something that really stands out in the game is the art. whoever made it, have a great skill with it
and i liked the camera movements too.
*also, if you have some time, check out my game too. it would be very kind of you
Game's Take on the Theme
We made the game screen rotate while playing and the player's ability also allows it to spin
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
I love the art and it reminds me of some of the bosses in Megaman. Great game!
The first time I said "oh god" was when I saw the boss, and the second time I said "oh god-oh god" was when he started rotating the arena!)) This was a very enjoyable gameplay experience—it's quite restrained yet still engaging, especially the arena rotation moment!! I love how the player manages to figure out all their abilities on the fly, which feels really good. This is a great game—excellent work!!
Your game is just perfect. I was intimidate facing bosss !! The pixel art is very consistent as everything have the same pixel size, and the music just adding the depth this area need. You did an awesome job on this one. Love it !
Cool game! I like how simple and straightforward the controls are. Managed to beat the boss after a few tries :D. One thing I noticed is that when the room rotates, the player can go out of the camera view. Perhaps have the camera zoom out a little bit during the rotation? I enjoyed the run! Well done, and good luck!
I loved the design of your boss, it's very characteristic, it's a good idea to have the map rotate and you be able to change its gravity! Congratulations on your game, I had fun playing it!
Beautiful pixel art style and atmospheric to boot, I would've wanted chunkier sounds for the weapon and impact, but the gameplay was well defined, A lot of effort and love was put into it and I can see potential here. It would be cool to see this game being expanded into something bigger. Well done guys!
Awesome visuals! Nice use of the spin theme. It's unreal to stand vs the boss on a floor, much easier on the ceiling :)
It's really hard to evade from these fists. The difficulty makes you want to play more, but after 3rd attempt I gave up. Some important sfx are missing, it would be easier if a player could hear what's going on (some incoming boss attacks). Really loving the graphics and animation. The gravity mechanics and controls are good too :)
I love when people use really limited color pallets and are extremely efficient and creative with them, this games art did the most it can with just 2 colors and a few shades of the said colors, when the gravity shits, it feels unfair cause the hands hit me :/.
You can chesse abit by constantly changing gravity cause most attacks do not predict where you will be.
More indicators would be nice, especially for the hands.
Good job!
art is incredible and the spinning of the level with a gravity switching mechanic is very well done I did feel the bosses attacks a bit tricky and it didn't feel overly well telegraphed. there were definitely a few moments I said out loud "wait what hit me?" As I've said in almost all the posts so far this could entirely be a skill issue. overall an exceptional game and I hope you guys are proud of it!
The visuals are alright, I like the boss design (very detailed for a pixel art game) and soundtrack (very relaxing for menu music). The 8bit theme really reminds me of old NDS games. I do have some problems I wanted to address:
When you switch gravity there's no clear direction on where you're going or where you're landing. Additionally the floating hands are randomly moving thus means you get hit multiple times before you hit the ceiling or ground. Some deaths happen without your control basically.
Consider maybe disabling the collision of the hands when the player is airborne?
Apart from that I enjoyed it! I gave it a few tries and it's quite challenging to defeat the boss after it gets down to about half health. Great work people! 🥳
I love the color palate! All the visuals feel so neatly tied together!
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