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A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I’ve ran into this as I’ve passed 32 stacks multiple times and no unlock. 

Pulled out a win on Challenging mode.  Pretty fun game.  The key to victory is to not waste your attack ever.  Hope this becomes a full game on steam one day.  Crazy how such a polished experience is a free game on itch.

Thank you for the comment.  Out of curiosity did you play with keyboard or mouse? 

The jump when you jump platforms on the last level was my favorite mechanic.  I feel like you could make a game out of that idea.  It was fun to launch my self with the jump when I jump platforms.  Cool game.

Its Dark Souls but your the unfair OP boss, good one.  As a souls fan, i approve of this.  

I found a safe spot at the bottom near the door to kill 3 heroes without taking a hit, I wasn't patient enough to get high enough level to kill the master goblin.   This was a fun experience, bonus points for using pico-8.

This was a really well done take on the level turning mechanic.  Once I figured out the pause mechanic it really opened up.   There is this nice moment when you realize you can move around mid air and suddenly no challenge is insurmountable.  Cool game.

We are a team of 4.   

Maybe an enemy entered the teleporter right after your move, this doesn’t teleport the enemy and currently just kills the player at the destination.  The enemy should move on top of the player but current it just teleport kills you without moving the enemy.   Thanks for the feedback.  

I got a perfect,  cool game.  I enjoyed it and the idea was interesting.   I have a softspot for ascii looking top down rogue games.

That is indeed a bug, the space bar should not be able to give you multiple "waits."    Thanks for the feeback.  Hopefully we can get a patched version some quality of life improvements up after the jam completes.  

I had a lot of fun with this one.  I managed to finish level 1 in 8 minutes,   I'll keep going and see how many levels there are.  once I got going I got more engrossed, this is one to check out.  Great Game.

I liked the rainbow ground, this was a nice little platformer, and the music was excellent.  

This was really cool, great art style, and a lot of cool ideas, i like how the heart only attacks you while you're on the light site.  

This was great, it broke my brain, and I was reduced to hunt and pecking on my keyboard in short order.  

I killed 350 chickens, I'm a monster.  Nice execution on a funny idea.  I didn't manage a zero chicken got away run.  I wonder if the devs managed a perfect fun.  Cool game.

I finally got around to updating the build.  Fixed a few bugs, and some text issues. 

Fated to Die ranked 44th out of 6142 entrees in the GMTK game jam.  The game showed up briefly in the final winner's video, but was not selected by Mark as one of his favorite 20 games.  Thank you so much to everyone who voted and said such kind things about the game.  This was my first game jam and it was a pretty daunting task to finish this game in 2 days as a lone developer.  I will try and get an update out to fix some of the issues in the coming days.  Thanks for playing.

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Fated to Die ranked 44th out of 6142 entrees in the GMTK game jam.  The game showed up briefly in the final winner's video, but was not selected by Mark as one of his
favorite 20 games.  Thank you so much to everyone who voted and said such kind things about the game.  This was my first game jam and it was a pretty daunting task to finish this game in 2 days as a lone developer.  I will try and get an update out to fix some of the issues in the coming days.  Thanks for playing.

Certainly the most visually impressive game i've played of the jam.  Excellent animation.  The character controller feels good, the combat is pretty good and punchy.  The only issue I ran into is that I wasn't entirely sure how the systems worked.  Some die rolls, I would kill enemies with ease, other I could do no damage.  So I would essentially be stuck if I rolled a fire weapon until I hit enough enemies for no damage to trigger a reroll.  At least I think that is how it worked?

This was a nice little puzzle randomized situation platformer.  Nice selection of music it fits the theme nicely.  It was quite challenging and I died a lot.  But never one to be defeated, I pushed through.  If I had to make a suggestion it would be to make it so the player stops when the land on the platform.  Often times I would get catapulted right off the platform the moment I landed on it.  This means the best strategy is to reroll until you get a still and optimally placed platform.  On a side note the character sprite is very nice.  

Yes, these instances are actually a bug.  Very late in the development like with 3 hours left I realized that rolling in traversal scenes was a real drag, so I removed the option and just made it so they were "free" zones.  This really helped, but for some reason you can still roll in some of them, so I need to put a lock icon and fix anyway players can roll in non decision scenes.  Also if you go the chapel and the priest is not there, it will require a roll and its only a move scene, but its supposed to be a free scene.  So yes you can in some way exploit the mechanic.   But it doesn't gain you all that much unless you are going for the "letter" ending.  Because once you pass the door guard, the end game chance structure is not gameable.

