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A member registered Aug 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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Your art style and colour palette is awesome! It's a unique take on things too which was fun to play. A minor piece of feedback would be to make the death respawn faster - I died a lot lol!

Great job and congrats on submitting

Fun game, you had some nice level/hole design (hole 6 was my fav.) The different faces on the die impacting your shots is a nice twist on things too. If I could provide feedback, I would say that hole 3 was a little too tough, relying on trial and error and memorizing power levels a bit too much.

I had lots of fun though and bouncy die is my favorite lol! Congrats on submitting.

Lol I was not expecting a russian-roullette game out of this theme but you did a good job incorporating it! The SFX are quite funny despite the morbid subject lol.

Love your title and premise haha, definitely got me to click on and play your game!

I like the take you have on the dodge-roll mechanic too! I think maybe the music was a bit too cheery and relaxed for my dice wife having been kidnapped but I had fun.

Congrats on submitting, thanks for the game!

Love the sound design of your game! It was super satisfying to roll around and listen too. I think sound is often neglected in game jams so it's great to play your game where it's really well incorporated!

A minor piece of feedback, is that I think it might make more sense to have the number on the top of the die that counts for the platform, because I was really confused for a while why I was dying (it can be hard to discern when you die what face was down.)

Oh I loved that the starting menu wasn't buttons but that you rolled to activate it :) Great job with your game and congrats on submitting!

This was and a really good level of challenge. One thing I would suggest is having a visual indicator of how long before the controls change. It was a little frustrating when it would change right on top of a spike, whereas I'd like to be able to try to time that :)

It was fun though and I love the chicken main character lol.

Congrats on submitting and thanks for the game!

Hey I REALLY liked your game! It reminded me of chibi-robo which is one of my all time fav games. I love 3d collectathon platformers which this definitely felt like.

The controls were really nice - they were tight, but also a little goofy in a good way like a die would be! My only feedback would be that I think it would be nice if you could enter the cannons from the back via that yellow ammo platform, it was just a bit finnicky to enter sometimes.

Overall, fantastic game though - I played all the way through :) Congrats on submitting and thanks for the game!

Lol I had a sneaky fun time playing this - I replayed it a bunch. Couldn't get more than a 4 win-streak unfortunately. Small note for feedback - I found after about 10 replays, the replay button was glitching out and not showing the art anymore (but that means I was enjoying your game I was replaying that much!)

Also, I love the art and the grin on the dealer lol.

Congrats on submitting and thanks for the game!

I enjoyed your game. It reminds me of one of my favorite Mario Party minigames where you have to time rolling the die to get a toad head to advance! It's simple but quite fun and the upgrade system is a really nice touch.

If you were to continue working on it, I think it would be nice to have the power up descriptions in game like as a tool tip or something (I saw they were below the game but not until the third round lol)

Also I really like the BB vibes lol. Just barely beat Gus haha

Congrats on submitting, and thanks for the game!

Wow well done! Great take one the theme. Your visuals are beautiful and everything is super-duper polished. I had a lot of fun with the game too. My only note is that, while I know how to play/score yahtzee, the game might be less approachable to those who don't, so maybe an explanation in the tutorial would help :)

But wonderful game, I really enjoyed myself playing it! Congrats on submitting!

I like your game and the art is really cute :)
It's a fun concept and I think it is at it's best in the early game, once I memorized where the numbers was, it was a little more Simon-says like, so I think if you kept working on it, it would be really fun to randomize the floor positions every time it speeds up maybe?

Oh and don't worry about the menu - I still have issues like that after 5 jams ;)

Congrats on submitting, and thanks for the fun game!

I really liked this it's really fun! I like the take on the theme, your core concept is great. I also appreciate the AI honestly, I like when it knows it's smaller, it just bashes into the wall until it can attack then chases you!

With some more juice and effects, this would be a really fun mobile style game.

Congrats on submitting and thanks for the game!

