new colors, that is).

All in all, it was a pleasure to play. Thank you for sharing!

That was nice! Loved the cat's model and the music!

I wasn't aware that you could ask for cupcakes on the fridge, maybe a pop-up when getting close could help. I would also lean on the idea of the Tamagotchi more since it's so good. Maybe make the enemies deceased pets from owners that abandoned them, or put a filter/HUD on top of the screen to simulate the game happening inside a Tamagotchi.

Also cooking cupcakes to make hearts was a really nice touch! And the comments made by the enemies were really fun as well.

Overall a pretty cute game. Thanks for sharing!

The art was so nice! The characters were all very fun to look at, and I loooooove the color palette.

It took me a bit to grasp my head around the surfing part of the game, and it could use a couple of iterations (I could constantly change the wave direction, which I don't think was intentional :P).

I like the vibe of it all. Thanks for sharing!

That was a pretty clever idea! It's very easy to fall into just "play as the enemy" given the jams theme, but playing as the referee was very interesting!

The idea of calling out illegal moves AFTER they hit is great! Has some kind of risk-reward thing to it in which, even if you know the attack is coming, have to be careful to not call it out beforehand.

I guess the only thing I can suggest is adding more types of attacks to call out. Maybe having one which telegraph looks similar to a legal attack to make the player pay more attention to not call out legal attacks could be a good idea.

The animations were soooo smoth, loved them!

Overall a pretty fun experience. Thanks for sharing!

I absolutely love the concept!

At first, I thought it might be too difficult, but after a few tries, I got the hang of how to optimize space, and was way more satisfying!

If I could give a suggestion it would be being able to reuse the houses in which the unhappiness bar is empty. Like if they decided to move or something and you can now spawn something cheaper there, like if they sold the house way cheaper than they got it for, but I am still thinking about how something like that could fit into the gameplay loop.

I really like the aesthetic of a board game! Was super fun!

Really cool game, thanks for sharing!

What a nice concept!

The art is fantastic, as well as the music!

The hero got bugged a couple of times, and the controls weren't the most intuitive thing ever. If I can make a suggestion it would be to give the hero the ability to delete a trap in phase 2 or 3, to distinguish them instead of just making him go through a lot of traps you already positioned. And of course to not replay the intro whenever I start over hehe.

Overall it was quite nice, loved the hen sprite and animation!

I didn't think I would see a rhythm game in a jam. Awesome!

The art is gorgeous, and I loved the fact that you had different songs for the different difficulties. So well done!

I couldn't beat even the easiest of difficulties tho, so I would appreciate some breathing room to be able to recover from mistakes. I am thinking of maybe making the marmots get more points the longer they are on the surface, to incentivize going further without making mistakes and being able to recover with a good enough combo.

Also, another control layout that mimics the physical positions of the marmots on screen would have helped, and/or using color as well to mentally bind the keys and the marmots' positions better. But rhythm games are notorious for being difficult to get right, even more so for a jam!

Overall a fun experience with catchy music, thanks for sharing it!

That was nice! I really like the pixel art you choose!

I enjoyed the UI slightly moving with the direction of the character quite a bit. I love the care put into it!

At first, I thought the attacks could use more CD, but things got very heated later on, and it seemed very fitting!

If I can give a suggestion, it would be to make the player's health only recover if the player is not using their ability, to introduce some risk-reward to the formula.

Overall quite a nice game. Thank you for sharing!

The pixel art is so well done. Love it! And the sound effects when popping up enemies is fantastic.

I do believe the scoring system could use an iteration. Given that one can spam as many enemies as they can, doing so kinda trivializes the game. So maybe reducing the score for every enemy that wasn't killed fits better.

Either case I had fun. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on your first jam game!

The art is sublime!

At first I didn't understand what the value of moving skeletons around was if the knight could kill them anyways, but when there were more enemies coming, I understood how they could still get ya if they managed to get close between hits. Good stuff!

