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A member registered Sep 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great game.  Was fun, very well polished and the music was excellent. 

I'd have liked to have a different firing mechanism though so that I could more easily fire in any direction without having to change my movement direction(Such as WASD to fire in a given direction).  Found myself often times just ignoring enemies because hitting them was too much of a hassle.

It was alright definitely need some explanation on how things worked.  My first attempt was an instant loss(lol).  The cooking stuff felt like it took too long and customers could stack resulting in a guaranteed fail.

Game was fun.  I did manage to clear the game but agree with other comments the controls were a bit rough.  There definitely was one randomly hard level early on too since the game was very icy with it's momentum it's hard to land on single wide blocks.

I think you pulled of the gta vibe extremely well and the other cars moving around the city was super neat. 

It's unfortunate that there's no audio :(.   The game play somewhat broke down once you were on the outskirts of the city too since it was really easy to just sneak on and off the highway.  I think adding a mini-map would of made traveling inside of the city more fun too since turning a corner and running into a dead end was saddening.

Game play was super good.  It felt nice jumping around collecting the coins.  Music was also great and fit the atmosphere.

My only issue is(& someone else commented on it too) I wish there was some sort of animation or something when you collect the pizza.  It probably wouldn't have made the game exceptionally better but it's lack of being there was super noticeable since everything else seemed really polished.

It was neat lacking a bit without collision and no momentum(?) when turning but the visual style of the game was very appealing somewhat reminded me of some of the older arcade racers.

The new game story intro seemed to be extremely slow and then didn't actually start the race(bug?).  Instead I had to go to continue to get to a race.

The tutorial section should give a window to mess around with controls.   But I'll keep it in mind for the future.

I had made it open in the smaller version in spirit of the jam ;3.

Thanks for the feedback :D

Solid work.  I'd say it's just barely on the side of being too difficult since at the start if you don't get a power up dodging even a single asteroid lets the enemy ship almost completely catch up to you.  

Very great game literally only thing missing is background music.

Others have already said the major points of issue.  Very excellent game for a first complete.

Thanks for the feedback :D

Outside of the levels just being in a randomly repeating order was fun. 

The levels felt like they could be very large without scrolling with the design you went with I think it worked very well for this jam but the lack of audio is unfortunate :(.

That heart beating badumbadum.....

It delivered what it said just stay away from the cops.

Decent enough visuals and level design game play was fun.  

The left/right movement felt a bit weird since there was no momentum. 

Very rough.  Not sure if the full screen stretch caused the blurriness but the game was super blurry.  Definitely need to include explanation on controls.

From what I could tell after putting out your sword by clicking you had to move your mouse around to actually attack.(Don't know if this was intentional or a bug).  There also seemed to be a lot of other minor bugs with movement and things pop'ing in/out of the environment.

The explosion of enemies/objects in the game was neat though and I liked the little semi-destroyed objects left behind.

Great work for your second ever game and first jam.

The power-ups where a bit hard to get in time once you started going fast but besides that I think everything worked fine from a game play perspective.  The audio was also very solid.

Game play was neat with swapping body part.   The visuals worked very well with the low res too.  Would of liked to see enemy health bars since some of the bosses took a very long time.  I think I killed all of the bosses but there didn't seem to be an ending or anything?

Good game.    Mouse controls actually worked nicely for a change.

A credits screen and adding you win or something to say that's the end along with the ranking screen would of finished it off a bit more nicely. 

Game play itself was alright if not a tad confusing at first but it was a bit harsh could have done with a life bar or something way too easy to die.

I'm torn on the zoom out it made it a bit too blurry to see anything properly(including the death screen text(?)) but probably game play would have been impossible zoomed in

The game play was very hard to control tiny mouse movements swung the camera wildly and the mouse wasn't locked to the screen so sometimes keeping the mouse in window was tricky.   Couldn't really tell if I was hitting enemies or not and it seemed better to just avoid them completely anyway.  Was I supposed to have bullets cause I only spun the gun around ?

The level itself was pretty big and neat to run through though.

The level felt really long and seemed to loop so wasn't sure if it was actually going to end but stuck around long enough to see that it did.     The power up seemed completely arbitrary also since it just sort of activates with no indication at low health.

Otherwise though the game ran well and had decent game play not bad at all.

Sort of reminds me of a reverse mr driller.  I think the idea is neat and the game itself looks good and is fun.  Some position changes on the platforms would of been nice but the different enemies did make for  some variation.  