Really fun and interesting take on the idea! Took me a second to figure out how to place the dice, but I really enjoyed it once I did. Took me a few tries to not get wrecked by the rolling die though haha

Congrats on submitting, and thanks for the game!

Hey this is really cute - I LOVE your thumbnail image lol. My favorite part by far is the little juice you put on the player when they land - it's really cute and fun.

Don't worry about the web stuff and resolution - I still struggle with that after like 5 jams lol.

Congrats on submitting and thanks for the game!

Love love love this. So far this has been my favorite game of the jam. You're art is beautiful and I really like your color palette. The mechanic is fun and innovative, and that last level is really smart and tricky! Only piece of feedback I have is that it took me quite a while to figure out level one, but once it clicked I was off and played through the whole thing.

Great work, congrats on submitting and thanks for the wonderful game!

Oh man I absolutely love this. Love your aesthetic here big time and how creepy and fun it is! It's a fun take on the theme and I like your explanation of how you arrived on the idea.
One suggestions if you keep working on it, is that I'd make the animation to change hair slower, it started to discourage me from picking up cans.

But just a great game! I love the perm bit as well haha. Congrats on submitting and thanks for the stylish game!

This is a fun take on the tetris/matching genre. I love the graphics makes me feel like I'm playing on pen and graph paper which is really cute.

If you were to continue working on it, it would be fun to have some more game feel for when the dice match up and destroy :)

Great stuff though, this is a fun game! Congrats on submitting!

Cute game - I like your art and character designs! The jumping is a little intense, it might be nice to be reduced haha. But it was fun to play.

Congrats on submitting and thanks for the game!

Hey I loved this! It plays suuuuper smoothly! The animations and game feel are really nice. I honestly don't even have constructive feedback - it's just a really well put together package that's solid all around. Great job, congrats on finishing, and thanks for the game!

Lol this was a fun game. I liked having all the dice thrown in, even with the slight bit of lag.

Cool game! The physics are lots of fun to move (fling!) the dice around! I think I had an impossible round 3 though :( I needed to multiply to 20 but I didn't have a 5.

I enjoyed your game a lot. The different powers were lots of fun (Water was my fav!) and I'm also a sucker for a game where you can heal the enemies by accident, so great work with that!

If you were to continue working on the game, it would be fun to add some effects to the shots as they hit the enemy! Would be a fun way to differentiate the elements further.

Great work and congrats on submitting!

Your game was really fun and interesting! It's a great take on "chess" and it's very satisfying to rack up a bunch of captures in a single turn!

If you were to keep working on this, I think it would be really interesting to further restrict the player's movement in some way (maybe they can't move diagonally, or something) just because I found it a touch to easy. But the idea and excecution is great, and I had a lot of fun.

Well done, and congrats on submitting!

This is a brilliant game. I really, really like and you should be very proud of making it. The design is really smart, and it's very fun to play! If I could make 1 suggestion, it would just be to have a way to speed up time, because the rigging phase is more interesting in my opinion than watching the battle play out.

I would totally play an extended version of this. Great job and thanks for the game :)

Great take on the theme and really solid execution on your idea! I really like this game! What a fun way to battle, and I really like the tradeoffs of picking bad sides for your die in favor more gold.
One suggestion I have, is that it felt like I really had no influence with A and D (which I'm sure was intentional to be subtle). But it would be nice if there was even a small visual indicator so I knew I was doing something.

This was a wonderful game and very inventive. Congrats on submitting and thanks for the game!

Great stuff! I REALLY like your game!! The presentation is wonderful and your animations are brilliantly smooth and thematic.

I had trouble at first until I saw the tip you had below the game then was crushing it. If I could give some feedback, I think it would be good to make it impossible to have 3 of a kind. I know that obviously goes against true randomness, but it feels bad when I roll 3 of a kind and can't do the thing that I wanted to .

But this is really wonderful and gives me paper mario vibes in the best way. Great job on the game, and congrats on submitting!

Lol this was actually really fun! My favorite part is when I saw I was controlling the dice in the wine glasses. This is a really fun base for the game and would be fun to see more levels, I love that it's kind of wacky to control, and the little katamari-esque vibes it has!

