I love all the extra levels added since the Jam. Levels #11 and #14 are incredibly enjoyable for me to play!
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Super simple concept with a pleasant atmosphere. I love the chill music.
The guiding arrow doesn't feel accurate but does enough to show me how powerful my jump is going to be, though sadly I don't get to see it if I land on a balloon too high up as the arrow will appear above the screen out of view.
Great job for your second game jam submission!
Maybe it's just me, and it could be, but the speed and frequency of the balls are super difficult for me to try to dodge (managed almost 4000 score on my best run). Perhaps removing or slowing them down would make it more playable for me at the very least, or making the lower-scoring blue brick give some protection perhaps or restore health. Just an idea.
The concept is very good and the audio is pretty good, the breaking sound is satisfying. Pretty good game submission!
Had some difficulty controlling platforms, especially with the taxi never taking a break or pause at the start. I like the idea though. The art is on point, just wish there were a few tweaks to the gameplay (rotating platforms have already been mentioned by others). With the controls tweaked I would love playing an expanded version of this game.
The inclusion of a highscore board made me determined to get onto it (I was satisfied with #4).
Very good execution on the theme and limitation, the music fit well too.
This was fun, there's seemingly a bit of luck in it with how the asteroids are launched when they break, but with how many tries I took to get a highscore I'll assume I just got lucky and actually suck.
I enjoyed it!
For 12 hours this was a pretty good start, my first play I had no idea what to do but sort of figured it out by the 2nd play and grilled a (hopefully) delicious 17 points. Audio or visuals to show the cooking to earn points would've been good to have, my feedback typically was just seeing the current recipe change. I appreciate that we were able to make nuggets in this kitchen.
The game has an adorable charm with the music and the art design. The gameplay needs some additional incentive to make you want to flip gravity (the arrows shooting from alternating sides ALMOST does that until you memorize which spots the arrows shoot from), or auto-flip you if you haven't for a while. I'd also wish for a countdown timer somewhere or some visualization in the character to show real time progressing to the "you win" screen.
This game was pretty go--- hold up- seventy-two cookies? I'm envious.
This was amazing, nice story that ends in suspenseful tragedy, the art looked clean, the audio fit the tone, and using the limitation as the game's mechanical concept for dashing rather than just having it be a theme of consistently moving all the time is very creative. The platforming felt really good too except when going through the upward section of sideways pushing gravitational geysers, as them nearly halting my up/down movement made moving up platforms tricky (ended up wall hopping along whichever side the geyser was on to get past them).
This is one of my favorites I've played this Jam, it's great!
This game has the potential to be addicting to me, I like the flow of doing tedious work for money then gambling it all away with the more upbeat music and colorful environment. The plinko drop screen has an annoying placement of obstacles that blocks off most of the drop area. Though I'd think the connection to the jam was a stretch, it is a creative interpretation. Great game, I enjoyed it!
It's definitely looking for some more mechanics to get involved, and I wish when I land on a platform there's more of a buffer to jump so I don't have to mash my jump key to not fall off the small platforms. But what's here works and is solid for you to build off of with any ideas you may have for it.
That is a seemingly crazy idea: "businessman falls from sky taking out aliens". But it works, it's silly, the music fits and the short gameloop feels good. The bricks and anvils seem to kill me but only when they hit precisely in the middle of my man, and sometimes picking up an item shows me not holding it but lets me swing/shoot it anyway.
Good submission!
In your response to use of limitation, your answer implies that you think the limitation was "one resource" which was the limitation for the last mini jam, this jam's limitation was "constant motion" which still sort of works by your ship never stopping.
Anyway, I played once until I got to a score of 540, seemed like it could've gone on infinitely so I stopped there. Tried a second time to see a few more things and only then realized I could hit escape to open the shop to buy the "win". The art is really good, the little character in the ship looking nervous/distressed when your energy gets low is pretty cute. To me it feels like it was missing some extra form of satisfaction for progressing further, like a cheer for every 100 points or different/rare rocks to collect the longer you go... or different planets you could buy vacations to for collecting more space rocks.
