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A member registered Jan 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you all for your kind comments and generous scoring!  And thanks to GWJ for running this thing; it's awesome what y'all do for the Godot community.  In addition to making a platform for us all to experiment, learn, and play, you help spotlight this incredible game engine!  Good job to everyone who participated this jam; keep making neat stuff!  We were happy just to be a part of it! ^_^

Thanks, we were totally surprised by the results!  And no problem, I really enjoyed playing this one; awesome entry!

The students' grades acted as a time modifier, adding or subtracting to the cards you play.  The better their grade in a subject, the less effective a card in that subject would be, and vice versa.  It's kind of counterintuitive, and definitely could have been shown better on screen.  Glad you liked it anyway, thanks for your comment :D

Thank you very much!  Yeah, I wish we spent more time on the UI for the mechanics, but then again I'm happy with how the graphics and audio turned out too.  Thanks for playing!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

I love the unique art style!  I keep losing after a turn or two, seem to be getting 1-hit killed, not really sure how/why.  Even though we made a card game this jam too, I'm not really a card game person, so I'm probably just missing something obvious.  Cool that you got in a deck building aspect too!  Nice work!

Awesome, thanks!  We spent basically whole first day just trying to come up with an idea that would fit the theme, so I'm happy to hear your feedback on it.  

"With not a whack to spare" :D

Thank you!  Probably would have been better if we had the grade modifier numbers visible next to the grades, but I ran out of horizontal screen space.  Couldn't quite figure out that spatial puzzle of fitting all relevant info on screen.  Good idea for the second half of the day.  Does get to feel a bit same-y by then.  We originally were going to have the player go for a whole week rather than just a day, but had to make significant cuts toward the end of the jam for time's sake.  Thanks for your feedback and for the good luck; we'll try to put it to good use!

No problem!  Yeah, I'd consider that proc-gen.

(1 edit)

Dang baka cultists always trying to ruin my vibe!  Ran out of bullets, but John Wicked some hello-kitty-hating haters before that.  本当におもしろいですね。Strange aesthetic, but consistent.  Gonna go watch a gardening show so this stuff doesn't enter my dreamscape tonight.  Had fun though, even if my psyche is scarred!

One of you is missing!  This one got my heartrate up.  Nice horror effect and use of theme to achieve it.  Really effective.  Just follow the path, they said; you'll all be fine, they said.  I like it, even though it's going to haunt my dreams.

(1 edit)

Cool that the different characters each come with their own music.  I found the gravity gal* sent me into the ceiling blades more than anything, would have like to be able to toggle that off before flying upward to my geometric grave.  Fun theme, reminds me of a music video of last decade.  Nice game, congratz on finishing this time!

My favorite part was the breathing; I found it strangely calming.  Also nice that it wards off the sensory overload.  Really nice use of theme to represent something that many people live with every day of their lives.  Finding a way to manage despite it all... very real.  Nicely done.

I'll take 16th place any day!  Cool integration of a leaderboard.  I really like the music slow-down for when your charge gets too low.  Nice game.  Were the circuits procedurally generated?

Hopefully the next caretaker will be more successful, haha!  Awesome looking game, cool sounds too!  I couldn't quite figure out what to do, but I dig the backstory and atmosphere you've created.  Nice one!

I really appreciate your comment!  Maybe one day, you never know.  Hopefully someone else beats us to it so I don't have to spend another dev-hour in front of a class of screaming children ;D

Thanks, too bad we didn't think of flamethrowers!  Picking an idea to go with was pretty hard this jam, especially since it was our first time teaming up like this.  We went through a bunch of ideas the first day, and Uncle Josiah suggested something like "overload students with homework."  We thought that seemed  the most compelling and unique of all our ideas, so we went with it.  It was originally supposed to be a deck-builder, but we ran out of time, and that part got cut.  Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!  Didn't have much time to balance, so I'm glad to hear there have been some close-call wins!  Cheers!

Thanks Godotdreamers!  Keep the dreams alive!

Glad you had fun!  I had issues with HTML5 and shaders not playing well together in browser last year for GWJ #53, so I kinda just ignored it this year.  Which reminds me... I forgot to credit the shaders I used!

Background - - by flytrap

Bell Ring / PA System talking - - by Nevoski

Thanks, Ruff!  Good job making it to the end!  It's kind of more difficult to do than intended.  We were rushing at the end, so not much time to balance.  Glad you like the details :D

Served coffee, questioned reality, went for a walk.  Nice cute game.  I always found myself mixing up 'E' and 'Enter' , maybe could have been the same button?  Other than that, very fun.

I'm ashamed to say I was able to figure out level 3's first soldier's number in only two tries.. but it was funny that it worked lol.  Nice original concept, and good simple controls.  Music was charming too.  Wish there was a way to remove some of the guesswork that's necessary to figure it out.  But you had me at "You are a Roman goddess."  Good work!

I couldn't make it past the 3rd level,  but I'm bad at platformers.  Or maybe being a Nicholas myself, I secretly didn't want to fight St. Nick (The Capitalist).  Fun platformer though, and good use of the first level to act as a mechanics tutorial.  Ho ho holy cow, so many flaming penguins!  Well done!

I died, but I looked mighty fine in my hat and scarf beforehand :D.  That background music is nice and eerie.  The loot sound could be dialed back a little, it was kind of shockingly loud.  But cool spooky jam game.

Looks nice, and I like the intro.  I couldn't quite figure out how to meet all the peoples' needs in time, but I think the underlying idea is solid.  Well done on the art!

Really nice atmosphere and background music, but I wish I could see more of the game: I couldn't make it past the x-stone stack part, which I feel like is pretty early.  I really like the background parallax, though it may be a little subtle.  Cool looking entry, wish I could get further.

I couldn't figure out how to interact with anything, but good job to you for putting in the effort and making something!  Just trying to make a game is more than most people ever do, so keep it up.  It's not a failure if you learned something new!

The different wand types is a nice feature.  I love when your wand breaks and player character breaks out in a cold sweat!  It's little details like that that make me smile and give your character some... character!  Don't worry about overloading your scope, that's just the way of the jam.  Well done!

Wow, thank you ^_^  Glad you enjoyed the art!  Sticking to a color palette ( helped a lot. Cheers!

Thanks! :D That was basically my goal for the cards: make the player think at least a little before playing them.  The sound effects were all from and all creative commons.  Cheers!

Glad you had fun despite the stress!  Yeah, it's not just you - the UI is pretty janky even to me.  But that's game jammin' for ya!  Probably spent too much time on art, not enough of actual gameplay.  Thanks for the comment!


^_^" Whew!  Lunchtime at last!

Nice cohesive art style!  Gameplay reminds me of an old flash game called Boxhead, lots of... juice... in that one too.  Cool entry!

I liked the intro animation, my game did something similar.  Linux worked fine for me with my ubuntu vm, but no sound (maybe that's just the game?).  I managed to get the upper right yellow stone, and of that I am proud.  Wish there was a way to restart, I got stuck on the bottom a few times.  Hope you enjoyed your first GWJ, keep it up!

Fun little game loop.  Took me a few tries, lots of souls were lost, but I did win!  I like the atmosphere, and particularly liked popping the bubbles to try and save more souls.  Nice first game!

Thanks! ^_^

Thanks, Jacob!  Glad you liked it!

The colors are from a palette made by Kerrie Lake on lospec.  I definitely had more in mind for giving the game an actual end goal, music, and sound, but ran out of time for the game jam.  Alas, time flies when you're baking pies.

I appreciate the feedback!