That dolphin is sooo cute, especially during the jumps. The rail mechanics also work really well, good job on that. I hope you'll be able to update the game with opponents soon!
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Very cool! There was a lot more to this game than I expected for such a short amount of time. The sound effects were very fitting. And I really appreciated all the different abilities you could get; The sticky tongue was such a life-changer after getting used to it! Some checkpoints would have definitely saved some frustration but it was a very complete game and the use of Hopper as the main character was just perfect :-). I'm ready to save more frog friends!!
The concept is very interesting! I struggled a bit with the connecting of the nodes since there's little feedback for the activation of the buttons. Right now I think when buildings explode they kind of just vanish instead of seeing an actual explosion. I know there was a bit of a struggle with the exporting of the assets but I hope you'll be able to implement all the things you wanted to sometime! (If you want to, of course. We're here to help!)
This game looks amazing. I love the notebook look and the pretty sketches - really made me want to run around and see all the drawings. I would love to see some kind of upgrades to progress through, but I understand that time is limited and just having a working, non-buggy game is a feat in itself. Solid entry, congrats!
Beautiful game! I struggled with the buttons until I found out about the basement. I guess maybe the fact that the computer was so central to the inside of the capsule made me completely forget that there could be OTHER things to discover, like... duh me. So anyway I was scratching my head for a while xD. The end is very satisfying though, and made it worth the head-scratching!
Very cool! I was really bad with the first two weapons but somehow managed with the crossbow. I don't think I got very far though. Whenever I turned around (instead of just going straight ahead all the time) I just got instantly overwhelmed by monsters. Maybe I'm playing the game wrong xD. I have to say, I really like the art and the sound and music. And the gameplay was fun even though I completely sucked at it.
Interesting idler! I really like the simplicity of the art, it is so charming. I was wishing I could see the creatures doing something somewhere, but I know with time restraints and all it's not possible to get everything in. As previously stated, audio would have been super helpful in making the game more engaging. In any case I liked the game a lot and think there's good potential there :-)
What a wonderful little game! I really liked the animation, lighting and sound effects. It was really fun to see all the transformations... I think my favorite transformation was the wisp since it made me able to skip harder platforms so I was wishing I could be it all the time (but where's the fun in being able to skip everything, right?). And my least favorite was the dwarf as I wasn't really able to do anything as him and ended up having to completely sit and wait for the next transformation.
Super fun! Your game gave me an "impossible creatures" vibe which I LOVED playing as a kid. Something about mixing and matching creatures to give them new abilities is just so fun. I ran into a bug where an enemy teleported into my guy and I just couldn't move anymore, though :-(.
Still a very cool and nicely executed game!
Thank you for the compliments! I poured my heart into those dances haha. I'd never heard of Legend of Legaia but I just checked it out and you're right, it does look similar! And regarding the spam yeah, we were supposed to have a limit of 3 moves (hence the 3 bars) but ran out of time to implement the limiter.
Thanks for playing!
Fun! I would love to see more weapon upgrade variations. I'm not sure if I ever got to a point where the fire pit resistance upgrades were worth it (but maybe it would have been different in a different seed?) Also good job on making all the assets! There's such a hilarious contrast between the look of the cute little ghosts and their death screams that it kept me going for way longer than expected hahaha
I was really struggling until I saw the comment about zooming in on the browser page. Then I was able to see the whole interface and it made much more sense :').
I really liked evolving and gaining the upgrades, especially the tongue. For some reason it got harder for me to push enemies when I got the frog arms... maybe they should be slightly sticky like the tongue but only for one fly? Or maybe the controls were confusing me and I kept going the opposite of the way I wanted.
In any case it was fun to collect frog parts! Good game!