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A member registered Jan 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Overall a really polished and fun game(though just gave me the realization of how bad I was at scramble). I really liked the look of the game and would love to see more of this type of artstyle.

Coming to some issues, would have like to have some kind  of relation between the word and the doors I am trying to open. Also there was no chance I was going the get the work IRATE in the puzzle :D

Anyways a really good game and special mention to the art style of the game.. really like it.

Kudos and have a great day!!!

Hello there!! :P

You made a really fun game, the base concept is really fun and the levels are challenging and lights a fire in you and makes you wanna complete the game and that feeling in itself tells me that this is a good submission. 

It would have been nice to have some animation and simple audio(not music) in the game would have been much more fun. But nothing to be worried as nothing stopped me from finding the secret room.

Kudos for making a entertaining game. Have a great day!!! :D

Really cool game. Once you get how the mechanics work, it really is fun. Completed all the levels. The mechanics were good.. I really enjoyed the game would have liked some more levels and the jump button to be more reactive.. It sometimes feels like it doesnt work event though I am hitting it at the right time.. Apart from that you made a simple and fun game.

Kudos and have a great day!!! :D

Good game!!! The sprite art is great, and the audio design is good, can be better but wouldn't ask more from a one-week game jam.... Like the other ones maybe some way to lose and a meter to just terrify the player would have been awesome..

Just wanted to know is there a way to possibly loose? Cause I would like to see the HE who is behind the door ;P

Kudos and great work on the game.

Good Game! Really fits the theme well. The peek and listen mechanics are a good addition.Though I couldn't find any real use for the listen mechanic(maybe I am missing something). I would have loved some more audio design to make it more eerie and haunted type. But overall a really good game buddy.

Kudos and have a great day!!! :D

A really solid puzzle game, took me some time to figure but finally reached protocol 0 ;D

I observed one bug in the Obvious level was get stuck in space when tried jumping on the platform below the floor without interacting with anything. Thats the only issue I had but rest of it was so polished and cool.

Kudos to making such a wonderful game!!!

Deffo gonna check out your game!!
Thanks for playing!! Have a great day :D

Great Game!!! had a lot of fun, gonna keep it in my pc and challenge myself later when I am free. Really unique game in this game jam, good graphics and audio design.. One small suggestion though would be to make the tutorial interactive instead of so much text, I know that it the time constraints would have made it difficult but I see potential and making a interactive tutorial where the gamer figures out the mechanics would be better....

Kudos for making such a good game!! :D

Thanks for playing!! I wanted the game over screen once you exhausted all your keys but couldn't do it cause of some bugs I was facing.. Really glad to hear that you had a fun time with the game.. Just check out yours was a really fun game I enjoyed a lot!!

Have a great day!! :D

I finished it successfully!!!! Really fun game loop. Couldn't capture one of the turtles after it spawned but thats the only bug I observed. It was fun.

Kudos for making such a lovely game!! ART and MUSIC top notch :D

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share our game jams experience here and also advertise our games for the weekend. You can also share your experiences and maybe something that might help me and others who might be reading this in their futures.

First of all, I will start with my experience of this game Jam. This is my third game Jam and the first one where I ever had assigned a day for a brainstorming session to think of my objectives for the week. This made a huge difference already compared to the previous jams as I had a clear vision of what I had to do and anytime during my development phase, I felt lost I used to refer to my objectives I set for myself and regain myself and move on.

Even though I set my objectives knowing my limitations and the limited time I could work after my office, I still faced hurdles and cut down my game objectives even more to fit it into my time schedule and finish my game. One of the major ones is setting up my physics-based player controller which I thought would be done in 1-2 hours considering I had previous versions of code for reference, but OHHH GOD WAS I WRONG!!! It took me two days to just set up the player controller and make it work as I wanted. Even on the last day of the game jam I was playing around with some features of the player controller and am really happy with the way it turned out. 

But because of this I had to remove major feature such as turrents/LMG's and boss room from my game but nevertheless I was able to adapt and finally make my game what it is now.