Excellent pixel art, and music.  Really sets a nice tone.  Took me a minute to figure out the mechanics, but ones I did i was able to solve stage 2.  Its a very cool and interesting mechanic.  The area of setting the density of the block could be used for all sorts of cool puzzles.  I just wish there was more so I could see the full potentially of the density mechanic.  

Oooo an RPG.  This is first JRPG i've played of the jam.  So it was nice to see one show up.  So I mean me being a big JRPG nerd makes this an easy fit.  All that stuff was a lot of fun.  It was very hard though and I did not manage to beat it.   Cool creative game.

This was definitely the most unique entry i've played.  You get a short stint at seeing what its like to be a scientist reviewing Kepler and TESS data.  There I showed my space nerd cred.  So yeah this appealed to that space nerd side of me.  I mean I look at exoplanet findings for fun in my spare time.  Also great presentation and music selection.

This was great.  Cool idea, unique, fun and interesting.  I really like all the different ideas in here and how they were executed to build something interesting and different.  Good job.  I hope this one gets the coverage it deserves.  Great work.

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Cool game.  I got to wave 11 or 12.  Once I ran out of tier 2 guns,  the wave of shot wielding soldiers finally overwhelmed me.  The chain saw was definitely the weapon i did not want to roll.  The mini gun on the other hand was super fun and evaporated a good wave or more.  I good solid take on this genre.  

Very clever game with a unique set of mechanics.  I would like to see the win conditions come in a little faster before the board size expands to be so big.  One time i had a huge board and still no possible win state.  Once the win states set in, the game is a lot of fun.  Good work. 

Nice and creative little platformer.  I played through it twice.  I noticed that the level count changed each time, so maybe there are more levels to discover?  I liked the idea of the code level it was interesting to platform around what I assume was the code of the very game I was playing.  

This was a good game.  Nice grid based tactical combat.  I like the idea of having spell book and using your dice to activate different spells.

You know I've played a lot of twin stick things in while checking out games for this competition and this is far and away the best and most interesting one I've played.   A lot of love and work went into this.  There is actual mission objective variety,  Cool enemy design, and proper levels.   Its pretty criminal this has only 3 reviews at the time of writing this.

My final score was 40,000.  I like shmups so its always good time to blast stuff with laser canons.  I wish zombies were in another pose.   Still, I had fun with this.

This is another very well crafted dice turn puzzle game.  This was one of the more challenging ones to figure, which is a good thing.  its always a good sign when you sit at you computer scratching you head trying to come up with a solution.  I would suggest playing with a mouse for sure.  Clicking on the dice is far more effective than using that arrow keys due to the 45 degree angle of the play field.

I had a lot of fun with this once I got going and understood the system.  You need to know that the roll you make on the board before you start the battle sets the order.  Shield first, then sword, then bow, and then healer?  I think  that is key to success.  

This was fun.  once I got the hang of the different fire modes and the pushing the dice up and down to kill the enemies I got in the zone and started racking up kills.  Those spider dice are the stuff of nightmares. Good work.

This was a a pretty great little puzzle game.  

Best game of the jam for me so far.  I really liked this.  its a very tough and interesting puzzle.  There is a bug where dice get stuff on the cauldron.

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This is a very well crafted and polished dice turning game.  Now there are a lot of this game in this jam. So its gonna be hard to stand out.  But this one is one of the best if not the best executed takes on this type of dice game.

I agree that dice rolling for choice is antithetical to the genre.  I guess that is what game jams are for, trying zanny ideas that you would never attempt in a proper long development cycle game.  I think the one benefit is that it forces variance.  No one will attempt to do dangerous things, so marking events that are dangerous with skulls would mean players would skirt it and take the easy path.   Thus you'd have to hide danger behind context clues, and you'd wind up like shadow gate.  Clicking death choices unknowingly.  I think the best solution and what I would do in the future is a saving throw system all disco elysium.  

It was supposed to be that that safer choices have higher number rolls.  But keeping my design philosophy consistent across the game was tough given the time constraints cause endless mind freeze during development.  This is apparent in the very first scene as the dangerous choice is in the 1-2 slot.  So you are indeed correct.  There are a lot of brain freeze things that need to get fixed.  Like how on those death roll sequences is say 5-6 is the safe range when its 2-6.