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A member registered May 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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As many others here, I'm planning to improve my GMTK 2024 entry in the coming months. I'm hoping to use this jam as a way to gather some more feedback and player input. Maybe some of you even want to join the Discord where I'm hoping to keep everyone up to date on future developments!

My end goal is to release the game on Steam. During that time I'll push a few new builds to until I feel like I have a solid base to keep working on. Right now the game is decent, but I think it can use some more work to keep players engaged and offer more interactivity. Hopefully I can get some more eyes on it and see what players would like to see. I have a number of ideas myself, but I'd really love to hear from the people playing the game.

You can try out the game here: I hope to see you there!

Ahh man, that's a shame. It sounds like a fun idea, I would've loved to try it out! 

Thank you so much for your kind words! I wasn't sure if I should keep working on it or not, but I've seen so many kind comments like yours, that I'm definitely going to put more time into it and hopefully release it on Steam at some point as a full release. Keep an eye out for updates!

Super creative idea! Perfectly fits the theme, very intuitive to play, I absolutely love it! Even the music and the art just perfectly fits together and makes everything work. What a banger. 

You just made my day, thank you so much! And yes, I will keep developing this as a matter of fact! I've got a bunch of ideas to expand on the game and address the feedback I got from people. The bug you mentioned has already been fixed! If everything goes well I hope to be releasing this on Steam with a lot more content and hopefully some more interesting mechanics as well. Thanks again for playing!!

Thanks so much for your kind words!! I'm super stoked to hear you enjoyed it this much. 

What an awesome game, really cool take on the theme! It starts out so chill but then gets hectic FAST, I LOVE it!! Really impressive job, everything fits together perfectly and there's no bugs that I could see either. No remarks from me, just had fun with this one.

Really good implementation of the theme, I dig it! I did have some trouble getting started, just to put together a half decent bot, but I still really enjoyed the concept. Making your own construction is always a lot of fun and you've really nailed that part. Great job!

What an amazing take on the theme, really well done! It plays well, it's fun, it's bug free, it's cute. Everything just screams polish. Very impressive!!

As you already pointed out there's definitely some small bugs which can cause some things to be not as intuitive as they should've been. Glad to hear you still enjoyed your time with it though! I definitely want to address a number of things in the game, amongst which are the points you already made yourself. Thanks a lot for your feedback and keep your eyes peeled for an updated version in the future!

I love your take on the theme! At the start I was a bit confused as you do have text on screen explaining inflation and deflation, but not what buttons to press. When I figured that out though it's always fun to mess about with some physics and cause mayhem. Well done!

I'm quite unsure what to do here. I started out talking to the first NPC, but then got bombarded by enemies that just killed me near instantly. The spinning sword didn't seem to help much either. The UI also seems to scale very badly with text being covered up by sprites or overlapping onto other text. It's a shame because everything looks very promising from the thumbnail and the opening screen. Hopefully it's just some bugs that you can take care of. Best of luck! <3

Really cute game, I love the different puzzles and the atmosphere. The game was very laggy at the start for me for some reason, with freeze frames every few seconds, but luckily that went away after I played for a bit. I really liked everything about this game, except the music just drove me up the wall. Maybe next time you could pick a slightly longer loop ;). Great job nonetheless!

Super creative game! I tried a few different builds and eventually just flew out of the level haha. There's definitely some imbalance between some of the components, but then I can't complain since my game isn't exactly balanced either haha. Overall great job, I had a lot of fun!

A really unique take on the theme, I love these more experimental titles. However I would've liked a bit more direction. As it stands, I was mostly just trying different settings and not sure what I was doing. But I understand that a jam game can make it difficult to add things like that. If anything I really enjoyed the concept!

I found it very tricky to control the ball. It seems like the faster you go, the less control you have over where to turn. The concept is fun though!

Very cool concept. Anything test chamber like is always interesting to me and this is really well done. I would've loved to keep playing it for longer with maybe more of a story that developed over time. But as a prototype this is just great, really enjoyed it!

I'm not sure if it's a bug, but I seem to be stuck playing the tutorial. When it looks like the game is started I just get booted back to the main menu and "Start" just begins at the tutorial again. Looks interesting besides that, although I couldn't get a very clear picture of what the game is about.

