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Vexing Voyage Games

A member registered Sep 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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I wanted to like this because I enjoy the bright graphics and mood, however the collision was completely bugged for me. My hexagon was dropping through the floor and gettign stuck constantly to the point that I literally couldn’t progress at all, it would just spawn and immediately fall through the floor. Before that happened, I had a lot of random “noisy” bounces that didn’t make any sense, like just moving along a flat surface I would occasionally be thrown up and in the opposite direction as if I’d bounced off a diagonal wall. Good job on getting something submitted, but it really suffers from poor collision detection and performance. Keep at it though, you will improve with practice. :)

Very innovative use of the limitation. The level layouts are well done and the gameplay loop is solid. The controls feel a bit finnicky at times and the UI between stages is a bit lacking in cohesion. The choice to make this turn based and almost rogue-esque was smart and it really pays off in the flow of the game, allowing for measured moves to be taken while keeping the tension high. Overall creative and well thought out, especially for a quick jam game. Very nice!

Doesn’t really fit the limitation but a fun little puzzle game. The sound effects seem to desync from the enemy shooting on occasion. Not the most original game concept but a great execution on it. The shaders and effects look nice, the chiptunes are plucky and fun, and the sprites have personality. Overall, really nice work for a handful of days. I’d play more of this, would enjoy a more fleshed out and polished version in the future. Great job!

Super creative game; simple, fun, unique, and compelling. Takes a second to get the idea but once grokked, it’s immediately enjoyable. I don’t have a pico on hand or I’d try the hardware version. I love that this was designed with some custom hardware in mind, I’ve always wanted to do something like that but never took the plunge. Mad respect. Great job!

No limitation, but this was a cute and cozy experience. I adore the art and the game loop is fun and intuitive. My only real complaint is that a couple of the colors were difficult for me to visually distinguish from each other. I think a time limit could make the game a bit more engaging, even though that goes against the cozy ethos established here, giving the option for a time attack or something would make it more of a “game”. Aside from those small things though I really had a lot of fun with this, far more than I expected to! Great job!

Decent puzzler, seems like it doesn’t have much room for expanding on puzzle difficulty other than making a bigger board. I had an ok time with it. The graphics aren’t bad but I wasn’t really feeling the mobile-game style storytelling and sound effects. Good effort for a quick jam, I think this would be stronger with faster gameplay and more focus on the actual game than the atmosphere. Potentially a version with multiple different board sizes and new randomly spawning gems after clearing lines instead of simply reaching a win state? There’s a lot of derivative avenues to explore off this idea. Either way, even if it wasn’t to my liking, it’s a solid effort. Keep it up!

Graphics look really nice, some of them I feel like I might recognize, not sure if you’re using pre-made assets. If not, then bang up job on the pixel art. The idea doesn’t really fit the limitation imo but it’s still a fine idea for a game. I enjoyed my time playing but nothing stood out to me as particularly strong or unique design-wise. I’d recommend placing your sound effect triggers inside of your logic checks for performing actions - presently, every time space is pressed, an effect is sounded whether the action was performed or not. I think telegraphing enemy attacks better could be helpful as well. Overall, a decent effort that is quite competent. Nice work, keep it up!

I like your implementation of the limitation, where enemy behaviors are controlled by player attacks, it’s a unique nuancing of the way many other games took it. I liked this aspect a lot. The graphics are cute, the stages are overly simplistic to a fault, but the relative simplicity of everything makes that less of a cohesion issue. I dig the color splats on the floor as well, nice touch. The game seems to crash or just exit to a black screen whenever I died, would be nice to have a restart button appear or something. The title screen looks great and the player sprite is nice too. This one is kind of a mixed bag but with more time and polish I could see this shaping up quite nicely. Good job!

I like the logo and the player character sprites, they have a lot of personality. The core idea is serviceable, but the controls felt still and the collision wasn’t always to my liking. Overall, rough around the edges but there is something underneath that is compelling. I think with better gamefeel and more time put into polishing level designs, this could have potential. Nice work for a short jam!

This game is absolutely cracked. I was not expecting this. The tone and visuals are great, the music is tight and the syncing of both really pops it off. This is the only game I’ve played from this jam so far that made me laugh out loud. Great stuff and surprisingly difficult! The Earth pong part was unexpected as well and super fun. Love everything about this, stoked for future projects from you.

Excellent work, one of the strongest games I’ve played in this jam. Controls feel super good, the spritework is simple but cute and consistent. The puzzles are fun, the time limit creates additional depth via choosing whether to prioritize the trip side or the trap side. A few of the later stages were slightly unintuitive in terms of which buttons on the trip side correlated to what actions on the trap side, but this is a relatively immaterial concern with a jam game. Loved this one, will certainly follow your future work. Really nice job!

