Interesting combat system, bosses have a good variety of attacks. I think boss attacks could be tuned a bit more, like some attacks having indicators so players have a chance to dodge, or like the ring attack sometimes lands right above the square I need, so there's no way to avoid damage.
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Cyclical Circus's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Every turn, the bosses spin around and you fight a different one in a cycle. The story structure also ties in with the theme.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
I made everything in the game.
I like the visuals and the classic Zelda feel of the game, the boss fights are nice, the movement is cool and the theme is nicely integrated. I rate graphics, control and fun on top but all is nice, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
Loved the combat system really original, would suggest to add more attacks to player, or sum progress system for example u could add that when u kill one of the bosses you take 1 attack from them, also i think its unfair that during the crowd attack when they throw things at you when you reach your attack thingy yk they can still damage you even tho u cant move, overall enjoyed the game. Review and rate our game Cruellete too pls!
Really kept my attention, found I played more than I originally planned to. I did feel though that the attack portions could use something a little more. Maybe either a rapid bar (like old school mortal kombat test your might) or a small minigame to determine strength of hit (like golfing/fishing games). Overall, good job!
A small but fun game! I really like the narrative and concept—the strategic element is nice, but it could use more variations and possibilities. The game lifted my mood and added a nice break from the routine. Great job!!
The dialogue was so fun and I loved the whole vibe and style you made. I would have loved more strategy with what attacks to do but overall great job
Great take on the spin theme! The mechanics were unique and fun, would love to see more variety in attacks in the future!
Love the music and art style. I liked your clever use of the spin theme too. My only issue was the difficulty in terms of certain attacks coming out so fast, you have no time to predict and dodge them.
Damn I just love to play circus like games, didn't think this jam would be lots of it. Had lots of fun playing this one, really liked the spin mechanics on bosses. On the other hand, I would really love if you could try our game and give a feedback, sadly we got DQ for uploading a wrong version, but would love to hear what you think about the mechanics. Thanks for the game!
The circus-style bosses were very good (I really liked the sad elephant). The arts are also very cool.
Great idea based on the jam’s theme, and the bosses spinning with each turn/attack was really creative. I found the elephant the most fun to fight—he felt more balanced, and both of his attacks were interesting. I did two runs, and in both, he ended up as the final boss.
I wish there were more control options; my fingers were hurting by the end because of using Space and Shift. I would have preferred using the mouse for one of those actions. The music is also great, t fits the game perfectly. Well done!
I enjoyed the turn based and real time mix up, as it made a good balance of active gameplay but not too hectic. It would have been great to see this expanded with more attacks but understand this is a jam so limited in what is achievable. I thought some of the boss attacks where cool (the elephant blow back I liked in particular), but felt some of them didn't give you much queue to avoid.
I like the idea with this mix of turn/real-time based combat. Though some attacks felt a bit too easy to deal with (like gymnastics or security). Overall would be also nice to see description of attacks. and maybe some more advanced mechanic to attack itself: dunno if you deal more damage if you press Z/arrow keys faster, but would be cool to have some kind of rhythm mini-game there, which decide if you can miss, deal normal damage or crit with the attack.
that was really cool good job, i thought i cant dodge or dash but then i realized its ctrl even tho the first 2 men tought me a lesson but i guess i didnt understand :D
Didn't understood how to attack at first, but after that, cute experienc e! GG
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