One major thing I realized this game Jam is, even though you are dead set with an idea we will still doubt if it's a good one or should we drop it and think of a better one and start freshly again with our project. I URGE YOU to not do this for any of your project unless you are completely sure that you are not happy with the game you are working on. Otherwise, you will be stuck in the loop of starting multiple new projects and finishing none, which I have been stuck in for the last 2 years sadly. But FINALLY, I am out of the loop and looking forward to many successful projects and great experiences.

KUDOS TO EVERYONE for participating in the GAMEJAM. Hope this story of mine is helpful to you.

Any suggestions are welcome and I also encourage you to share your story so that we all can learn from each other better.


Rate Bloom Trap by Rockerzz for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.1 - itch.io

I will be free this weekend so looking forward to you games and stories. Have a great day!! :D

Thanks for Playing!!

I wanted to remove the jump control part initially but left it in after testing. I am really glad that it made the game better for you.

Hope you are having a great day and yeah maybe do check out the exit door ;D

I tried to make endless game where you can just collect as many points as possible, and the expensive rooms are meant to give more challenging timers and points when you enter them. The movement was intentional, since I wanted it to be completely physics based, I made the player start off at 0 and build up to max speed.

If you didn't try the expensive doors maybe try them out as they were the most satisfying levels for me personally.

Thanks for playing and hope you are having a great day!! :D


Starting off, Wonderful design and concept for the game jam. When me and my friend started playing we were pretty confused of what's happening but once we figured out it was a blast. Almost every level was a challenge and retty satisfying once completed.
Some issues I had with the game are:

1. I would have personally liked the rooms to be a bit brighter as there was nothing of any horror aspects in game and would have made it easier for me to know where I am.

2. Could not figure out level 5 and level 9, don't know why but level 9 drove us crazy and made us quit the the game after finishing the rest.

3. maybe a bit of a better visual cue would have made the game more satisfying and pleasing to see.

4. Had some frame drops and glitching of rooms mainly after level 6-7..

Apart from the game was pretty fun and is the first game in this game jam that I successfully finished if we leave out lvl 5 and 9. But I shall return and finish them one day deffo....

Kudos to you and have a great day!! :D


First of all great work with the game, I really loved the shading techniques used and am looking forward to using it myself.

The game has a eerie feeling even though there was nothing to really be afraid of which is difficult to achieve but this game captures that perfectly, I loved the boxes level though the first time I saw the box coming towards me was so terrified and at the end got overwhelmed and killed at the end.

Now coming to some of the issues I had while playing, picking up small dropped objects was difficult and once I held the trolley wasn't able to leave/drop it making it difficult to move also a bit frustrating.

A really well-made game and I have nothing but praise for it in the end leaving the small issues..

Have a great day!!! :D

First things first, the game was really hard for me to play for me.. I think it might be a skill issue from my side but I would like to ask you to tone it down a little bit. But leaving that aside, the game was good and had a very smooth gameplay experience. The game could use a bit of a feedback and effects while hitting. But once we get going in the game it is very much fun. And also good work with the art.

And a small suggestion, you could have added some doors which spawn allies to help us defeat the enemies which could make the game more in line with the theme as right now it is more like to fight and survive kinda game.

Once again really great work with the jam and you have wonderful game to show for your effort.
Have a great day! :

The movement system took a lot of time for me to figure out and I am really glad you noticed it. Thank you for trying out my game.!!

Have a great day! :D

Thanks for playing!!:D

Really good music and feel for the game. I didn't notice any bugs which would undermine the game experience in the game play. And really good work with the level design, it must have been really hard to figure out the design since I was pulling my hair figuring the level :D, so great job with game..

One major issue I had is the game closes every time, I die and it got really annoying that I wanted to stop playing as it takes some time to get used to the movement. But then I started opening other doors when I was going to die and got around the issue so was able to finish the levels and it was satisfying when I finally reach the end.

And special mentions to the story board at the start, I really liked it...