Love this one. The concept is simple at first but it quickly gets out of hand in a great way. When I got to the early stage with the two switches and ladders I immediately realized how chaotic it was going to be. This game feels like a nightmare version of Mario vs Donkey Kong or Lemmings, it’s just fantastic. The presentation is clean, the controls are sane, the collision logic seems sound, and it runs well. I think this is the first time I’ve ever given full ratings across the board to a game in a jam. Great work!

Good use of the limitation and a decent take on a compelling gameplay idea. The presentation needs work and the puzzle design is a little overly simplistic, but this could easily evolve into a much more polsihed game with some more work as the core idea is strong. With how fast the levels can be completed, the music got a little grating constantly restarting, I would suggest maybe just letting it loop independently of the stage progression since stages don’t seem to have unique music. Didn’t really hold my attention, but decent work overall and points for getting something submitted, that’s really the hardest part of jams. Keep at it and your games will improve :)

Nice puzzle game! The graphics are cute and the sounds are decent. At first I was put off by the player not moving when pushing a crate, however I get that it is used to make the puzzles more difficult. I would have liked a note somewhere explaining that both sides need to get to the exit at the same time, as usually parallel sokoban or platformer games have a single exit. It does make sense with the concept of the game though. I found the grid that the tiles were on to be a bit out of sync with the tiles themselves, but that is a regular issue with tile based games. Overall, I liked this, it needs work but you’ve got an excellent base or proof of concept here and I would try an improved future build. Good job!

Came in with an open mind but didn’t enjoy this. The gameplay loop is obtuse and nto telegraphed well. I had a lot of issues with elements not displaying correctly on screen or being cut off. Many of the interactive items are inconsistent in control to the point of being confusing. I get what you were going for, it has that old flash management game vibe which I enjoy, but the execution is just far too sloppy. Good job regardless, the hardest part is getting something out there and you’ve done that. Keep at it and you will get better! Hope to see some really projects in the future, best wishes!

This is very strong work. The UI is nice and responsive. The controls feel good and I appreciate the sane ZX+arrows default. The tiles look nice and are cohesive and the colors pop. The core gameplay concept is unique and fun and offers a surprising amount of depth. My only issues are that when changing size, the final position of your cube can be a bit ambiguous, I think staying rooted to the floor when changing size might be more intuitive. The other issue is not a huge concern but I wanted to mention a bug I ran into on the third stage (iirc) where increasing the size of the player cube caused it to clip through some of the floor tiles, I didn’t get stuck however. Really nice job on this, will follow your work in the future!

I love everything about this. The graphical style and UI is incredibly polished, even outside the context of a jam. It’s got this cute isaac-esque vibe that really fits the gameplay well. Opening with a musical nod to Akira Yamaoka hooked me immediately. Gameplay feels good and responsive and the puzzle designs have an excellent difficulty curve. One of the best game jam games I’ve ever played. Fantastic work, can’t wait to try more projects from you.

Doesn’t follow the limitation at all really, but I don’t mind. I think the UI here is super polished, if a bit sluggish. I like the graphical style, it’s bright and cute and looks relatively professional. The gameplay is alright, it’s a decent impossible game clone, though the collision could use some work. The vertical aspect ratio doesn’t seem to do much for the gameplay, a wider field of view would be helpful in stage legibility, I get that the short FOV is probably to bump up the difficulty, but a square screen would have sufficed; there’s a lot of dead space on screen while playing. Fun little package, seems like the presentation got a lot more focus and love than the gameplay - nice effort though overall, the UI really is impressive for a three day jam game.

The simplistic graphical style is super cute and charming, I really like that aspect. The shooting and movement feels good, though the enemy speed is just a bit high for your damage and movement speed. It was a little difficult to remember which color I would be rotating to, a more clear visual indicator of where you are in the color sequence would be helpful. When many squares spawned, they would start clumping together into one giant mass and it seemed to mess with the collision logic a little. The audio panning on the shots was fun, I liked that; however, the music loop was far too short and improperly trimmed so it was immediately grating and hampered my enjoyment of the experience a lot.

I think there is potential here for cozy little arcade shooter, but it needs some polish and more variability in gameplay. Good effort, I’m glad to have played and would give an updated build a chance in the future.

I really enjoy the graphical style, presentation, and concept here. I feel like the gameplay falls apart a bit because poor RNG can lead to situations where you can’t damage anything for quite some time in a stage. I really wanted to love this one because the 1bit neon rainbow vibes are impeccable, but I feel like it needs some balancing to improve the actual gameplay experience. I hope to see an improved build in the future, I’d certainly give it a go. Great job regardless!

