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A member registered Jul 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very nice take on the spin mechanic. Bosses had a large variety of attacks that were cool. Lots of upgrades to customize from as well. 

Very fun and very polished juicy game. The vfx makes everything feel amazing. My only complaint would be the building fight; controls feel a little subpar and unsure if I was just supposed to just survive or if I should actually be fighting back there. 

Very simple but fun, clean and well polished game!

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Bosses had a nice variety of attacks. I think some of the boss attacks and player controls could use some more tuning, such as the first boss, there's some moves I swear is not dodge-able. I often find myself in favor of just tanking the blows so I could shoot rather than trying to dodge or deflect them (and for some moves this works better). Otherwise, good job on the game!

Interesting idea, but needs more polish. Movement feels slow, aim wobbling with animation feels off, bullets are reaaally slow. Some boss hit indicators are off (I was outside the circle and got damaged somehow), and boss doesn't take damage when hit while in animation (even though there were blood vfx). The wheel in the beginning also doesn't even matter? (I landed on cyborg in beginning but got zombie anyways). Overall good ideas but needs more tuning.

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Definitely addictive. The cluttered UI somehow fits it? Doesn't really feel like a boss rush though.

Very unique and well executed concept! The platform spinning and boss interactions with the platforms are really thought out. There is definitely a learning curve curve there, and the fight was still pretty tough and drawn out for me even on easy mode.

The art is really nice. I think some more hit feedback or a little guide before each boss to explain their gimmick would be good.

Interesting combat system, bosses have a good variety of attacks. I think boss attacks could be tuned a bit more, like some attacks having indicators so players have a chance to dodge, or like the ring attack sometimes lands right above the square I need, so there's no way to avoid damage.

Unique take on the theme! Reminds me of those soccer games I'd play on old phones... until the boss part kicked in that is. There's a lot going on on screen that I kind of wished the shooting process was easier. Took me a while to realize I needed to point at a ball around the character to shoot it, and then it was hard to focus on the power meter to kick the ball. There's def a learning curve, but otherwise cool game.

I went to double check and I think mage was rotating fine. I hadn't noticed there were direction text on the right at first and the sprite looked almost the same facing some directions. I think it would be nice to have indicators on the board too for which direction they're facing.

I think not allowing cancelling actions might work better if game was completely turn based, so time kind of freezes as the player makes their decisions (and even then, maybe have this be a separate hard mode, new players likely want to get more chances). But when boss and other character timers are independent of each other, so game kind of values input speed as well, then it will start to feel more frustrating.

The graphics look very good. I think there's a lot of cool things going on, but game def needs some more fine tuning. Encountered quite a few bugs, including dashing out of the map and freezing forever. Dash itself is also kind of disorienting. There really needs to be a sensitivity setting too so anybody can feel more comfortable with the controls. I have no idea what whisky shot does. And more of nitpick, but a fps without a weapon in view seems unnatural, I was confused whether I read right that it was a fps or not at first. The boss animations  and combat smoothness were pretty good though.

First strategy game I've seen so far, very nice implementation of strategy combat. I think one area I was confused on is when I could attack, because sometimes I click attack (let's say I'm diagonal from the boss) and it didn't work, so I assumed have to be adjacent to attack, next time I click attack from same relative position, it works (on the same character). Some other small qol features/nitpicks I wish was there: a back button to cancel an action I've not committed yet. Sometimes I start an action, saw boss moved, want to move other character without  doing anything on current character, but can't. A more clear indicator on which direction character is facing, on first stage, when I rotate the mage, it looked like he only turned 2 direction (maybe he was only rotating to face 2 directions, never got him to move to another direction but also was busy moving other characters to pay that much attention to him).

Very cool concept, I love the premise! That dice def belongs in dice jail, I have not seen a single 20 but saw a million 1s. Some qol I wish the game had was a skip dice roll option. Each turn the dice roll takes a long time, and it gets repetitive. Otherwise, a nice unique game!

Nicely polished game! I like how the dash is designed to require actual planning and avoid spamming. The only thing that frustrated me was the mouse aim, I did not like how the mouse followed the ship movements and it was the only thing that kept messing me up. Otherwise, game was good.

Very cool game, first game with a vehicle that I've tried too! Hearing the nutcracker chasing you in that environment def gave a creepy/spooky feel!

Good art and mechanics. First game I've seen with multiple languages available! I do wish the swap mechanic was refined a bit more, such as having limited number of swaps for player and boss that can accumulate, and letting player and boss use their limited swaps simultaneously. It does get frustrating to have the boss suddenly swap right at the end of the timer and being able to do nothing about it.

I like the visuals and little log snippets to make the world feel more alive. I think one qol I'd like to have is to shoot in direction of mouse, rather than movement direction. It'd make the controls feel smoother and more intuitive to maneuver around boss. Otherwise, cool game!

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Fun take on classic space shooter games. I like the art and the effects. The boss was a bit too tough for me, and feel like the windows to hit the the boss are too narrow, but I do like the camera sequencing.

Well polished game with really nice and coherent casino theme. I do wish some boss attacks were better telegraphed (especially bartender). Walking against obstacles also felt a bit 'sticky', or maybe I just suk at maneuvering around the tables at bartenders. Also, not sure if intended but I beat the final boss before I beat the other bosses and it told me I beat all bosses and then buffed them all. Overall a really cool and polished game!

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I have no idea what's happening on screen but still somehow killed first 3 bosses without dying lol. It was fun and very chaotic. But it did crash twice (first time broke my entire laptop, had to restart), I had to gave up after the second crash.

