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Fox MaverickView game page

Drill Drill Drill! Through the earth and into their hearts!
Submitted by KingdomPots, teoteoh, Lampazzu, ElianMelo, Danysweek, Rainlefever, lizartsr, kyngpin — 6 hours, 29 minutes before the deadline
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Game's Take on the Theme
We have a drill. It spins and we spin with it!

Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?

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It's immediately clear how much effort was put into this game, though it's also noticeable that time constraints prevented some aspects from being fully polished or implemented. I was really impressed by the concept and execution—it's obvious that this project has huge potential. The fact that you managed to achieve this within such a limited timeframe is truly impressive. Great job!


Massive props for the amount of work put into the presentation here, it really gives the game a ton of life, and makes the slightly awkward controls something I can very easily put to the side due to my immersion in the game's actual world. I found the bosses to have really fun gimmicks even if I did feel like I'd sometimes kinda just get hit out of nowhere. Still a really ambitious jam entry with an even more ambitious main mechanic and I think it really worked out!


Art the is fantastic. The SFX are nicely implemented. The music sounds great.

I would have liked setting for mouse sensitivity as mine felt a lot slower than I'm used to. But reglardess, the controls were quite well made. Double jump felt cool. The digging mechanic was very cool. Being able to crouch drop/dash downwards into a drill is very cool.

The voice acting is a nice polished addition. Not often you see a bunch of voice acting for a game jam submission.

Cool submission.


Thank you for your feedback :)

Yes, we tried to work on the settings, but it was going to take time that we didn't have to spend at the time. We decided to focus on the more critical things, but we want to make the project more polished in the future.


i love this game and i want a bigger and even cooler one 


The game looks great, nice models, great vibes! The bosses are also good, I hadfe the most enjoyment with the second one, the first is a little too easy, the third one is a little janky (I got stuck in the ribcage a few times). The mechanincs are interesting, but a little buggy and hard to control. Jumping sometimes has hitxoes you get stuck on, the drill sometiems goes where it wants, etc, but it did not really took away from the enjoyment. Nice job!


Thank u for your feedback!

We tried to make something simpler, not so difficult so that everyone could play the game without too much difficulty. Unfortunately we didn't have time to polish all the issues, but we really want to polish this project after the jam, as it was something we enjoyed doing


The art and sound are spectacular! Also great work with the Ui. Control is the only thing that could perhaps be improved.


Reminded me of Megaman Zero and Metal Gear Rising lol. There are some collision issues (like how you can cling onto walls) but nothing that can't be fixed post-jam. Nice work!


YES!! The entire game is based on Mega Man! We intended to change that; there were things that required time we didn't have at the moment to polish, but we did our best to ensure it wasn't something negative or harmful to the gameplay.


The game looks and sound amazing! I love the MC's model, voice acting was also great. Love the drill mechanic although the gameplay and collisions feels a bit janky. Great work!


Nice game and good character design but something seems off with the gravity and in some point I got stuck on the air. Maybe a touch for the physics system will be beneficial for the game. 


Nice game! Cool model design. Sound and music fit the game nicely. The 3rd boss seems to be the easiest currently. I think separating the normal attack and drilling attack will be nicer. Overall, Good work!


Landing attacks feels so nice. I'm glad you included a dash, because running felt a little slow. Voice acting was great touch! Loved sfx and music, but would've loved volume sliders in settings for them.. 2nd Boss made me dizzy, but that could've been just me.


also great tutorial


nice i love it c:

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Great art (MC's model is great, would love to see her in a more action/adventure/rpg game . I'd love to know the artist's influences; I mostly saw a megaman inspiration, but am sure there is more in their heart), great voice acting (elder tree and MC are very well acted, Bikerman is good, Tortoise I was going to say wasn't very good, but on second thought, I think she just didn't have a very good script)

The game controls terribly, but rather than unplayable, I think it is a charming terrible. A unique terrible.  Taking control of it and learning to work it out is very fun. Which is why the second and third boss were quite disappointing, it's like you didn't want to make me continue fighting with the control mechanics. Not in a mean-spirited way, the first boss was pretty simple, but making me engage with this chaotic platforming made it a special gameplay experience, and I'd love to see more of fights like the first boss. (The second and third boss didn't even feel like I was fighting them either, so I can't say it was very fun, since neither the controls or the bosses were challenging me.)

It'd have been great to have to dig my way through the boss and find their heart to hit, I think that should be the gameplay you look for in this game. Dig through platforms for the weakpoint, or dig into the boss to find the heart, both of these require mastery of the very difficult controls. I beg you not to give up on this concept, because I loved the challenge imposed by it, but do refine the enemy/stage design to put the digging on the center stage. Call it Shadrill of the Colossus the way I want to dig for where to hit.

I liked the second stage's BGM the most, very good composition.


Interesting game. I liked the drill mechanics. I had to play the downloaded version because the controls use "Ctrl" and in combination with the "W" key the tab closes in Chrome. In the downloadable version, the character twitches a little when moving (I can assume that the movement was done in FixedUpdate, and the version for Windows has no frame limit). The animations and models are cool. I would like the bosses to be more difficult.


Presentation is really well done especially with the second boss but gameplay feels lacking. The spinning drill feels underutilised other than it being gimicks for movement. It would have been cool to have a worm boss and you drill underground alongside it, maybe.

Animation, art, sound is pretty solid. The game is a bit janky, clunky and not entirely smooth. Movement feels slow, choppy, actions are heavy with each swing forcing the player to ground itself - which creates a really weird feeling of whether the game is supposed to be fast-paced or slow paced.

The best parts of the game is how it looks and sounds - that's awesome sauce there


This game is the full package! The art, sounds, and voice acting are great. I really dig the drill mechanic. I did have some trouble figuring out how to damage the first boss.


it is good game but so easy the first 2 boss their is a bug the three boss is not taking any damage  so made the game at the end not good fix this and i wish you also try my game the link =


All bosses take damage from weak points that are on the map. Tree Boss has his roots exposed (red things), the biker, has some weak points around the map, which release shock particles (this is his main weak point). And the last one you have to interact with the terminal that appears around the map every time you hit the heart, and climb up the boss's body.


The drill mechanic is very satisfying!

How was making the 3d bodies? 2d is hard enough sometimes!


Thank you very much :) 

Our 3D artist already has a lot of experience, so it was easier for him than for us to do something in 2D (I personally don't know how to model anything, so everything is difficult for me)


That's amazing! Our artists lead some of the implementation details with their designs too. Would love for you to check out our submission if you have the chance :)

(1 edit) (+2)

I liked the soundtracks used in the game and the voiceovers are nicely done and fit well :)
The gameplay is smooth and the animations are profoundly made

The second boss is probably my favourite and the first one was the hardest 


Thank you for your review!

Our musician really did it very well (I keep listening to the songs even without playing)


RADICAL, 3d games are not part of my religion but this is super cool. Well done!


thank you :)

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