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A member registered Oct 30, 2021

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Thank you for the feedback! You can actually see your HP and stats if you hover over the portraits, just like with items (though I guess I should have explained that somewhere).

The wait option simply skips your turn. You're right, it would've probably made more sense to make it a defense option, and honestly that wouldn't even have been hard to implement with the system I had in place. I simply didn't think of it, as there was just too much to keep track of while racing to finish the game. Thank you for the comment!

Huh, good to know. I encountered the same bug during playtesting, but thought I might have just used the scroll and forgot. And due to randomness and me only having time for a few runs before the deadline, I didn't encounter it again. Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

Definitely one of the most unique ideas! I'm not sure if you were actually supposed to guess the last few missing word, or if there were hints that I missed, but I got it in the end. The time loop mechanic with multiple playthroughs was also a nice touch (and something you could easily expand upon, should you make this a full game). Great job!

One of my favorites so far! Unlike most fishing games, it's neither too stressful nor boring, and it has a nice relaxing atmosphere fitting of an Ina game. And it feels like there is a lot of room for expansion if you wish to continue working on the game. One thing you could try: maybe have an (upgradeable) meter that represents your fishing line (how far you can go down), and instead of hitting a wall making you return immediately, each collision would reduce your meter, allowing you some leeway to make mistakes. You could also combine it with what kshut said and allow you to catch more than two fish, but give it a downside as well (such as making each fish making your meter go down faster, or to make collisions more punishing), introducing an element of risk versus reward. It would be cool if you could also sell fish and then buy stuff from a shop, or to have the Takos you craft give you some kind of abilities). Really fun and promising game overall!

I liked it! The movement feels good, though it would probably be more satisfying if you could punch without letting go of the sprint button. I see a lot of potential for fun platforming movement to be added, like airdash punches, downwards punch (stomp) attacks, maybe even a grappling hook using her tail. If you keep working on it, I could see this becoming a fun retro 3D platformer! One other small thing: maybe consider removing player collision on the rock pieces after you break them, as it can feel a bit janky getting stuck on them.

Ah, I see someone else had that idea as well! I really like you take on it, and the art and UI are especially great. The only thing I'd change at the moment are the abilities. It feels like there are too few damage dealing options for the player, sometimes you get unlucky and don't damage the enemy at all for many turns, making the battles drag on a bit. Other than that it's great!

Challenging but fun! The mechanics were a bit hard to grasp in the beginning (I feel like the tutorials would have been better as text, rather than images), but fun to master. I liked that you could use the slow motion to line yourself up with a platform, then cancel the momentum. I'm curious if that was the intended solution for certain sections, as it seems difficult to get past them without (in which case I would teach the mechanic more explicitly).

Executed really well in every way, and most importantly: it was fun to play! If you do continue working on it, I hope you really go all in on items synergies (such as having items that affect the ones you use after, adding strategy to the order you pick them). My only issue with the game: I didn't like the staticy background noise and would much rather have had a music track playing in the background (maybe a dramatic, crunchy chiptune track?).

Short but sweet! It kinda gives me Pizza Tower vibes. I do wish there was a more noticeable difficulty ramp up, or something else to spice up the gameplay as you wait for the bar to fill up.

I like the idea and can definitely see how you could expand upon it with more time. My biggest gripe is walking speed: it's really slow compared to the size of the maps, making it quite tedious to explore.

I really liked the visuals and found the game quite imaginative. However, I do think the mechanics slightly interfere with each other. Most prominently, the idea of rooms changing when you leave them is really neat, but then this gets undermined by the fact that loosing health when leaving a room heavily discourages any sort of experimentation. I think tuning your mechanics to instead emphasize trial and error would both be more enjoyable, and also work quite well with the idea of an amnesiac Mumei.

(3 edits)

Really well done in every way! The only thing I can think to critique is visual clarity. Having 5 upcoming hands, all largely white, displayed so close to each other, makes understanding what's going on at a glance quite difficult. I think it would still be plenty challenging even if you made each gesture and rule set more visually apparent, such as by displaying fewer upcoming hands, spacing them further apart, and/or darkening them slightly as you move towards the back. Also, unless there is a specific reason as to why you picked Miko and Aki (maybe I'm missing the reference here?), I'd pick holomems with more contrasting color schemes for the other two hands. Still, A+!

Thank you for commenting. I'm aware of the bug, it's actually one of my biggest regrets that I couldn't fix it in time, as it is essentially game breaking. As far as you can even consider what I made a game that is. I always intended it to be more of a sandbox, though you are probably right that for a game jam, something with a clear objective would have made more sense.

Not quite roles, but I did originally intend to have both physical and gameplay related characteristics changed through breeding, and get increasingly crazy with each subsequent generation (to the point where you'd have weird, lovecraftian baerats with spider legs running around, and things like that). So for example, one baerat might be very speedy, causing it to pick up more cheese, but also making it burn through its hunger bar faster. But yeah, I had to cut like 90% of what I planned. Not sure yet if I'll pick it up again. Thanks for the comment!

I liked it, it felt charming and appropriately scoped for a jam like this. The gameplay could probably use the most improvement. I assume the "chaos" part was meant to be the franticness of trying to collect the taiyaki? While I do think that element is there, it could be a lot more pronounced, both in the (de)buffs like was already said (I honestly didn't notice them at first) and just in general. 

I think this would mostly just involve ramping up the speed and frequency of taiyaki a lot more (start leisurely, end with insanity). But there are a bunch of other things you could do as well, like having a bar that fills up with each taiyaki that unleashes a "fever mode" (or elite mode maybe?) where tons of taiyaki shoot at once of a short period and you don't loose any hearts if you miss them. Really, anything to amp up the chaos factor would be a plus. But still, really solid game overall.

Short, but fun and very creative! One small bug I found: after getting the diamond ring, I managed to walk off the left side of that platform/wall, falling into the void and causing me to be unable to finish the game without restarting.