Really original idea.  Definitely was hard I think cause the controls are opposite of what you would normally do in a "shooter" game but I will say I think that's what actually makes this interesting.  I would of liked to get a few hits though since it's pretty hard to get going the barrier of entry is super high.

Good visuals.  The gameplay works well just would of liked the difficulty to pick up both faster and further.  Felt like it took awhile to get to somewhat interesting situations and then it didn't really get any harder.

Was cool idea but as others have said would of liked a conclusion(Assuming there's not one but it seemed like the levels were just looping or being randomly made).  The game was a bit too easy since enemies seemed to die(?) when they ran into other objects so even without shooting a lot of them would just despawn. 

There seems to be a bug where if you get hit + take the teleporter your stuck in a white frame of animation and can't die anymore.

Nice idea.  I'll say as someone whose played twinstick shooters the controls didn't bother me.  I actually thought the game was too easy even on the hardest difficulty once you know you can grow two plants(actually even more if you place them right) at once which was one of the first things I tried I never ran out of ammo.  I also never saw a reason too and didn't understand if it even did more damage to use the shotgun.  I played up to 100 kills and then just tried to let myself die and even that took a very long time with how much health you have.    More enemy types / boss rounds would definitely push this up.  And as others have said the map makes it seem like you can only plant in the middle 3 lines which is confusing if your allowed to plant anywhere.

Neat concept.  I especially liked the ending.   Others have said the main issue so keep at it.

I duno if it's a bug or not but I couldn't switch after a certain point and then after the screen went black I could switch and the dialogue kept looping.

Hard to say exactly since every game is unique.  Generally space would be the first extra key normally used for jumping.  Though with these web games I've also noticed some issues with that cause of webpage scroll so keep an eye out for that.  I think enter is definitely a no-go when used in conjunction with J since you have to shift your hand to use it.  

Ideally you want the same sort of feel on the keyboard as you would a controller with minimal hand movement.  Imagine if you were holding a ps or xbox controller but you had to stretch out your pinky to push one of the buttons.

For a comparison this is another game from this jam https://zander-games.itch.io/av it had a lot of buttons(was + space + jkl) but the way they used them it never felt awkward in any situation.

Cool idea checkpoints would of been appreciated since it's pretty difficult.  As with several of the other mouse control games it's really easy to click out of the screen and cause mess-ups especially in this game since space scrolls the webpage.  

For this game specifically I think an option to lock the start of the vector to the center point in the screen to decide where the mouse click direction was would of worked out better since you occasionally would screen wrap and then have to move the mouse too far to fire the way you want to.

There also I think was some bug(?) with the animations not displaying right (The bats specifically looked kinda weird like the sprite was shifted on the sheet)

Not original but decent implementation in the 96x96 limitation.  

Visuals are great but the controls really took away from the experience.    The gameplay is alright outside of the reload taking a really long time compared to how fast enemies spawn.  This plus the controls made it a lot less enjoyable then I think it should of been.

I liked the different powers but the platform designs ended up being a bit too repetitive.

A bit short but stellar visuals.  The gameplay could be a bit more interesting ex. making pushing the cannonballs around a puzzle to get them stacked or you can't retouch a place you already cleaned.

Fun and fast.  A stage transition where you have to fall into Korben's cab would of brought this up to the next level.

Funny and fun.  It was a tad short and somewhat confusing with the buttons but enjoyable.  I think the items could of been made at a much more reasonable price for how long it takes to collect anything (I ended up skipping them).  

Very interesting.  I'd say in terms of difficulty it's fine to have a hard game like this but I would of liked it to be more optional more frequently.   The first time I played I got like 7 or 8 ! tiles right off the bat so it didn't really feel like I had much choices.  As others have said besides that a better tutorial is definetly needed.

Really addicting definitely a good farming sim.  It's a bit rough to complete all the quests and then no reward.   I think the last quest would of been a bit less tedious if you got secondary upgrades with each scyth upgrade (Ex.  after upgrading the range for harvesting the earlier crops increases / you can harvest/gather more per action.

Nice remake.  Definitely should make the music keep looping.  There also just isn't an ending I broke all the bricks and not even a congrats.  I would of liked the ball to speed up as it was going to add a bit of difficulty too.

Took a bit to understand the rules.  The visuals where cool but there's a lot of open space to run around in that isn't used.  There's never a reason to even go anywhere near the traps.  As far as I can tell there isn't really an end goal and with the way the game is set up you can just play indefinitely.