good art. If you have some free time, how can you watch my game?
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Fox Maverick's pageGame's Take on the Theme
We have a drill. It spins and we spin with it!
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Amazing job team!!! This game is dripping with polish and feels like an actual game I would have watched my older cousin play on the PlayStation lol. The music all slaps and the aesthetic is very well executed. The boss's are super interesting and have great 3d models and personalities. All the voice actors did a great job, and the 2nd boss (insane asylum guy) absolutely killed their part. The first boss fight is superb 10/10, the mechanics work together wonderfully and the feeling of exploration and zipping through the terrain are some truly awesome gaming moments. The lore is a nice touch to add a bit of depth to the game. The tutorial section is effective. It took a minute to get used to the player controller but once i did it was a blast. The jump is perfectly floaty and combo-ing through the different movement abilities feels great. The player animations are awesome and when I first killed one of the robot minions I thought I was playing Ratchet and Clank, the death effect on them rocks!
Some constructive criticisms: Whyyyyy did the 2nd boss have entirely different gameplay?!? After the first boss I had finally got a hang of the movement and was looking forward to another bad ass fight...and then you took away everything cool about the player movement! I couldn't jump or dash or spin through the terrain, just go around in a circle and spam click melee attack. It would have been a nice change of pace if it was halfway through a 10 boss gauntlet or something but as the second boss it was super disappointing. You had such a lovely core gameplay and spinning through the terrain and schmooving around the map feels awesome, so let me do it!!!! The last boss also didn't take advantage of the terrain drilling very much, where as the first boss I think you absolutely nailed it and that fight feels fantastic.
I hope my criticisms are received well, I only speak somewhat harshly because the game is so well done and has so much potential. Really well done team, and I think you have an excellent game on your hands. I very much enjoyed my playthrough, great job everyone!!
I really like the visuals of the game, reminds me to PSX games, the CRT filter makes really good efect here, game mechanics are easy to understand and fun to play, the windows versions runs better, I dont know why, i notice that after tutorial in web gl version it goes slower, I hope you can fix this, also I notice the camera go through walls in game, I know its easily fixed, so its not big problem. I rate graphics, mechanics, fun and control on top really, well made, I really like your game, its like Megaman Legends but even better, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
Love the way this game looks. Boss design is unique, I particularly liked the motorbike boss in the sphere (though I beat this quicker than I'd hoped as wasn't in the sphere long!), drilling into object for movement mechanic was unique and worked mostly really well, like the music (the acid bassline on boss 3 is very cool). There's no cool NPC shaped like a d***, but apart from that great job.
Really cool take on the theme, being able to drill through the environment was surprisingly cool. Controlling the drill was a bit tough but otherwise, this was really fun. Kudos to the voice actors. Solid entry, great job!
Really loved those visuals! There's so much love and polish gone into it, it feels really good to play! As of writing this I've only done a little but I'm still in love! Control did take a minute to get for me though! I'd love to see this expanded into a full-fledged game!
(PS: If you're willing to I'd love it if you could rate and give me some feedback on my game! This is my first jam and I'd love to see where I can improve for the future!)
I love the visuals. everything has so much personality.
The drill was hard to controls at times. When dashing into an object to drill, it felt like my entrance direction would be randomly tilted, when I was expecting it to be in the direction of the dash. I kind of wish it was a bit faster also.
Boss designs were awesome. I might be in love with the design of the second boss fight. Its so cool to me. everything about it. But I felt that the drill mechanic was being utilized less and less with each boss.
But yeah, good game.
Wow! I really love this game! I would love to see this as a completed game, and I would addictively play it until beating it then too. The whole game just has an incredible level of charm!
This is a really outstanding jam entry! There's a lot of charm and polish in it. There's the obvious stuff a lot of jam submissions don't have like a plot and voice acting, but I really loved the addition of scanlines and chromatic aberration to make this really feel like an older game! All three bosses being totally unique is great, especially the second one with a totally different playstyle. The credits having a little video for each role is also such a nice touch. I had a really fun time when I learned you could combine jumping and diving to gain speed!
My one piece of criticism I think would be I think the drilling controls feel awkward. In the tutorial you teach drilling by having to cross through a wall on to the other side, but drilling really seems to be used to mostly gain height. I had a really awkward time getting through that tutorial wall, but the mechanic made more sense in the first boss when I had to use it to gain height. I think I'd suggest adjusting that tutorial so that you have to gain height with the drill rather than just pass through the wall.
Excellent job!
Really well made game ! Could be even better with more time on it... I'm curious to see it in a bigger game as a part of.
This was a very cool entry. The gameplay mechanics are pretty cool once you get used to the controls. I think the game itself is very promising but I was a little disappointed by the boss design. I see this evolving into a full game and maybe the bosses can be redesigned then.
Hey what a neat game you got there with unique spin mechanics! I was loving the tutorial play and then it went straight to a bike play, and I could never find/catch the boss! The voice acting art and narration were pretty neat though! Congrats on submission, and good luck
I rated and reviewed in hopes that you will return the favor of your rate submission of my game below!
- If others read this, RATE/REVIEW my game to get me to try yours as well! Thanks!
So I played the Webbuild and at first I though, damn it has some heavy Scannlines ;) but gladly you can turn them off (I think reducing them would be enough, as it gives the game a nice retro feel, but right now its too much)
After that I looked at the Credits and they very cool, even with animations. props to that detail. Very nice!
Then I started the game and hat a little tutorial. That was very thought and helpful! You guys have a keen eye for details!
Next I moved to the first Boss. The Tree dude and at first I didnt know what to do, but the cool movement allows for flying quite high so I saw that I have to spank the four things in the edges… so I did. So the drilling of / spinning aspect is really nice! But I didnt like the automatically drilling in circles, I think that was too much, as you already had spinning with the drilling. I would suggest to remove the circling part! Other than that, the movement was very fun. Felt like a cool fighting game.
The Tree Boss seems to have an attack on his one I couldn’t evade , or at least it seemed like it.. I tried dashing but maybe I timed it poorly… so in the end I didn’t manage to kill the Boss because I couldn’t reach the last thingy I hat to kill as the Boss kept attacking and I couldnt evade :( - I guess it was a skill issue on my part :)
Other than that, it is a really cool and well done game! Job very well done!
I LOVED THIS GAME! It reminded me of Pepper Grinder xD the drilling mechanic was tough at first, but when you get the hang of it, it works perfectly fine, as it is super satisfying to drill everything. Super beautiful, super fun, great game!
Very cool. How could you do this within a month! amazing.
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