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A member registered Jun 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game was so good I went back and dipped certain other ratings a bit lower because it redefined the scale for me. Absolutely fantastic brain breaking little monster of a game. I honestly and absolutely believe that with more levels this could absolutely be sold as a non jam release. It was so good I recommended it to several other friends who didn’t even participate in the gamejam, just because I thought they’d enjoy it.

Worked on Firefox for me, I think my only critique is that I’d love to be able to rebind the controls, but given that it’s a jam game that’s extremely impressive.

Extremely good entry with a lot of content. Biased as usual, but I loved the dragons. Would have loved a quick replay option for individuals, but as a jam game this is absolutely fantastic.

Extremely well polished game with a good gameplay loop and multiple difficulty settings. Loved the sound design all around. Normally I’d offer some critique on things that could be done better, but ngl the only thing I could possibly point out would be the web version making the book text a little bit hard to read due to how the pages curve. Superb entry!

Lovely tower defense game! Beat it on my second try, had a nice scaling ramp of difficulty aside from the last den which I sometimes couldn’t approach given the constant waves. Great work!

Extremely creative game with a lot of charm! Definitely the sort of thing that takes some time to get used to, but once I was in the zone on it the game was very enjoyable and no less frantic.

Good little game! Really enjoyed the integration of the different shape mechanics, though the difficulty scaling was a bit rough on both the second and third levels. Did get em all with three stars though!

It’s a game with a lot of heart! I’m always a big fan of tower defense games, and this one was a short and simple treat. One suggestion for after the jam; judging from the game icon the enemies are some cute little critters! Maybe make em big enough for me to see during regular gameplay hehe?

One of the best games in the jam I’ve played so far, bar none. Well balanced so that even a moderately bad run of cards is still winnable if you play it right, charming dragon designs, and well matched music. My literal only complaint is that it wasn’t longer :p

Hello! You should be able to play the game now, sorry about the delay.

Hi! I’ve temporally disabled downloads in response to an ongoing issue. I’ll let you know if I can turn it back on shortly.

Fun lil puzzle game! I enjoyed how much use one could get out of only three blocks in the second puzzle- seriously good design. Echoing others here with the want to keep my setup between runs + the arrow block needing a bit more introduction, but otherwise a solid entry.

(1 edit)

Always down for suggestions! And yup, we were both a bit pressed for time, leading to only the handful of simple levels in this version. Thanks for the feedback, a bigger movement circle is definitely doable :D

We're solving it in the discord atm- that's like the third stage of it.

Thanks! Yeah this was more of a tech demo than anything. The eventual update will have a better tutorial section + improved control to make things a bit more clear- thanks for reviewing!

Heya! Yeah animations and better attack ui with improvements to the control system is hopefully on the way hehe. Thanks for the review!

Thanks for reviewing! Feedback and control systems are one of the main focuses of the update hehe- though it won't be dropping for awhile. Glad you enjoyed it!

This is definitely one of the better games of the jam. Very fun, visuals are stellar- didn't reach the max cap but had a lot of fun trying. The changes in the playscreen as the levels advance are fantastic, though I find myself dying a lot in the transitions. Theme connection was a little bit weak, but as a jam game this is wonderful. Looking forward to where it goes from here!

Thanks for playing, and for the feedback! There was actually camera movement, but it had to be disabled in the last week for gamebreaking issues. Definitely taking the animation requests into account tho too.

Heya! thanks much for playing, and for the feedback- I'm definitely working on that. Weirdly, the no animations was actually a choice and not a constraint- they'll meant to call back to paper dnd tokens, but I'm definitely thinking of at least adding some idles in haha

Heya! the music was creative commons (info in the game page credits), and it was definitely at least a little inspired by paper mario hehe. thanks for playing, definitely looking into the feedback systems.

Heya! Yeah I'm definitely taking that into account for the post jam update- thanks for the feedback!

If I could give 6/5 for music I would. Bosses were suitably challenging- even though the third boss reverted me to t1 weapons, I got her on the second try! I don't generally go for a meatpunk aesthetic, but the pixel art and animations were super well done. Great work!

oho this was a fun one. Visuals were solid all across, and the boss animations in particular were absolutely fantastic. Played on normal difficulty, and didn't have many issues- though it was hard to tell if some particularly airborne bullets would hit or not. Good sense of humor to it, and I always do love a good 2.5d game. The item combos were a good, if common way to pull off the theme, but this game pulled it off better than many of the others I've seen- though the hitboxes for some of the floor drops seemed a bit small.

Final boss was suitably challenging- I liked how it effectively flipped the script on player movement from the previous bosses (either chasing you or teleporting around) by being motionless as a real boss should :p

Alright! As promised. Much of this review is gonna be tentative, because I'm not familiar enough with the engine to tell what's a mechanical limitation and what's a design choice. All crit is meant to be constructive- I did really like this one, I'm just digging in.

The bosses were fantastic- the callbacks on the third boss really made it for me, especially because the adaptations removed a lot of weaknesses of the previous versions- hiding behind the lower piece of the ping pong mechanic from boss 1 was no longer a good way to avoid damage, etc. The animations were crisp, clean, and choreographed the attacks well (look at that eye tracking on the second boss! wow!), at least after I'd seen each attack a time or two.

The animations and movement controls felt good, and just floaty enough to sell the falling part while maintaining tight controls. I will take some degree of issue with the walls however- at the speed of movement, the relative (normally good) monotony, and the bright colors required by the palette, it quickly became slightly dizzying and broke up my ability to focus on the foreground action or register player movements- this was worse with some boss palettes than others, though it remained an annoyance throughout.