Maybe another sound effect with more impact for the hits would have helped, but I am nitpicking here.

I also really liked how the skeleton's "corpse" would stay there after they die, making clutter that makes it difficult for you to pick the right enemy if you don't periodically clean it, and they can also be used to slow down other enemies. Brilliant!

Overall a really nice game. Thank you for sharing!

What a nice concept! Lovely music and aesthetic!

I really liked how you included situations in which you had to time your jump to get into the picture, awesome design! And I was not expecting it to actually show me the pictures at the end. So cute!

And I agree with others. If you ever think about expanding the concept, poses would be a great addition! Maybe using a specific pose depending on a cue to maximize points could be cool.

Overall a really enjoyable experience, thanks for sharing!

Time flew so fast I didn't even notice it! Brought me back to the good old Newground days.

The level design was great! Really had to think about how to solve each one of them. Unfortunately, the robot hitting the ball a second time wasn't very reliable, so I had to restart every time I couldn't make a hole-in-one (it was probably more fun this way anyways). And it was kinda annoying how, without changing anything, sometimes I would get different outcomes when hitting the ball (probably due to fps or something related to the physics engine).

Still a pretty fun experience. I had a great time!

That was sooooo lovely! The art and the colors were so pretty. And I was surprised to encounter some level of challenge on the levels! The context was also really cute. Amazing work!

Please pet Cricket for me! <3

That was really fun! Loved how everything was reversed, even the idea of cats in trees. Great job at integrating that as a mechanic!

I kinda disliked how, on one of the first levels I had to use a fire item that affected blocks outside of the screen, to use it as a one fire-block instead of 2. I also felt like the latter half of the game levels weren't as tightly designed as the first ones.

Big props for taking the time to include an editor tho! Love when devs handle the tools for players to do their own thing. Awesome stuff!

That was really nice! The music and the sound effect made it really fun.

The only suggestion I can think of is having a minimum bounciness in the trampolines to allow the player to do some last-minute saves, but I can understand if that's subjective.

Either case had a lot of fun, great work!

That was really nice! The music was dope, and I loved the fact that I could choose the color of the slime.

I did feel that the hiding mechanic was not used, but I guess that's the nature of game jams :P

I adore what you did with the intro sequence, especially how you typed the letters at the end. Sooooooo cool. Great work!

This was similar to an idea that we had early on. Glad to see that someone made it!

The bug after the tax collector came kinda bummed me because I wanted to keep playing!

The music is lovely! And the sprites are great! I really liked the shadows of the trees moving around! Great work!

I am probably too dumb, but for the life of me, I couldn't get a single set of documents right. I feel like the amount of time I have isn't very compatible with the number of variables I have to deal with. Maybe letting me know what I got wrong would have allowed me to get the hang of it on multiple runs.

However, I really dig the mood created by the music, and the pixel art is top-notch. Nice job!

Now that's a dope concept!

I really liked the controls! It feels nice to just move around.

I do wish there were more obstacles between you and the objective. I feel like I could just avoid the chef by going through the floor on the right. Maybe getting rid of the ramp to avoid getting to the goal easily could have helped.

The explosion when getting cut by the knife gave me a good chuckle, very fun!

The main menu is so cute!

Unfortunately, in a game that requires so much attention, bugs that hide whatever sprite we needed to see to decide if there was cheating going on made the experience kinda frustrating.

I do appreciate the work put into the visuals, especially the UI. Very smooth animations and sound!

The puzzles were so well designed it's insane. I have no idea how you came up with them in such a short time.

There were a couple of easy ones at the end among all the difficult ones, but given the jams and restrictions on time, it's absolutely understandable.

Amazing art and music as well. Incredible job!

We actually had a similar idea at first! Glad someone else made it. The art is beautiful!