Very polished and cute game! Some boss attacks could have more indicators/telegraphing. My bad luck follows me everywhere, probably the only person to go bankrupt on the slot machine.

Thanks for playing! I'm not sure what you mean by the lethal ones? All bullets have a buff that will benefit you, we will work on hopefully introducing that better.

Simple, clean, and very unique gameplay centered around spin. 

That is a lot of info I think need to made more digestible in the game somehow. Especially unblockable attacks and the like, I don't think I saw any special indicators for those and thus had no idea what defense to use. A tooltip/guide the player can revisit would be good too.

It's either the 40k hp boss or drillgamesh that dealt the 600k dmg. And regarding the debuff, I had just beaten the 40k hp boss (I had like 40k+ dmg at around 3.5k rpm in this fight iirc), then decided to chose accept punishment after the round, and I remember the text saying something about halving the drill power, then the next boss I went against was drillgamesh and my damage was in ditch (definitely muuch weaker than half power, weaker than how I was at start of game).

Revisited game briefly (it's nice that it saves), and damage feels like normal again (not buffed, but not in the ditch where it was when I left off). Also I chose atone with blood and ended up with negative hp and it let me continue.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! We'll definitely be looking into balancing the bullets and boss and bit more. The dice are damageable, and any bullet except yellow/green can one shot them. We'll def be looking into adding better indicators for dice.

Thanks for playing! The music does change/progress throughout the rounds. I'd not encountered the no audio issue before, might be a new bug will have to look into, thanks for the feedback!

Very cool spinning mechanic! Everything feels polished and I like that the bosses drop health sometimes to ease difficulty. There were some times where say I was attacking to the right, then i click left, the character moves left, and i click attack but the attack was still towards the right. The last boss fireball attack was also a bit finnicky. Overall, a well made game.

I like how the shop is designed, and I think you have good ideas going. There just needs to be a lot more polishing of the controls and animations.

I like the variety of attacks and the enemy voicelines. I do feel like the game becomes kinda less of an fps and more of an how well can you time your wheel clicks to get the attack type you want/need. It took a while to figure out what the attack types do, and then I was just spamming the one high dmg attack I encountered and occasionally the shield break attacks when needed. Overall a cool mechanic, but I think could use a bit more tuning.

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Really enjoyed reading the dialogues and lore, but I have no idea what's going on in the gameplay. I see text sequences like: consumed rpm to use shield -> without shield, you took full damage (??? where my shield go?).
I can't see anything different in stats page when I charge grr thing. Also some boss I randomly attack first turn and one shot it, other boss dealt 600k dmg to me on his first attack. I don't think I've gotten a single good result from the spinning thing lol, it always steals my rpm or buffs the enemy. Also at some point after defeating a few bosses, my dmg got so buffed it says I do like 40-50k (after a couple rpm charges)? Then after the next battle took a 50% debuff (iirc) and went down to 1k? I have no idea how the stats are working. Overall I like the story and rpg aspect, but I'm just really confused on everything else.

Charging and throwing saw was pretty satisfying. Would be nice if boss had more indicators before attacks.

Really nice implementation of combat. The controls were nice and smooth, I enjoyed the parry mechanic. I think some of the bosses attack indicators/hitboxes (second boss roll, spider lunge) could be little cleaner, but those are kinda nitpicks, this is still one of the best souls like implementations I've tried so far. 

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Very cool and aesthetic game! The controls felt pretty smooth. I wish there were some more hit feedbacks and reactiveness in the combat. What I mean is like, most of the time, I'm standing in a single place, whacking the boss several times, then maybe jumping or crouching to avoid an attack, then standing still and repeat. The combat didn't feel very dynamic, and there was little hit feedback to make the attacks feel weighty. I got luck with all buffs on the wheel, and liked the room spinning in the second fight, but not entirely sure what hypnosis does (saw the symbol few times but didn't really get it).

Simple but very fun and balanced mechanics and bosses. Every boss was unique and definitely very spin-y. Enjoyed playing this one!

Thanks for playing and for all the feedback!

1. I had made the bullet effect much larger on hitting the boss to show a hit, at some point during playtesting felt that was insufficient, and then just... completely forgot about it lol.
2. I had so much trouble coming up with a good way for an interactive tutorial that didn't impact the flow/narrative. Definitely want to have a more interactive tutorial, still need to think of how.
3. I had... not thought of that. Which is disappointing considering I've made projectile shooters with that feature before.
4. Hmmmmmmmmmm

Very cute and silly game. I don't fully get how the sheep bomb or how some of the attacks work, but I do love stacking them on my head. The flood attack does seem to affect interactions tho, couldn't pick up my sheep behind the steps.

I like how the upgrades you get depends on the boss you defeat, and sometimes are good upgrades, other times feels like a downgrade lol. The beginning wheel felt kind of redundant as could just respin it whenever (and rigged, gave me same boss 5x in a row lol). I also dashed outside of arena once, and then couldn't move as boss came and finished me off.

This is very well designed parry mechanic (and I'm a sucker for souls like with parrying). The parry timing felt pretty lenient but I think that is good here as it makes it easy to get very satisfying combat. Wish there were more bosses, the second boss got me hooked and then it just hit me with a 'to be continued'.

I love the artstyle and the tutorial interactions. Unfortunately the game is too hard for me. I was keeping on time by in the tutorial just fine but couldn't keep up with everything happening in a fight. Would be great if the timing was a bit more forgiving or if the music had a stronger matching beat to help indicate the timing without looking at it. This was a nice and unique take on the spin mechanic.