The concept and foundation for this game is solid though. I enjoyed what was here!
(One other bug I found was if you fall below the screen at the beginning and fly back up, your ship turns invisible.)
The presentation is outstanding! I love the atmosphere with the environment art, the music and the sounds of the ship, the gameplay fits that nice chilled-out vibe too then wakes me up from that trance when the ship starts ramping up to high speeds.
Anyway, I scored ~66000 on my first try, 102290 on my second, might give it a third try to see if I can go higher.
Good concept, I would wish the prisoner's falling speed would be a little slower as I have so little time to identify what's coming up from the bottom of the screen, or have more distinguishing colors between what you want to hit and don't want to hit (hearts and several dangerous items all share red, as such my initial reaction to a heart is to avoid it because I just see red).
I like the aesthetic of the game. The ui made me think I was watching these prisoners die through a video feed, perhaps as a warden or maybe a sick patron who paid for that privilege.
Really neat game, though I had to restart the page a few time due to issues with the game loading and not reading my inputs (don't know if that's the game or my browser). The shooting was cool but I ended up finding it easier to dodge asteroids than shoot them. Really unique submission, I enjoyed playing it!
The game started out well, then some minutes in I became so big I couldn't see anything under me so I accepted that with 30 seconds on the clock that the game was already over as I had already become the NEWEST planet of snow (finished with 26.52m).
The general game loop of rolling my big snowball around was really enjoyable, the only two criticisms I would give are related to scaling: 1) the snowball does get so big that the camera angle doesn't let me see anything under me, and 2) when the trophy is consumed it remains it's enormous size rotating around the ball, my brain was temporarily confused by the motion and even after I wished the trophy would shrink a little.. or just get pulled further into my snowball so it didn't rapidly flash across the screen as I continued rolling.
Great game, I had fun with it!
This is the first time I've played a game that uses the mouse scroll wheel for movement, it's sometimes irritating to use like how I have to continuously scroll to evade being pulled into the first boss. Ignoring the controls, the idea is pretty good, and I like the simple design of bosses and pixel graphics. I like it!
For a precision platformer using the limitation, it's got some good level design. I love the art of the little frogs.
I wish jump felt more responsive (or just auto jumping if the jump key is held). Tadpole level 1 acted as gatekeeper to levels 2-5 which were easier than it, the boss on level 5 was pretty silly in an enjoyable way. Furthest I got in true toad was touching the key in level 2... I'd need the patience built up to see more.
I had some fun and a feeling of triumph after finally beating some of the levels. Thanks for the fun game!
Incredible game! Feels like a great cross between an auto battler and brick breaker. I like the variety of ball types and the general game loop and visual spectacle of the arena fight, though I wished there was a way to sell/delete some balls to make space to stack some higher tiers (if there was a way I sadly couldn't find it).
Very enjoyable!
Edit: Finally saw the end (multiple predator balls are very strong). Still had a lot of fun with it!
Started out a little irritating with how weak the magnet felt, and then I got used to handling the magnetism with the balls and it felt better, and then the last level showed up with 2 mega magnet power-ups and a bunch of small balls and I had a blast flinging them all into the bin/goal. This game is so simple and well executed, all of the audio gives off the mood of playing an addicting gumball-awarding arcade claw-machine like game.
I liked this game a lot, left me feeling happy after playing it.
To second what's been said, the tutorial text could've had better contrast to be readable, particularly the text around where it teaches you to launch off orbs. It was a little tedious yet pretty fun to rapidly learn what to do with each death (finally beat it with a 2:01.73 time). Really cool concept, I enjoy the physics of moving around in the ball, and your game's name is the adorable misspelling of hamster. Amazing game, it was a great joy for me to play.