Fun game! Had a blast with this one. Felt the difficulty was a bit on the easy side and would have liked to see more types of enemies but the effects looked good and the controls were sane and functional. My only gripe was that after about 100 kills, the game became almost unplayably laggy. I was able to make it to 200 kills but by that point the framerate was in slideshow territory. You might want to look into object pooling for handling large amounts of bullets on screen. Nice work though, especially in context of the jam. If you fixed the performance issues I would play this again. Hope to see an improved build with more stuff in the future! :)

Fun concept! The core mechanic is creative and certainly fits the color theme. It didn’t seem like different colored shots from the enemies changed their damage or anything, so I don’t see the limitation being implemented to it’s full effect. The starting location looks great and the text had charm, though clicking through it every time I died was a bit of a slog. I think adding a reticle for lining up shots would be helpful to the gameplay overall as I felt aiming was off from where I would intuitively expect shots to go. The download version worked well for me on Windows. I tried it in Firefox on Windows and the lag on the first enemy was too bad to play. Firefox on Linux provided a much smoother experience but the strafing keys didn’t work at all. I think this could be fleshed out into a more cohesive and intuitive experience, but generally excellent work given the time constraint.

Yep, just little tweaks that make the control easier and more intuitive

Thank you for giving it a shot! ;)

I’m glad you enjoyed your time with the game.

I tried to incorporate the theme more directly (shot is last enemy color destroyed etc.) but I always found the game less fun and had to cut my losses after a while. I figured delivering a short, relatively tight game was preferable to a less focused but more thematic experience. Hence, the shoehorned parody narrative of “your previous missed bullets have come back to mess up your day”.

Anyway, thank you again! I appreciate you playing despite no cover image or manicured game page, there’s quite the sea of entries! I’ll certainly be trying your game out and I’m looking forward to it :)

Thank you! I’m glad my game was able to live up to your expectations. I appreciate the detailed feedback. I am not the greatest pixel artist so I gambled on the simplistic visual style and am happy that it’s resonated with you. A new build with QoL improvements will release after voting ends and I have some ideas for a more fleshed out experience down the line. Again, thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to play and offer your thoughts. :)

Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed the game. A new build with some QoL improvements and more content will release after voting ends, I hope you like it. :)

Thank you for playing! There are more enemy types but they come in later, I became a bit blind to the difficulty over the jam and thought most players would make it further. There is a new build with more levels, slightly more intuitive and usable controls, and a bit more instruction for items, collectables, and the game loop. It will release after voting ends. Again, thank you for your time and feedback!

Thank you for the detailed feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed your time playing. You can stand still to shoot by holding X, though you can bind it to any key you like. When shooting, there is an on-screen shot limit of 5, is this what you are referring to? I added this in to avoid auto-fire abuse, but I’m open to other approaches to that problem. I am considering adding shooting while standing still without the aim lock, with the last direction moved or aimed being the one you shoot. I very much appreciate you playing and sharing your thoughts.

Thank you! I appreciate you giving it a shot. I’m going to be releasing a build with improved performance and more levels soon

The vibe is impeccable. My only issue is the collision seems a bit dodgy. The audiovisual presentation is super polished though. One of the most fun entries for sure! I’ll be playing this outside of just ratings

Really cool! One of my favorite takes on the theme. The chunky high contrast graphics and transition effects are awesome. Feels nice to play and has sane controls.

Cute little game! SEF is a bit of an odd choice but I had a nice couple minutes playing through.

Graphics, music, and game feel are all killer in this! Wish it was more difficult, I cleared it in a couple minutes. I’m not sure if it’s intentional but a UFO clipped into the terrain on stage 4. Really impressed with how much impact everything has, the audio and effects work great together. Nice!!

The puzzle design here is fantastic. I love this. I will definitely play this outside just the rating period of the jam. Looking forward to more projects from you in the future!

Beautiful presentation, really class. Thank you for having sane controls. One of the most impressive entries for sure

The mechanics here are a lot deeper than I expected from a week-long game jam. The mixed mouse and keyboard controls are a bit clunky but once I got a hang of the systems I found this really fun. I hope to see more content and cards or a different implementation of this idea in the future. Excellent!

Like this one a lot! The vignetting makes it a bit difficult to read what’s going on but the game feel is good, the effects are fantastic, and overall there’s just a lot of polish to the core gameplay. Had a bug where I couldn’t get the game to restart unless I closed and re-opened, but apart from that this is up there in the jam rankings for me. Great job!

Nice effort. The dimensional mechanic is fun and I enjoyed the transition effect. Would have liked to see original art for this

Despite it’s simplicity compared to many other games in this jam, this has the best game feel out of what I’ve checked out so far. It’s not particularly difficult and has a lot of room for improvement, but it’s a nice effort and I spent the longest playing it. Love the nod to the pygame snake as well

Excellent work. Very impressive even without considering the timeframe of the jam. Visuals and audio work together well to create a heavy atmosphere. The mouse sensitivty and controls feel kind of off to me, but its a small concession in a horror game. I could see it being intentional as well. Bang up job on this. Favorite of the jam so far