I really like the idea of a weight mechanic as a risk/reward, but I would've liked it more if it was more visual than just a ticker in the top-left. Other than that just a grate rager, nice job :D

Glad you enjoyed that extra layer! I started out by just adding 1x1 squares onto your city, but that did feel very basic in the end, so adding the Tetris-like shapes did end up feeling a lot more interesting. Thanks for playing!

Totally agreed with what you said! Right now the RNG that determines your next event is very basic, as I just didn't have time to flesh that out. Which does result in you just getting screwed sometimes unfortunately. Glad you still enjoyed it though!

Very nicely done, good take on the theme too! Loved the music :D

What a fun and unique take on the theme, I'm pretty sure I haven't seen something like this before. I love the style too, everything fits together perfectly. Nicely done!

The beat is almost in sync with each new drop of an object, I would've loved to have that match up perfectly. I feel like that would've been very satisfying. But even without that, I enjoyed my time with this. The style is great and colorful and you get a nice instant feedback for everything you do. Nicely done!

Super cute art, I love it! The controls felt very floaty, which made it harder to get the hang of, but the concept is just far too cute to not enjoy tremendously. Well done!

It's simple, but cute. Nice use of the mouse wheel to integrate it with the mechanic. I do feel like I can just cheese the scale mechanic by rapidly scrolling all the way back and forth while flying across the screen, but I appreciate the concept regardless. Well made!

The music change and the voices are so good! I had a huge grin on my face each time it happened. Especially the first time I was like "oh, OKAY, I see!" Really fun idea, great job!

I love the style of this game, it's really well made! The only thing I think could've used a bit of work was the SFX and the lack of music. As it stands it was mostly a sort of gentle breeze broken up by the scaling of stones or the super loud bells. Gameplay was great though, really enjoyed it!

Really fun little town builder, although I think I ended up screwing myself by not placing a lumbermill early on. It would be nice if you had a mechanic to help the player escape one of those soft-lock situations. Other than that everything worked great and looks amazing. Nicely done!

This is incredibly impressive!! I've never seen anyone make something like this for a jam game, really well done! Also great marketing for your other project(s), because I definitely want to see what you've been up to now! Keep up the good work!!

I loved every second of it! Card games are always the best and this one is no exception. It took a few tries for me to understand how the scoring worked, but after that clicked I had a blast. Made it to round 13 actually! Art is super cute too and the music fits nicely. Very well made!

What an awesome game! It's criminally underplayed going by the amount of ratings and comments. This was definitely one of my favorites of the whole jam. I really love Egyptian mythology, so that made it score another point in my book. Honestly 5 stars across the board from me, really well done! 

Thanks for your feedback! I fully agree with what you mean and I'm planning to address that in a future build. Glad to hear you enjoyed your time with it though!

"You did it, good job!"... Camera pans over to my total sham of a copy... Instant shame sets in...

No, in all seriousness, I thought it was a very creative approach to the theme. Very nicely implemented, fun to mess around with. I could've used maybe a triangle or other shapes, but I understand if you didn't have the time for that. As it stands I enjoyed it a lot already. Nice work!

Ohh shit you scale to such a fast speed in the end! I started out as a leisurely stroll and was just absolutely zipping along at the end. It did sound like the music was starting to double up and overlap when I played for a second time in a row, maybe that's a bug. Great job though, game was fun!

Amazing, you totally nailed that vibe. I may or may not have ran off into my death a dozen times in a row just for my own amusement :D

You can build a Salvage Yard to convert plastics into metal, but apart from that pretty much all of your resources are going to come from events. And events are currently not the most balanced thing in the world, so I can understand why you were missing some of it. Appreciate your feedback and thanks for playing!

You're totally right. In the span of the jam I only had time for a few screenshots with text, but a proper tutorial would definitely have helped newer players a lot better. Glad you enjoyed it nonetheless though, thanks for playing!

Very impressive for a first game! I had some issues with the UI not being entirely readable always, but it's nothing I couldn't get past. Well done, I had fun with this one!

Hey, we both went into outer space! Although you built a bit more control into your game of where to go, mine just has RNG leading the way haha. Great job, nice take on the theme, I enjoyed it.