Have a good day!! :D

Great work, was having a big smile on the face once I heard the line "gonna wait for the sequel" :D

Now coming to some of the issues I faced with I think the UI and resolution are having a bit of mismatch so took some time to figure out what I was even meant to press for it to continue. I think you wanted to make a kind of wanted to troll people and it definitely worked but would have definitely liked more button prompts for actions.

And also great voice, I was having the biggest smile while the game was on my screen. Really great work.

Have a good day!!

Really solid concept and good audio design. And the art is cool, I really liked it. Now coming to some bugs I faced, the spikes seem to not work in some cases specifically in level 1 after I use the doors 2 times and I think level 1 has some bugs which is preventing the use of the doors at the later stage of the game. 

As for level 2, it worked great and was really enjoyable and satisfying once I was able to figure out the mechanics. One small suggestion I have is the changes to the level can be of a different color or have some different theme from the level bcoz I was tripping initially while playing... maybe bcoz I am tired due to the jam and stuff :D

But at the end a really good concept and look forward to playing the game once you update game..

Hope you are having a great jam!! :)

Hello!!! Gotta say your game is the biggest file I have seen in this jam..... Downloaded it and gonna try it, seems like a very interesting concept and gonna let you know of my experience with it..
In the meantime, you can try my game out

Link: Rate Bloom Trap by Rockerzz for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.1 - itch.io 

Great game and gotta say you nailed the theme. The audio design might fall a bit short of the game play being offered. It was hard to stop myself from playing the game once I started to get into it. Also the art is really good.

Thanks for playing,

Actually I uploaded the wrong build file, this only has like 2 different levels so sorry for the repetitive levels. I hope you will check it out in a few mins, I will be uploading my latest build which have 4 different levels..

Hope you are having a great day :D

No prob!!

I am not very confident with how your game works.. But you could set trigger points for a certain number of enemies to spawn in for some part of the map and then the next one for the next part.... Maybe give it a thought. It can be useful in the future!! Alas this is a gameJam to learn new things :D

Have a good Day !!! 

Thanks For Playing!! I am going to fix those so I hope yow will check it out later!!

Have a good day!! :D

Your Game with some good sound effects and some fast music can make us feel the real rush!!I will Check It out after you update it...

Have a good day!

Thanks for your feedback!! Have a Good Day!!

(1 edit)

Thanks For Playing!!

I am so happy you mentioned about the AI.. that thing toook me like 3 to 4 days to code. And yeah the ammo boxes working would have made the game so much better. And regarding the bloom I will maybe use some real lighting instead .. I am happy you enjoyed the game..

Have a Good Day! :D

The ammo and health pickable stopped working in the last minute..... and regarding those boxes only two types of boxes give you stuff the plain ones are just there for extra chaos... :D

Thanks For Playing!! Have a good Day!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing!

I messed up at the last stage of build... I realized some of the mistakes in UI and the gameplay. Am going to patch them as soon as possible.

Hope you check out my game later!!

Have a good day!! :D

Just Played It.It was a good one.

That was a cool game. You could make tutorial level for better understanding of the game though one we figure it out it was fun to play. Played through 5 levels or so. It was entertaining..

Gonna play the othe one!! :D

Your Game was super fun.Only bug I was able to find is I got stuck on the ledges sometimes.

Great Work!! Kudos!!

No worries you made a decent enough game which you can start building upon if you wanted to so looking forward for the update!

Good  Concept! But would have liked a bit more gameplay wise and the music got a bit annoying after like a minute or so. Found out that you made two games in a week so no worries it was decent enough.. I hope the other one turned out good.

Great Work bro! Kudos!! :D

I dont know if you know this but your game was similar to archero(available on google playstore) which i enjoyed so much.. had some frame issues but not so bad..

Had a great time playing your game! KUDOS! :D

Really Cool idea for a game.. Would have like some particle system or body parts flying instead of just blood.(hope ppl dont think I am a psycho)

Cool Game!! Kudos!! :D