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A member registered Oct 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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The creative use of the spacebar as the only key to place turrets turns what would be an otherwise linear level for a tower defense game into one that emphasizes precision and space allocation. Very nice.

@Twon82, I'm glad you were able to get the intended experience out of The Green Reaper. We here at Root Monster Studios strive to make games that keep you up at night; not due to fear, but due to the desire to get that next bushel of corn.

As for your video, the first two attempts at the no yellow quest were tragic, and I'm sure the designers laughed maniacally as they watched the hitbox of the scythe graze the adjacent corn.

Ah, yes, we designed The Green Reaper to be played with a mouse; I can see how using a touchpad would have made the game more difficult. Thank you for playing and giving us your feedback.

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@Evm546, thank you for letting us know The Green Reaper hit the spot! We always get excited when we hear that our game is enjoyable because it means it's providing the experience we hoped it would give.

Thank you, again for sharing your experience and happy harvesting!

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@AvariceDM, thank you for reaching out about this issue!

To add onto @PeteSweene, the Root Monsters take a lot of hits at low scythe damage levels. If they're blinking and making noises when you hit them, they should be taking damage.

Let us know @AvariceDM if you're still having troubles. I hope this helps, and happy harvesting!

Weaving through the projectiles is tough, but rewarding. So far, my high score is 45.

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The controls took me a bit to get used to, but once you've got it, swinging from node to node feels awesome. Also, I really like the design of the main character.

I really like how the controls feel and the progression of the difficulty curve. It's very cool how the asteroids challenge the player not only by tilting the platform, but also by rolling into and pushing the Earth off the platform. Nice design and execution.

Parrying in this game feels on point! (Get it, cuz it's- a uh sword parrying spikes)

Very cool! The last level is pretty stressful.