Great work, congrats on submitting, and thanks for the game!

I really liked your art - I actually really like the simple sketchiness of it. I unfortunately had quite a bit of difficulty sorting out the mechanics outside of combat, it would be really nice to have a description below the game or something :)
Great work and congrats on submitting, thanks for the game. 

This is really cool! Haven't played anything like this before. I'm terrible at music so I had trouble deciphering the individual sounds, but I still had a ton of fun playing it! Really different take on the theme. Well done and congrats on submitting!

Cute game! LOVE the dodge roll animation! It's fun to switch up the weapons/class of the character by rolling and trying the different weapons.
One piece of feedback I would give is that starting with slow character right out the gate was very slow haha I was very please when I found out how fast the others were.

Great entry, congrats on submitting, and thanks for the game!

Super cute art and the music is a very good choice. Love the lil ducks too. Overall great vibes from your game. My main feedback is I did find the collisions to be a bit off and foudn myself losing my yummy rolls unfairly. 
Overall great stuff, congrats on submitting and thanks for the game :)

Great stuff, I really enjoyed this. The presentation is great. My favorite detail you had here is how you can shoot the enemy's bullets and they convert to your colour!
If you had more time to work on this, it would be fun to see the different numbers on the dice give you entirely different weapons? Maybe like 3 is a shotgun for example (of course we are limited here with the 48 hours!)
Great work, congrats on finishing and submitting, and thanks for the game!

I really like the mechanics and concepts here! Pulling up the dice and randomly getting the spells was really fun. You also nailed the placement effect, showing the grid and slowing down time is a really good design decision imo.
To give feedback, I wasn't quite able to reach the second floor (maybe I'm a dummy though haha), and so I mainly dealt with and dodged the ghosts down below.
Lot's of great stuff at work in your game though, it could easily be expanded too which is cool. Great work and thanks for the game!

The presentation is nice, I really like the graphics. Once I realized I could play it with my numpad I liked it a lot. To give some feedback, I think it would be great if it scaled in difficulty as you play and get faster (perhaps it was in already, but if it was I think it might be too subtle)
I enjoyed your game, congrats on finishing and submitting :)

Love the vibes of this game! Beautiful artwork and the rooms are super nice and put together. I had a really nice time just relaxing with your entry. Oh and the title screen is super cute! The only thing I wasn't really clear on was how to deal with my bored kitties! Making that more clear would have been nice. I would love to be able to pet them too haha

Awesome work! This is really fun to play and the graphics/animations are gorgeous!

The gameplay loop is solid, and mixing up the way the obstacles work is really fun (the paper airplane is definitely my favorite!)

If you keep working on it, two things I would suggest would be to add a visual indicator to what can/cannot be shot with the water gun and also having variable jump height (like in Mario, the longer you hold the jump button the higher you go.)

Awesome work all around - your team of Beavers should be very proud!

Hey I really like your take on the theme. The best part is when you have to separate and use your head as a platform! Neat take on things. I unfortunately also had the glitch where I couldn't see the lever, but I was still able to beat it thankfully.

Well done, and congrats on submitting!

This is a fun and very funny game. The line of people is a fun and unique mechanic! If I could make a suggestion, it might be nice to have a visual indicator before the colours on the station change, it's a bit frustrating to be close to dropping off only for it to change seemingly out of nowhere.

But great work, very fun. Congrats on submitting!

This was excellent! Very polished and well put together. The characters are adorable. The difficulty escalation was really well tuned too I found. The last couple were the perfect level of challenge! I honestly don't have anything to really suggest for improvements because I think you nailed it! Well done!

Good stuff! I loved this. Reminds me of Papers Please in all the best ways. Juggling the different tasks is super fun. I would say that the days feel much too long. It didn't really get challenging until the fake ID cards are introduced, so the first couple of days are a bit frustratingly slow.

Overall and absolutely fantastic entry. I gave you all 5s, this has been my favorite game I've played so far. Great work!