I would have definitely liked more variety quest-wise, and probably fewer parameters (they were kinda difficult to track, and I believe the mechanic could have worked as well without most of them). I am thinking of a three discrete system with quests that get randomized requirements. And maybe make it so the adventurers get stronger over time.

Looking forward to the upgraded version you mentioned below!

The art is great, but the music is sooooo good! Love how you implemented the concept of a fly buzz into it!

I also like that depending on the color of the item it makes the human swarm go slow! It makes you more aware of what you pick up while also discouraging just moving the mouse around fast. Great design right there!

Maybe clarifying that the color of the items indicates that on the instructions, or making the colors stand out more would have helped me understand the mechanic better at first.

Overall great work, and lovely spin on the theme!

Now this might be my favorite execution on the theme! Great idea!

It does seem like you don't have much agency at times, altho not sure how I would go to fix that, but the art and the music made up for it quite a lot!

Really enjoyed it. Amazing work!

Lovely concept! I just wish you had time to explore the anvil catapult! Would have loved to throw Mimi's lazy ass out in the air within a level.

The art is absolutely gorgeous!

I really liked the mechanic! Putting all four ingredients (even if the combustion "state" of the potion has already been reached) isn't the most intuitive in the world tho, but once I got it, it was really enjoyable!

The one thing I cannot forgive is the lack of an explosion. I was so looking forward to it given the amazing art 😭

I did like how you scale complexity with each level. Really had to stop on my tracks and think about what I was doing. Great job!

What a nice little game!

The art is fantastic, and the music is lovely. I really liked how a frog falling didn't mean losing, but just dropping a level in difficulty, allowing you to keep going and beat it!

Using a single platform for all three frogs kinda trivialized the challenge tho. Maybe making it so that you can't draw a lily pad when more than one frog is on them (like if it was too heavy to move) would have supported better what I understand is the intended play.

Overall a lovely experience. Thank you for sharing it!

Even better than a dog is a flying dog!

I really liked the camera work you did. It felt really smooth!

Sound would have def improved the experience, and the lash mechanic could have used a bit more work, but there's only so much a single developer can do. I can, however, see the ideas you had level-design-wise, and they were solid!

An enjoyable experience for sure. Nice work!

The music kicks so much ass is unreal.

I also really like the aesthetic, amazingly well put together!

I know one barely has time to do anything on jams, but I believe a 3-star score system would help the game a ton by giving you a sense of what is the minimum amount of points achievable on a level, or at least letting you pick a goal in which you feel comfortable with.

Once again, incredible work!

I love this so freaking much. The art, the dogs, the concept, everything.

The only criticism I can give is how the page mentions "Spanish" language support, but there wasn't any. Still, everyone knows that dog language is the best.

Incredible work. I am more happy now knowing that this exists.

Fun concept!

It was kinda hard tho. I am wondering how well it would work if the numbers in each amp were displayed without interruption for better readability and comparison with the notes. Altho, maybe that's exactly what you want, in which case I would suggest to stop or lessen the amount of tampering each amp gets if they have already been screwed, in order to give the player more leeway to get back on track.

Overall nice stuff! Kickass music as well!

Hard to say something others haven't. Amazingly well put, from the concept to the art, the environment, and even the name! There is something so inheritingly cool about a singing piano.

Incredible work folks!

Love Mallard! Who can blame the poor guy!

As others have mentioned, more weight regarding risk-reward mechanics would have helped keep me engaged for longer. Just hiding the mouse would have made it much more interesting since you wouldn't be able to aim out of cover. I am also thinking about a reload mechanic that would make you vulnerable for a period of time.

Overall nice work!

The juiciness of the ball is so much fun! Love how silly it is that it can duck hahaha.

The only thing I can criticize is the lack of music. It would have made the experience so much more fun.

I do, however, really like the levels! It wasn't just a mindless up-or-down auto scroller. The different paths made me think and kept me on my toes! I also really like how the designer understood the flow of key presses and changed the rhythm to throw me off. Great stuff!