Really cute and well developed visuals, the bullet pattern are awesome,, as a bullet hell fan I appreciate the work put into this, mechanics are nice and all works nicely together. I rate graphics, music and fun the most, all is nice really, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!!
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Pirouette Princess's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spinning is a core game mechanic, being used as a reflect shield for the player. A lot of the bosses themselves also incorporate spinning!
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
We can confirm that the majority of the art is done by our team
Fun game! loved the art and music, it was all really cute!
(If you're willing to I'd love it If you rate and give me some feedback on my game! I'd love to see where I can improve for the future! :D )
I really enjoyed playing this game. I loved the art style. Great Job. Also the music was amazing as well.
I really enjoyed spinning between the projectiles to attack my opponents! I also really enjoyed the aesthetics of your game. I would have preferred the camera not to follow our character, but to move and position itself between us and our opponent (at least for the first two bosses). This would have made it easier to see what our opponent is doing, and to appreciate his animations better.
Anyway, congratulations to the whole team for this great game :D
I found the game to be very charming, beautiful and fun. I loved the music too. I just missed being able to change the volume.
Please rate our game too!
This is such a lovely game! Had a ton of fun playing. I think it might even be worth adding a sligh cooldown on the spin, as it felt a tad overpowered. Loved the game! Great art, great sound, very enjoyable!
Such a cute game! Love the art and music! Had a lot of fun playing it!
short and sweet little game, love the character art for the main girl.
The spin is a nice combination of dash and parry, but I feel it can be spammed to frequently considering it grants i-frames.
Overall really nice game with a lot of love. Albeit short on content but what is there is very good.
Great art and design! Bosses were visually interesting and I like how each one felt different in their design and attacks. I really liked the intros and final boss's stage as well. The controls were easy to pick up and very intuitive. The pirouette mechanic is nice, reactive, and forgiving but it simplified and made the boss fights easy for me. Also great music! Overall, feels polished and really well done!
Really colorful game. The difficulty curve was just right for me !
The games visuals are pretty darn good, I liked the art style and design of each of the bosses, overall I found the game a bit too easy for me, so it would be nice to see maybe more complex patterns or a faster pace to force me or lock me into using the deflect mechanic since for the most part I got around the game without using it. But overall I had fun with the game, which is what matters! Good Job!
Really love the art style of this one! The way the intros of the bosses are made look incredible! Also really good variety of patterns / attacks, specially the last boss, congrats! :D
Very neat concept, I like how it's a glorified dance off, I struggled mostly with the first boss, but once I nailed the mechanic the game was a breeze. That final boss design was really cool and up my alley. Awesome stuff :)
Unable to rate since I've not made an entry, but thought I'd copy over the comment I left on the game page since I liked it so much
Extremely fun. I'd love to see more of this if possible. I've made a list of the standout things from it, in no particular order
- Character design is excellent
- The attack patterns are difficult but not unfair
- Each boss feels very different from the others
- Controls are intuitive
- Excellent soundtrack that perfectly matches the characters
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