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A member registered Dec 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Its adorable, you did a great job! Its fun to play though sometimes a bit unforgiving but thats part of it. It was a pleasure playing through it!

Interesting idea. I like the atmosphere and the powerups were actually quite fun to use (like the shotgun). Some feedback:

  1. The game gets overwhelming quite quick. There is no way to keep going for a longer while because there doesn't seem to be a way to really prevent damage completely? I tried for quite a bit but maybe I'm just bad.
  2. I think things like the mini map are nice but definitely unnecessary in a game like this and especially if the time spent on that could have been spent on more polish. Especially the level design seems to have suffered from resource allocation.

I think overall though there is potential here for some good hack-and-slashy type gameplay!

I think there is some fun potential, the game loop is naturally enjoyable and thats the most important part! Some feedback:
- Sometimes the game lags when the particle effects start.
- I was able to get out of the viewport and it was impossible to get back on the screen (this happened twice on the bottom of the screen, maybe a res issue?)
- I agree with the others that it starts off a bit slow / boring, then during the middle of the game it is really enjoyable and then suddenly gets really hard.

I do like the movement mechanic though, it separates it from them sea of games that do basically the same.

Man that was fun, you did an amazing job here. This is a full fledged game! I think the movement needs some very slight tweaks to feel a bit less floaty? (or its just a git gud situation) but this is one I would definitely come back to!

Agree with curbside, I think the concept is great and the idea of a lego piece being the weapon is amazing (wish I came up with that) but I too was confused about if I was doing things correctly. Also, I was able to buy all the upgrades after dying twice but even then didn't manage to do anything useful it seemed?

Anyway, amazing job on the theme idea though!

While there is not much here as it seems like most (all?) assets are from other sources and there is no real gameplay, I do congrats you on submitting at least something! Keep it up :)

I loved the atmosphere. I didn't like the teleport-ish jump, it made some of the movement confusing. Also at some point I managed to get one of the keys all the way back to that one door that doesn't have a key I think and got stuck for a bit? I am also not sure if I finished the game, I found her but then got stuck on a screen for eternity after the second dialog. But I did love the idea and I see big potential for the story! Great job.

Thanks for playing through and the good feedback.

I definitely found out that making a deck building style game balanced within this period is a challenge, especially as I lost at least a week of work due to sickness and work but it was a good experience for sure!

I am happy you had the patience to get into the real time part of the game properly, the idea was to create a bit of a chaotic and maybe overwhelming feeling towards later parts, introducing also a bit of a mechanical challenge.

I'll be sure to check yours out tonight!

It took me a few times to figure out the weapon stuff but after that it was quite fun! I like the visuals, they are clear and satisfying. At some point I did get some stutters (which I have not had yet in other games) and also the sound settings seem broken, the sound can never be set to 0, not even very low for that part. Overall, good job!

Really nice polish and sound design. I think the lack of a tutorial really hurts it and that's why people feel like its RNG. Though even then I felt like RNG really over-ruled the game here. Nevertheless great job!

Not much of a visual novelist myself but the art is amazing, great job!

Same as the others have mentioned, I did not really feel a large difference between the different weapons and also wasn't sure what 5 did. Of course different enemies had different weaknesses but I think it would have been nice to have a few more pages in the How To Play that explain which weapon does what.
Overall a fun idea though and the switching between weapons was quite satisfying

Mainly liked the boss fight, I think the generic levels before that mainly felt a bit like a chore to get through. I think the main issue I had was the hitbox just feeling off a lot of times. If that was a bit more consistent it would have been way more fun. Nevertheless I really liked the multiple phases of the boss and the idea behind it, great job!

The controls were a bit rough for me at the start, a small explanation would have gone miles.

After a bit I got it though and it was fun! I especially after some rotation speed when things got a bit more controllable I actually quite enjoyed it!

Pretty cool concept, also very cute doggo you have :) it was worth playing through it.

The art style was quite nice and unique but also made me a bit nauseous from time to time with the rotation.

Fun little bullet hell experience, I think the weapon implementation was really cool and juicy, though the controls were a bit not intuitive for me. Good job!

Fun idea, I love difficult platformers and I think this can quite benefit from a more generic fodian type of level design (in my opinion). I think the idea is great and would love to see this grow a bit more!

Really cool idea, the chess mechanics are fun and I love how puzzly it gets later on. I would love to see this game grow and somehow introduce more strategy and variety! I think just bumping up the enemies just gets overwhelming.