I'm less a music person, so the most feedback I could give for the music is that it was great, and I very much appreciated the callbacks. If a volume / sound slider is possible within the engine, I would've liked that though, to turn the effects volume up a lil bit.

Balance prolly needed a little bit of work- I did two plays, once with the bones + arm and once with the eyes, and my second go of it was much easier than the first- as sometimes one of the bones would get lodged somewhere complicated and I wouldn't be able to shoot, nor reach the third boss where it was hiding under the... water? acid? for a while. I also wouldn't call the bosses easy per say- so much as legitimately well balanced for the size and scale of the game, though I will admit I spent a minute or two shooting the tutorial skeleton in the hopes  he'd  turn  out to be a secret bonus boss or some  nonsense.

I wasn't entirely sold on the theme fit at first, but between using bits of the former bosses that also recreate their mechanics and the nature of the third boss reusing the same, I wound up sold on it by the end. Good theme use on a very classic boss rush.

I do wish you'd done a bit more with the fact the player is falling more than just on the stylistic end, but as a gamejam game this is a super cool entry and definitely one of my favorites thus far! Really did like it, and hope it does well in the actual contest!

You weren't wrong, we sure did have similar gimmicks haha- sadly ran into the loading bug after what I think was the third level, but had a quite fun time otherwise. I especially like how you blocked out the exact limits of where the blocks could / couldn't go. I'll have to play the fixed version after you upload it to check out the rest of the levels haha

This was a really cool little game! I found the secret room, and had a lot of fun exploring the level. Agree with earlier comments about the limited shots, but would also like to add that the shirt shot being the only one that could break the cracked walls was very unfortunate, especially when I got unlucky and had to sit there reloading until it came up. All that said, I loved the general aesthetic you had going on- stylistically it was pretty tight haha

Stellar puzzle game of impressive length considering the time limit! Of all the multitude of moving die puzzles I've seen in the gamejam, this one has the smoothest level design difficulty curve, starting out relatively easy and slowly ramping to the later three-dice puzzles. That said- I did tend to get rather lost on the later levels without being sure if my long processes were how it should be working or not- might be nice to have some sort of... leaderboard? of how many moves it took the creator to win each level as a baseline.

Very fun little game- I enjoyed the variety of weapons and the enemy bullets being friendly-fire enabled. The base movement speed felt a bit slow though, along with what previous people have mentioned about weapon balance. I'm also a big fan of how easy it is to tell that a weapon swap will be occurring, since that allows one to back up and plan for the change.

Nice little bullet hell game! The luck control mechanic felt good, but the way dice were regained felt sorta awkward- I feel like I would've enjoyed a slow regen over having to track them down. Good work!

This was a super creative implementation of the theme! Had a bit of trouble understanding how the erase worked at first, but that was on me. A very unique experience all around, though I kinda wish there was some form of free play mode- I wanted to see what I could do with the entire space haha.

Heya! Since I'm looking into making a more complete version after the jam with a slower difficulty curve, I'd be curious what sort of telegraphing you'd suggest? As is yeah you're absolutely right lol.

Very nice little puzzle game! The sound effects and the subtle movement of the cubes really set it apart from the herd of similar games. Incredibly polished, smooth layout, and stellar design.

Played on computer, but it was an absolutely stellar game anyway! The depth of planning in the dice set up was superb and very much appreciated, and the music and art was top tier. Would've liked the tooltips to be a little clearer, but I figured everything out after a run or two.

Now that I've actually played all the way through- delightful little game, nice choice in music, great pixel art, and some suitably braintwisty puzzles! 6 & 10 were faves, but I will admit 3 stumped me for longer than it should have.

I've also had this, but additionally managed to roll onto a activated block from two blocks away rather than just the switch issue.

One of my absolute favs so far. Turn based combat is a win, especially as well balanced as this, the custom art (and music) for the human characters, minifigs, and backgrounds is stellar, and Stewart is just. that's what it feels like to dm sometimes-  I feel like this encapsulated the mood of an average dnd game perfectly while also having, oddly, Paper Mario vibes (and I mean that as a tremendous complement.)
I did run into a potential bug with the DM's monsters where one died of poison, the other didn't get to take its move at all, and I suddenly acquired all dice at once. which! not complaining, but didn't seem intentional haha.

Stellar little game with a great concept! The graphics are wonderful and the puzzle design is fun, though sadly I assumed that "locking" meant it wouldn't change haha.

to be honest I didn't realize you could buy more dice until I pogo sticked my way into almost beating the second level. That's a me problem though- the game is wonderful, the sound fits excellently, and the dnd references made me smile. Great work!

Nice braintwisting fun! The vibe felt surprisingly ominous. Didn't get it done, but had fun on the way :D

My man lived by the rule "Any fight you can walk away from." He got into a shitton of fights, lost most, went drinking almost every day of his career, and stitched himself up in shady back alleys to catchy music. He lasted 40 days, a little over a tenth of a year, which judging from the other comments is almost a lifetime in this hellhole of a town.

Seriously. Great game, nailed both the atmosphere and the emotion of being the miserable little sheriff in a dead-end horrid little town you'll one day leave in a nice box shaped just for you, assuming you don't get hit by a train, eaten by a bear, or buried in a shallow hole that an anemic, underfed, and grateful vulture will pull bits of you out of later and get drunk off.

(Translation: great game, mostly luck based but survivable with careful resource management. let me know if you ever publish another version :p )