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A member registered Oct 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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This looks and feels really cool, good job!


Angry cactus-men are adorable :D

It also lean to a beat'm'up quite nicely, only issue is not obvius hit box. Nevertheless, good job!

Vacuum upgrade feels quite interesting as mechanic that gives you several moves. Only issue I had with it - it would be nice to dash in direction of mouse cursor, not from it. It might seems not logical, but it would ease player interaction with a game a ton. Otherwise, good job!

Collecting magic and use it as weapons is a good idea (having a limited number of amunition is in general good idea). Character controls feels nice, I appreciate having ability to shoot different directions without using of mouse, its a decent entry, good job :)

Very pleasant little game, though phase 2 of boss fight is far too unfair. Good job!

Very cute little crocodile, shooting mechanics is interesting in terms of adjusting to calculating the arc, but I miss some feedback on how much power to the shot I have put. Nevertheless, good job!

That was pretty! Loved how you progress from a mere slime to a powerful monster. And everything is fixed with the magic of friendship. Nicely done!

(1 edit)

Visually beautiful, though as other comments already said, there is no obvious way to go through all the pits. Sadly. Still a lot of potential, don't abandon it :)

That's why our robots overlord will have so many stereotypes against us, fleshly beings. This was great in all aspects. Great job!

I liked the enemies, and overall aesthetic, though I wish main weapon fire rate would be a little faster. Also having a save point upon upgrade picking have done life a bit easier :)
Good job!

It was fun to play and ice mechanics with water worked really nice. Good job!


Looks and feels very great you did tremendous job here. There are not enough checkpoints, though, given the difficulty spike and amount of new types of enemies and surfaces after even the first one. nevertheless, this is very solid entry.

That's quite interesting settings to play in :)

Good job!

I failed to survive the explosion. The level of details is insane, everything looks gorgeous. My only complain would be to hyper reactive sensitive of controls, he is moving too willingly and fast on slightest changes. other than that - perfect work done here, congrats!

It really is quake inspired, lovely art, lovely soundtrack and lovely music. My fingers are in a bit of a pin though because of V for air thrust, I feel I am stuck after getting kick thrust and the second gun. I guess I need to master kick thrust to perform a proper wall jumps, but can not achieve it yet.

The game itself is just triggering everything I have in my heart (except for shadow darkness). Nicely done!

Yeah, no worries. I wonder how many people would actually go looking for it :)

Thanks for playing and glad you liked it!
Yeah, gravity boots and their correct usage were supposed to mitigate fall damage and fall damage are the reason to use them. But I was using velocity val to calculate the damage and it somehow had a very narrow range. Need to rework the whole system.
My wife keeps calling them pidgeons as well :) An blocking fireball - I intended to even have it as boss behaviour to through something quick to the player as soon as it sees fireball, but did not have enough time to implement. By the way, did find the Tome of Power?
Music composed by me, thank you for kind words on it ^^

К сожалению поздно было переделывать работу с UI, там всю систему надо было дописывать с отключением активных кнопок при появлении интерфейса (в юнити оно как бы есть, но ни разу не заработало из коробки на моей памяти). Синие стрелки довольно слабые на самом деле, даже если не прятаться, то они снимают щит с тебя медленнее, чем ты с них. А потом ваншотаются после взятия арбалета. Обучения согласен, всегда не хватает (на самом деле справа на рамке нацарапано управление :D )

Спасибо за подробный фидбек, а про продолжение, считай это как с песней Dream Theater - Metropolis, Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper :)

Yeah, I tried to remove all crack situation, maybe something left. Actually there is a menu on esc button, from where you can load last save point. Dead state lock after reset is a new bug, thanks for reporting. Usually if it happens - the game should reload you again.

Да, я говорю по-русски :)

Thanks for playing and feedback!

Again, I might be deceived by some kind of illusion :) It felt like X axis speed is more than Y axis speed basically

Nice :D
Really liked the expressiveness you achieved with this limitations. Great job!

Very cute cat and its animation. It was a bit hard for me to fight back, though, seems like not obvious range of attack/getting hit. But overall pretty nice, good job!

I love sad middle-aged man noises on player's death :D
Aesthetically I think you nailed the exploration game, as well as mechanically. But at some point I got stuck without understanding where to go. It seems I got all the artefacts, I returned to the first location, I went above, I went the whole path once again, but something I missed. Nevertheless, it is very nice game, good job!

Even though unfinished, it feels really nice in terms of character controlling and the feeling of it movement. It might become a really nice game! Will you go on 3 month version with it?

That some banger on the title music :D
Love the animations and character movement, it is quite unusual to get dash before knowing how to jump and I maybe would not even need jumping with such an awesome dash. Would really wish it be longer. Nicely done!

A concept of taking enemies from the back is quite nice, I liked it. I think it could benefit from making the level more compact, though, so you would have to play more strategically. Nevertheless, congratulations on making it, good job!

No regret. No remorse. No reason. Only madness :D

I specifically tried to kill everything by kicking the projectiles back to them. Worked like a charm. This game is very cool, great job!

It really is very nicely drawn, and the animation of intro is very cool. Sadly there were a lot of time when main character just got something like stuck into environment with all enemies moving, but it is not responding :(
I used windows version.

Yet I see it as a very good possible start for something more than just jam entry.

Nice concept of shooter, especially liked how music suits the overall feeling for the game. I had a bit of struggle on aiming and jumping because it seems like 21:9 ratio was not expected, but maybe I am wrong. Overall good job!

Thanks! Good point, I will keep it in mind.

Thanks for giving it another shot, really appreciated! I am very happy you liked it ^^

Added coyote-time, and A/S/D bindings to the items. Making UI go on another button - too much messing with current input system sadly =\

Updated and added a bit of coyote-time :)

Thanks for playing my game!

Thanks for playing! Sorry about not smooth jumping and platforming ^^"

Thanks for playing and making such full feedback!

"the feeling of "old PC disk" games" - yes, that's exactly what I was aiming for (and many issues might be connected to how I remember that era). Sadly my experience with making platformer like games are quite limited, particular to this one, but that's why I wanted to try and make it :)
For control scheme, it sound logical in my head, G for gravity boots, H for healing, P for tome of power. I understand it's too stretched over the keyboard, though was not something unbearable during playtests. Enter for dialogue - I regret about it all the time, should have put it on spacebar or anykey =\

"forbidden move by pressing V" - oh no, I did not have time to implement melee attack but forgot to remove the binding :(

Didn't think about coyote-time, it surely could have helped on some areas.