Also agree with some of the others, while a lot of people know chess, also a lot do not know how different pieces move and I can imagine them being confused / frustrated without any indication at least during the first times the pieces appear. Overall a really good job!

I like the theme explanation lol. The controls were a little bit too clunky for me, at least full screen and hiding the cursor might have helped but it. Though I think the idea is really fun(ny). Good job, especially if part of the team has never worked in this engine before!

I like the visuals and the idea. Also the theme implementation is really smart! However I found the controls to be a bit unforgiving and levels being a bit on the harder side where it got frustrating. Most of the levels were good though and really rewarding.

I really liked the controls and the idea! I think the theme implementation was a bit shallow but the game itself was really fun, I was a bit sad it didn't go on for too long. I also think it could have benefited from a bit more challenging levels. Overall a really good job!

The game definitely lacks depth as of now, thank you for the kind feedback though!!

Some of the cards for for sure needed some more info, at least a tooltip of sorts. Thanks for the feedback!

Thats a really cool idea, I like the vibe and thought behind the mechanics.

I feel like the middle levels mainly were a bit rushed, I think it could have used a bit more time on the level design but considering it is your first jam and game you did a splendid job and should be proud!!

Hi! Thank you for the feedback and kind words. Initially I wanted to make it way more accurate and actually started with a lot of research on the immune system, however I found it to be too difficult to make fun in the short amount of time that way.

Apologies for the spelling mistakes, if I continue with this I will make sure to fix them. I will also make sure to check out your game asap :)

Fun little experience, I see the implementation of the theme even though its not a direct game mechanic (I have the same so..).

The text in the beginning is almost unreadable for me. I did like the music and the art, the vibe of it was nice. As someone else mentioned, with a bit of building placement obstruction and some other enemy types it could greatly improve!

Really cozy and polished. I must say you did a great job on the level design! There were multiple instances where I almost got frustrated as I thought the game was just mechanically difficult for me to realize that I was just being dumb :)

I think the only point of criticism I have is that very rarely it actually did feel like the mechanics fight you a bit.

I think you should expand this and possible fully release it!

Its nice to see an android only game won though! Even if I myself didn't see the appeal in almost any of the categories it won, others apparently did? In my opinion dune keeper should have been 1, but the community has spoken :)

(1 edit)

Thank you!

Edit: misread your question at first, my bad!

To be honest, I would never expect anyone to want the bgm haha but if you want I can release it! Any preferred platform(s)?

Great job on the assets! I like the loop, quite intuitive and proper instructions could make it great!

Sad to see you missed the deadline, hope you are still having fun!

Please don't apologise, I genuinely appreciate all the feedback and especially when its constructive like yours.

You are definitely right, the threads were meant to be the core mechanic and I failed horribly at balancing them both from a mechanical and a gameplay perspective.

I think I learned that having a new person play test the game every time is probably the best, the people that helped me out and myself were so used to the threads that it was really easy which causes me to bump up the difficulty. Large mistake, points noted.

Nevertheless I am happy that you managed to enjoy parts of it, I see I haven't had the pleasure of playing your submission yet and I'll make sure to do so later today when I get the chance <3

Hi! Thank you for the feedback and trying the game out.

The threads are somewhat random, they always start expanding towards the direction AWAY from the middle. It would have been way better to let them follow the direction of the player movement at first but I found that my algorithm for generating them got really alow that way. In the end I worked out my own hybrid between different spline math functions which could have solved thus but never had the time to implement it, would have made the game a lot more intuitive for sure!

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Thank you for the super kind words 🥺🥺 and you are completely right, lack of a clear tutorial probably hurt the game way too much. I'm happy you were able to enjoy it nevertheless!

I really had good fun with your entry as well, it was a really good concept and with some tweaking has real potential I think!

Thank you for trying! Can't even imagine the patience it took to play it with a trackpad my god haha

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for the kind words and good feedback, I really apricate you taking the time.  The tutorial DEFO needs more work and I DEFINITELY didn't make it at 5AM as the very last thing before submitting the game o.o

You also seem like a great person in general looking at the feedback you give to people and the way you interest with the community, just thought I would mention I really appreciate your vibe :)

Thank you for sharing! Quite an enjoyable experience but I would like to see the mouse locked to the game screen!

Just played it and its enjoyable but the mouse not being locked in the game window ruins it a bit for me. I think you got the gameplay down very well though!

Good job! Enjoyed it quite a bit :)

Good job on the game! Especially for a beginner it plays quite well and looks great